Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Presentations / oral communications
Explanation and defense in the classroom of the work of the subject. 10%
Presentation, in paper or electronic format, of the work of the subject.
Multiple-choice objective tests
Proof of the theoretical contents of the subject, which includes questions with different answer alternatives and the student must choose one. 25%
Other comments and second exam session

You should be very punctual in reporting deadlines and delivery of the different tasks, since the process of elaboration of the work lasts throughout the four-month period, since that the delay in a phase of work causes may not be able to carry out the following. The delivery delays (maximum 24 hours) will be penalized in the note of that activity (-25%). The delivery beyond 24h. following the deadline date and time established in each case, implies the non-assessment of the task and the student shall be submitted by the second announcement.All evaluable activities need to be overcome with a minimum score of 5 on average 10 to be able to do average with the rest of the activities evaluable. The activities evaluable with a score below 5 should be recovered in the second call, in the format of each one of the activities for assessment (work or multiple-choice test).

Due to the health emergency, in case of confinement or restrictions on mobility, the assessment activities, including the examination, would be done online on the scheduled dates. In the case of the exam it could be replaced by some alternative activity. In the Moodle space of the subject you can consult the updated information.

The practical part of the course will be developed in the framework of the “Programa d'Aprenentatge-Servei de la URV “
(http://www.urv.cat/estudis/serveis_virtuals/AprenentatgeServeialaURV.html).At the start of the course will be confirmed the agents and territorial areas where will be apply the experience APS.

Note: On the advice of the Vice-rectorate for Teaching and EHEA, during the development of the tests will not be allowed to carry clock, telephone or any type of device for communication and data transmission. Non-compliance with these measures will entail the immediate withdrawal of the worksheet review and rating of 0 in the review.