Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Extended-answer tests
Over the course, a continuous evaluation will be carried out consisting of three exams formed by various problems that will cover the course curriculum.

1st. exam 25% (conics and quadrics)
2nd. exam 25% (affine transformations)
3rd. exam 50% (all of the above, plus surfaces)

If the professor deems it appropriate, he will propose one or two practices with an added value, of one point each, on the overall course grade.

Other comments and second exam session

In case of not approving the course with the continuous evaluation, the students will have a second call consisting of an exam, extended-answer tests, and 100% of the course grade will be evaluated.

In the exams, which will be face-to-face, of both calls: no electronic devices will be used.