Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bach. Degree in Telecommunication Systems and Services Engineering (2016)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Laboratory practicals
Evaluation of memories of practices and works. 40
Experimental integrative project
Development a comprehensive project consisting of a PCB design and assembly and another works associated with the topics of the subject 20
Extended-answer tests
Tests on the course content 40
Other comments and second exam session

- In order to calculate the average final mark will need consideration, practices and problems, have a grade 4 or higher and the overall grade of the subject is equal to or greater than 5 .

- In the exams, it will not be bringing any electronic device, only a scientific calculator (not programmable).

2nd call:

In the second call should be recovered from separate examination (40%) and the project (20%), if they have a grade lower than 4 in the first round. If retrieving the project integrator, will finish it without the help of the teacher. If the practices is less than 4 on first call, second call these evaluated with an exam (40%).

- In the exams, it will not be bringing any electronic device, only a scientific calculator (not programmable).

${1}iThe exams will be held in person. In case of lockdown or mobility restrictions caused by the Covid-19 health emergency, the assessment activities, including exams, would be done online on the scheduled dates. Updated information can be found on Moodle (virtual teaching space).${1}i

${1}iAssessment activities must be planned in order to be carried out in a mixed or online mode in the event of lockdown. ${1}i