Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
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Study programmes

Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural and Food Engineering (2010)
Bachelor's Degree in Bioprocess and Food Engineering (2017)
Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering (2010)
Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering (2010)
Bachelor's Degree in Food Bioprocess Technology (2018)
Bachelor's Degree in Food Bioprocess Technology / Engineering (2018)

Master's degree
Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Energy (2016)
Chemical Engineering (2013)
Fluid Thermodynamics Engineering (2014)
Technology and Engineering Management (2017)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (2018)
Nanoscience, Materials and Processes: Chemical Technology at the Frontier
Occupational Risk Prevention(2009)


L’adreça de la web de l’ETSEQ és: http://www.etseq.urv.es

La del Departament d’Enginyeria Mecànica: http://www.etseq.urv.es/DEM/

I la del Departament d’Enginyeria Química: http://www.etseq.urv.es/DEQ/

Els telèfons:

Consergeria: 977 55 97 00

Unitat de suport a la gestió de l'ETSEQ, el DEM i el DEQ: 977 55 96 07