Assignatura TRADUCCIÓ ANGLESA I Codi 12141117
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Cicle 1er
Descriptors Crèd. Crèd. teoria Crèd. pràctics Tipus Curs Període
6 4.5 1.5 Obligatòria Tercer Segon
Modalitat i llengua d'impartició
Departament Filologia Anglogermanica
Adreça electrònica cristobalesteban.scotttennent@ur
Descripció general i informació rellevant Introduction to the theory and practice of translation. Course Aims: To acquire an up-to-date, informed view of the linguistic and non-linguistic aspects involved in the activity of translating, with special attention to the written mode. To complement this view with the observation and analysis of specific micro-strategies and procedures. To undertake a brief initiation in the practice of translating from English into Catalan or Spanish.

Introduction to the theory and practice of translation. Course Aims: To acquire an up-to-date, informed view of the linguistic and non-linguistic aspects involved in the activity of translating, with special attention to the written mode. To complement this view with the observation and analysis of specific micro-strategies and procedures. To undertake a brief initiation in the practice of translating from English into Catalan or Spanish.


Metodologia docent
The linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of translation will be presented through lectures and seminars Problem-solving procedures: introduction followed by class group observation and analysis of translation samples Following brief initial guidance and recommendations, students will be required to submit translations of two short texts (journalistic and specialised) in order to comment on the resulting versions in class.

Metodologia avaluació
Final exam, very closely based on course content and practice. A past exam will shown and commented previously. To work out a final course grade, a maximum of 1.5 points will be added on to the mark obtained in the exam, according to attendance and participation, particularly taking into account students' attitude towards the course translations.

Tema Subtema
Linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of translation 1. Introduction: translation as a human activity, main modes of this activity.
2. The translation process: factors, participants and tools.
3. Text type as a factor: functional categories.
4. Dictionaries and their limitations.
5. The cultural factor: problems, parameters and solutions.
6. Lexical problems: synonymy, metaphors and frequency of use.
Analysis of specific translation procedures at the micro-level (in text segments) in samples of translation
Translation practice from English into Catalan or Spanish

Perfil de competències

Fonts d'informació
Bàsica Newmark, P, A Textbook of Translation, Phoenix, 1988
Course Instructor, Course Material Package, 2006,
Hatim, B. & C. Mason, Discourse and the Translator, Longman, 1990
Baker, M, In Other Words, Routledge, 1992
Duff, A, Translation, OUP, 1989

Recommended (preparatory) pre-reading:

Moya, V: Manual de Traducción de Peter Newmark

(available in Arts Faculty library)
