Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Química
A A 
Environmental Engineering (2006)
Introductory activities Coneixements previs.
Lecture The most significant/general numerical methods will be reviewed at class, as long as they are not too complex to implement, i.e., anything we cannot put to practice will be discarded.
Problem solving, classroom exercises The professor will try to get a computer room where we can begin to program each numerical method immediately. However, bear in mind that the amount of ECTS credits implies that each student will need to finish the exercises at home, and 1 full day per week of work (including attendance to class) during the 10 weeks of the course should be foreseen.
Difficulties experienced by the students can be discussed at the beginning of the following class. After correction by the professor, common errors will also be discussed at class, not so common errors will be communicated to the student individually. In any case, the student is expected to correct any error and submit an improved version.