Educational guide 
Faculty of Legal Sciences
A A 
Double degree in Law and Labour Relations and Employment (2014)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
The legal-fiscal analysis reflected in the research work and the oral presentation of the same is valued. 30%
Practical tests
The correct resolution of the exercises and practical assumptions raised to the test is valued. 35%
Extended-answer tests
The theoretical part of the entire syllabus is valued. 35%
Other comments and second exam session

Criteria for continuous evaluation: In order to follow the continuous evaluation it is necessary that the student attends each and every one of the scheduled evaluation tests. Failure to attend a specific evaluation activity will mean that the student cannot be evaluated according to the continuous evaluation system and, consequently, he/she will have to attend the second exam in order to pass the whole course.

Evaluation in second call: Reserved for students who have not followed the continuous evaluation or have not passed the course with an average of at least 5 points. The exam will consist of a theoretical part, with a weight of 50% and a practical part that will represent the remaining 50%. The final grade will be the result of the weighted average of the two parts. In order to pass the subject it will be necessary to obtain a minimum average of 5 points. The student who has followed the continuous evaluation, but has not passed any of the evaluative activities, will have to examine only the part corresponding to the activity not passed. The final grade will be the result of adding the grade of the activities passed in the first call plus the grades obtained in the second call.

Other matters: During the realization of activities and evaluative tests in the classroom, students may not carry any type of communication device, transmission and storage of data that is not expressly authorized for the test. The demonstratively fraudulent performance of any evaluative activity both in material and virtual and electronic support will result in a failing grade for this evaluative activity.