Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Cicle 1er
Descriptors Crèd. Crèd. teoria Crèd. pràctics Tipus Curs Període
12 9 3 Obligatòria Tercer Anual
Modalitat i llengua d'impartició
Departament Filologia Anglogermanica
Adreça electrònica
Descripció general i informació rellevant To offer a general view of the different movements that have shaped English literature from its beginnings to the nineteenth century, focussing on the characteristics, as well as on the main historical, social, cultural and artistic dimensions of each period.

To offer a general view of the different movements that have shaped English literature from its beginnings to the nineteenth century, focussing on the characteristics, as well as on the main historical, social, cultural and artistic dimensions of each period.


Assignatures que es recomana haver cursat prèviament

Metodologia docent
Classroom sessions will be both theoretical and practical. - The theoretical sessions in lecture format will consider a variety of literary movements, authors and works. These considerations will be preceded by an introduction to the most relevant historical and cultural aspects of the period. - The practical sessions will require you to analyse excerpts from literary works representative of the movements and writers studied during the theoretical part. You will expected to participate actively in the discussions and activities proposed by the teacher. Initially, the practical hour of class will be used by students to study and read on their own. However, as the course progresses, you will be required to attend small group discussion classes/tutorials on Wednesdays. You will be told by the teacher of the programming of these classes near the start of the course. - You will be required to do some reading before each session. - A series of reading packs will be made available to you (through the U.R.V. Photocopy Service) in instalments as the course progresses. - You are recommended to buy The Short Oxford History of English Literature by Andrew Sanders (latest edition). It can be ordered from Tarragona bookshops or and currently costs about 20 euros. It would be a good reference book for this course and for all other literature courses later in your URV career.

Metodologia avaluació
COURSE ASSESSMENT: Course assessment will be based on - Continuous assessment, in the form of 12 evaluations: six 'assignments' or pieces of written work, to be handed in on or before a specific date, and six tests on specific parts of the course (3 + 3 in each half of the course) given on specific days. Except under special circumstances which can be supported, if required by the teacher, with appropriate certificates, the student must participate in all the evaluations, and pass (ie. get a "5" out of 10 or more) in at least 10 of the 12 evaluations. The course mark will be calculated as the average of the best 10 pieces of work. Dates for assignments and tests will be found in the Course Timetable, distributed on the first day of each semester in class, and available from the teacher by email. NB. The quality of your written and spoken will be a factor in the marking of all tests and assignments, and examinations. - For those who cannot, or choose not to, follow the Continuous Assessment method, a final examination will be held in June, which will test the different subject-matters covered during the entire course and which will include both a theoretical part and a practical part. For those passing the Continuous Assessment of only one of the two semesters, a final exam will be available on the subject-matter of the semester they have not passed. This partial exam will be combined with the CA mark to produce a final result. - Class attendance and participation, which will be essential parts of the course and will be reflected in the final grade. - Instances of plagiarism will result in course failure, after one written warning.

Tema Subtema
Anglo-Saxon period - Historical background
- Old English poetry: the Elegies, Beowulf, etc
- Old English prose: The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Bede's History.
Medieval period - Historical background
- Medieval Lyrics and Themes
- Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, especially, The General Prologue, The Miller's Tale and The Reeve's Tale.
- Medieval Drama: Mystery plays and Morality plays.
Elizabethan period - Historical Background
- Shakespeare's sonnets and drama.
- 'Othello'
17th Century - Historical background
- Metaphysical poetry
- Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
- Restoration Drama
The Enlightenment period - Enlightenment poetry and satire: Pope's 'Rape of the Lock' and 'Essay on Man', Swift's 'A Modest Proposal'.
- The Birth of the Novel: social and aesthetic developments giving rise to this new genre, exemplified by Defoe, Richardson, Fiedling and Sterne.
The Romantic period - Historical background to English Romanticism.
- Romantic poetry: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, Byron.
- Romantic prose: Mary Shelley and Jane Austen.
- 'Pride and Prejudice'.

Perfil de competències
During this course, you will - learn about key authors and works in the English literary tradition, in a range of genres. - develop your ability to understand a literary text, and to form and express a critical judgement about it. - develop your reading, listening and writing skills in English - learn how to cite other sources in your work accurately

Fonts d'informació
Bàsica Wm Shakespeare, Othello, New Cambridge Shakespeare, 2003, Cambridge Uni Press
Austen, Jane, Pride and Prejudice, World's Classics, 2004, Oxford
Sanders, Andrew, The Short Oxford history of English literature, , 2004, Oxford, Clarendon

Complementària Rogers, Pat, (ed.), An Outline of English Literature, , Oxford, Oxford UP, 1992
Barnard, Robert, A Short History of English Literature, 2nd, Oxford, Blackwell, 1994
Ford, Boris, et al.,, The New Pelican Guide to English, , London, Penguin, 1984
Various, The Routledge History of Literature in English: Britain and Ireland, , London, Routledge, 1997