Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering (2017)
Topic Sub-topic
1. Basics of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): data organization in classes. 1.1 Classes, objects, methods and instances. Constructors.
1.2 Class modifiers (public, private, static, ...).
1.3 Composition in classes. Enumerates.
1.4 Introduction to the basic data structures.
2. Object-Oriented Programming in detail: Inheritance and Polimorphism. 2.1 Inheritance: superclasses and subclasses. Protected.
2.2 Class hierarchy. The Object class.
2.3 Polimorphism.
2.4 Abstract classes and methods.
2.5 Final Classes and methods.
2.6 Interfaces.
3. Introduction to the design of applications using OOP. 3.1 Packages.
3.2 Exceptions.
3.3 Data flows: files.
3.4 Design of a graphical interface.
3.5 Introduction to UML.