Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Computer Engineering: Computer Security and Intelligent Systems (2013)
   Specific action plan / execution
Introductory activities Talk with the academic tutor to know the research groups at DEIM and their interests. Contact with the chosen research group to know in more detail their work topics, and define a specific research work.
Selection/assignation of Bachelor's /Master's final project The student may freely choose any of the Master Thesis proposals made by the lecturers of DEIM, that are available in the Master's Moodle space.
Mechanisms for coordinating and monitoring the Bachelor's /Master's final project The Master Thesis director will make a personalised and continuous assessment of the work developed during all the semester, guiding the student in the different stages of the work.
Personal tuition The director must solve the doubts of the student with respect to the work to be developed, guiding him on the steps to follow to complete the work.
Composition of the Bachelor's /Master's final project The student has to work in a continuous way during one semester on the research tasks required to develop the assigned work, under the supervision of the director.
Previous studies The student has to develop a state of the art in the chosen topic before starting the research.
Presentation and defence of the Bachelor's /Master's final project The student must make an oral presentation of the developed work in front of the evaluating committee, answering the questions posed to him.