Educational guide 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 

Study programmes

1st Cycle
Grau en Història
Grau en Història de l'Art

2nd Cycle
Antropologia Social i Cultural (2001)
Periodisme (2004)

1st & 2nd Cycle
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Filologia Catalana (2001)
Filologia Hispanica (2001)
Geografia (2001)
Historia (2001)
Història de l'Art (2001)
Publicitat i Relacions Publiques (2001)

Academic calendar for 2007-08



Orientation Programme for new first-year students 3rd, 4th and 5th September 2008

First Semester

Teaching Period: 8th September to 19th December 2008

Evaluation/First Exam Period (First Semester Subjects): 7-16th January 2009

Green Week (Exam Study Period): 19-23th January 2009

Second Exam Period (First Semester Subjects Retakes): 26-30th January 2009

Official holidays: 12th and 22th September 2008


Second Semester

Teaching Period: 2nd February 2008 to 22th May 2009

Evaluation/ First Exam Period (Second Semester Subjects): 25th May to 5th June 2009

Green Week (Exam Study Period): 8-12th June 2009

Second Exam Period (Second Semester Subjects Retakes): 15-19 th June 2009


Final Date for Exam Results:

First Semester: 6th February 2009

Second Semester: 26th June 2009