Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in English Studies (2009)
   Sources of information

Most of the reading material will be be provided via Moodle. However, the students are expected to buy their own copies of the following books: (please note the recommended editions, underlined below. You are strongly advised to buy the specified edition)

set text: The Marriage Plot: Jeffrey Eugenides. Macmillan USA ( 2012) or eBook

set text: Middle England: Jonathan Coe (2019) or eBook

set text: England, England: Julian Barnes Vintage; 01 edition (2008). or eBook

Other books for consultation: 

Sholmith Rimmon-Kenan, Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics. New Accents, Roultedge (2nd edition, 2002) (some parts)

Mark Currie, About time. Narrative, Fiction and the Philosophy of Time. Edinburgh Univ Press, ed 2012

The following are good resources on the subject of narrative and narrative theory. They are available in the library for consultation:

Atkins, G., Walsh, C., Watkins, S. (eds) (1995) Studying Literature. A Practical Introduction, Hemel Hempsted: Harvester Wheatsheaf

Eagleton, T. Literary Theory. An Intrduction Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1996 82"19".09 Eag

Selden, Raman. Practising theory and reading literature : an introduction, New York [etc.]: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989.  N1-7-15

