Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bac. Degree in Techniques for Developing Web and Mobiles Applications(2018)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Extended-answer tests
Two tests related to the rest of the syllabus from the real and complex numbers (30%, 50%). 80%
Practical tests
A test regarding real and complex numbers. 20%
Other comments and second exam session

Evaluation process:

1 A test related to real and complex numbers: 20% of the weight of the final grade of the course.
2 Two tests related to the rest of the syllabus. The first test on the contents of limits and derivation, with a weight of 30% in the overall grade. The second test will be on the full syllabus of the course; will have a weight of 50%, and it will be necessary to obtain at least a 3 out of 10 in this second test to obtain an apt in the final grade of the course.

The evaluation in the second call will be done through a single global exam.

The tests will be done without any electronic means (calculators, computers, telephones, etc ..)

The tests are face-to-face. Due to the health emergency caused by the Covidien-19 there may be changes that will be reported in the Moodle space of each subject. In general, in case of need, the tests can be done in person via Moodle.