Asignatura (*) SEGURIDAD MULTIMEDIA Código 17685207
Ing. de la Seguridad Informática e Inteligencia Artificial (2016)
Descriptores Cr.totales Tipo Curso Periodo
3 Optativa 2Q
Impartición Modalidad por grupo de trabajo Idioma de impartición, horarios y fechas de examen
Departamento Ingeniería Informática y Matemáticas
Correo-e jordi.castella@urv.cat
Web http://moodle.urv.cat
Descripción general e información relevante

La información publicada en esta guía es la que corresponde a clases presenciales y puede servir de guía orientativa. Debido a la emergencia sanitaria provocada por la Covidien-19 pueden haber cambios en la docencia, evaluación y calendarios del curso. Estos cambios se informarán al espacio Moodle de cada asignatura.

DESCRIPCIÓN GENERAL DE LA ASIGNATURA: : In this subject, the theoretical classes will be mixed scheduled lectures; that is to say, some of the students will attend in person in the classroom and others will simultaneously follow the class by video conference. As far as practical classes are concerned, some of the laboratory sessions will be done online. Multimedia Security deals with the protection of copyright and other related rights in the digital era.

The course begins describing and characterizing multimedia contents, the related industry, and the associated threats, i.e. the problem of copyright protection in the Information Society. Then, we introduce the legal framework supporting Intellectual Property rights, Industrial Property rights, Copyright, and, as a related issue, Software Licenses. After the rights of the authors of multimedia content have been described, we will introduce Digital Rights Management tools, which are a collection of information security tools to manage the access rights to multimedia content. DRM tools can be categorized in two broad categories: copy protection tools and copy detection tools. - Copy protection tools include technologies that do not allow accessing to content or applications to unauthorized users. Authorized users are those who have purchased a legitimate copy of the product (or the access to the product). As a special case, we will explore protection tools specific to software and videogames. - Copy detection tools comprise the technologies that allow content distributors to identify illegally distributed content (multimedia fingerprinting) and to know who the legitimate owner of the content is (watermarking).
(*)La Guía docente es el documento donde se visualiza la propuesta académica de la URV. Este documento es público y no es modificable, excepto en casos excepcionales revisados por el órgano competente o debidamente revisado de acuerdo la normativa vigente.