Bàsica A.D. WEBB, Chemistry of Winemaking, (editor Advances in Chemistry Series nº 137). American Chemical Society, Washington 1974
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R. S JACKSON, Wine Science, principles and applications (cap 6 i 8), Academic Press, San Diego 1994

Complementària , Direccions d’internet i articles científics originals proporcionats en classe al llarg de l’assignatura, ,
E. PEYNAUD, Enologia práctica, Ed. Mundi- Prensa, 1989
J. CARLES., La química del vino, Ed. Oikos-tan, 1972
C. FLANZY, OEnologie, fondements scientifiques et technologiques, Technique & Documentation, Paris, 1998
R.B.BOULTON, V.L.SINGLETON, L.F.BISSON, R.E.KUNKEE, Principles and Practices of Winemaking, The Chapman & Hall Enology Library, New York, 1995
E. PRIMO YÚFERA, Química Agríclola III. Alimentos, Cap.5, Ed. Alhambra, 1987
C.S. OUGH DSc, MS, Winemaking Basics, Food Products Press, New York, 1992