Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Activitats Introductòries Familiarization with acoustics and acoustic analysis
Sessió Magistral Presentation of the main theoretical concepts and terminology in the phonetic analysis of speech, with particular emphasis on English
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària Students will prepare transcription and pronunciation exercises at home. These will be resolved in class
Pràctiques a través de TIC en aules informàtiques Students will practice phonetic transcription using electronic tools. Also, they will analyze sounds acoustically using digital signal processing tools
Presentacions / exposicions Students will make oral presentations in order to practica accuracy and fluency in pronunciation
Treballs Students will submit 3 assignments during the term where they are expected to analyze a variety of issues in the phonetics of English from an acoustic point of view
Atenció personalitzada