Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Extended-answer tests
During the course, continuous evaluation will be carried out consisting of three exams consisting of several problems that will include the course syllabus.

1st. Exam 25%
2nd. Exam 25%
3rd. Exam 50%

The bad personal attitude in class will count negatively. The demonstration in the class of mathematical knowledge will count in a positive way. Therefore, the total grade of the course can be modified based on the attitude and the demonstration in the classroom of good mathematical knowledge.

Other comments and second exam session

If they do not pass the subject with the continuous assessment, the students will have a second convocation consisting of a test, development test, and 100% of the course mark will be evaluated.

In the tests of both calls: no mobile phones or calculators will be used.