Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2006)
Introductory activities A presentation of the course and two introductory keynote sessions will be taught to describe the different types of intermolecular forces and other fundamental concepts for this topic.
Lecture Lecture sessions showing the contents of items that comprise the course. The lectures will be supported by audiovisual media. Presentations “power-point" with videos and animation. Students will have a pdf document of each class on a CD compilation of the course, include also the research papers for recommended reading.

Assignments In order to encourage learning, not just related to specific skills but also the general and transversal competences, the students should perform a group work. Each group must submit a report of the work and make an oral presentation of it. The theme of the work must be agreed with the lecturers of the subject.

Problem solving, classroom exercises Formulation, analysis, discussion and resolution of problems or exercises. The student should work on them beforehand and the discussion is in class.