Assignatura TRADUCCIÓ ANGLESA II Codi 12142210
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Cicle 2on
Descriptors Crèd. Crèd. teoria Crèd. pràctics Tipus Curs Període
6 4.5 1.5 Optativa Primer
Modalitat i llengua d'impartició
Departament Filologia Anglogermanica
Adreça electrònica cristobalesteban.scotttennent@ur
Descripció general i informació rellevant Translation, usually from (rather than into) English, of specialized texts (academic, scientific, technical, or possibly literary), with a real communicative function, preferably in order to publish them subsequently, and also preferably in prestigious media.

Translation, usually from (rather than into) English, of specialized texts (academic, scientific, technical, or possibly literary), with a real communicative function, preferably in order to publish them subsequently, and also preferably in prestigious media.


Altres comentaris
The responsibility of subsequently publishing final versions in prestigious media requires a certain minimal initial translational competence for students to be able to derive reasonable benefit and enjoyment from this course. Potential course participants should seek guidance from the course instructor on this aspect PRIOR TO ENROLMENT.

Metodologia docent
Class sessions will be in the form of private tutorials, in order to provide students with guidance and support for their translation assignments. The course instructor will recommend appropriate tools and resources as required throughout the semester. Translators will be able to consult subject-matter specialists if the need arises. It will be indispensable to meet deadlines as stipulated in the initial course presentation, particularly when submitting final drafts (in order to leave sufficient time for their revision, which will be interactive). Final drafts which are not submitted within the stipulated deadline and with an acceptable quality will consequently have to be re-submitted for the following official Retake. Translators will take note of any specific difficulties they encounter during the process and of how they deal with them, in order to submit a compulsory brief report on this at the end of the course.

Metodologia avaluació
Assessment will be based on the quality of the translations produced, mainly taking into account the quality of final drafts when submitted for their revision, providing these are of a minimally acceptable quality, submitted within the stipulated deadline, and in an appropriate format (see "Teaching methodology" above). The quality of Final Reports will also be taken into account.

Tema Subtema
For the academic year 2006-2007, the translation project will be EITHER from English into Spanish, within the field of Maritime Medicine, OR from English into Catalan, within the field of Anthropology (according to each student’s preference).

Perfil de competències

Fonts d'informació

The course instructor will recommend appropriate tools and resources as required throughout the semester. Translators will be able to consult subject-matter specialists if the need arises.
