Study programmes
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (2009)
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (2016)
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (2009) (Campus Terres de l'Ebre)
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (Campus Terres de l'Ebre) (2016)
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (2009) (Campus Baix Penedès)
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (Campus Baix Penedès) (2016)
Master's degree
Investigation in Nursing Science (2012)
Investigation in Nursing Science (2012) - Online

Warning: As a consequence of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the URV
is obliged to adapt all 2nd-semester teaching and examinations for the academic year 2019-20 to the online format.
Therefore, teaching and assessment will be done via the URV's virtual campus (Moodle) whenever possible.
Information about all the changes in each subject can be found on Moodle.
Borsa de treballUn cop els estudiants assoleixin la titulació, tenen a
través de la informació arribada a la Facultat, moltes oportunitats de trobar llocs de
treball, que s’exposa a la nostra web.
Al llarg del curs s’ofereixen xerrades informatives
d’ofertes de treball d’institucions i d’empreses estrangeres i nacionals.