Educational guide 
Faculty of Arts
A A 
Medical Anthropology and Global Health (2020)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1 Know and critically evaluate the sources and scientific literature on medical anthropology, the history of science, global health and fields related to health, illness and caring processes.
Have essential theoretical and methodological knowledge about medical anthropology, including ethical and gender aspects.
Will have an advanced knowledge of health information and documentation, epidemiology and demography that will enable them to work in the field of public health and epidemiology.
 A6 Understand and be able to design and implement different types of participatory action research in the various areas of global health, intercultural health, cultural competency and health promotion.
Be able to apply the protocols of standard participatory action research in the field of medical anthropology, including ethical issues.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT5 Raise their professional self-awareness.
Develop a professional attitude.
Analyse the professional environment of their speciality.
Design specific professional tracks.
 CT6 Students must be able to include gender perspective in their student activity.
Analyse the major environmental problems from the perspective of their field of expertise in their student and/or professional activity.
Be able to give arguments based on social values and make proposals for the improvement of the community.
Be personally and professionally committed to applying the ethical and deontological concepts of their field of expertise.
Type C Code Learning outcomes