Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Arqueologia del Quaternari i Evolució Humana (Erasmus Mundus) (2012)
Tema Subtema
I. History of Quaternary climates and environments
- Evolution of the climatic conditions
- Environmental changes through the Quaternary

II. From neoecology to paleoecology - History of paleoecology - Basics on ecology
- Concepts for paleoenvironmental reconstruction
- Hutton’s principle of uniformitarianism
III. Reconstruction of Pleistocene environments and habitats. Part 1: Autecology. Part 2: Synecology - Reconstruction at different temporal and spatial scales: cenograms, histograms, ecomorphology, stable isotopes, tooth wear
- From assemblages to associations (food webs and carrying capacity)
- Interactions: predation, competition, niche separation
IV. Human responses to environmental change - Hypotheses of hominin evolutionary ecology
- Variability selection hypothesis
- Ecology of social transitions