Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (2016) - Online
   Specific action plan / execution
Introductory activities Meet with the academic tutor to know which rearch groups and research topics can be found in the Department of Computer Science. Contact the selected research group in order to get more details and define a specific research project .
Selection/assignation of Bachelor's /Master's final project The student can choose any of the proposed master thesis available in the Moodle of the Master.
Mechanisms for coordinating and monitoring the Bachelor's /Master's final project The advisor of the student will guide him/her during the completion of the different stages of the master thesis.
Composition of the Bachelor's /Master's final project The student must work continuously in order to carry out the work assigned and supervised by his/her advisor.
Presentation and defence of the Bachelor's /Master's final project The student must deliver an oral presentation of the work done in front of an evaluation panel which will ask doubts and questions that the student must answer.