Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Cicle 1er
Descriptors Crèd. Crèd. teoria Crèd. pràctics Tipus Curs Període
6 1.5 4.5 Obligatòria Segon Segon
Llengua d'impartició
Departament Filologia Anglogermànica
Adreça electrònica
Descripció general i informació rellevant Introduction to the study of the sound system of the English language: consonants and prosody

A4 Conèixer l'estructura de la llengua anglesa
A14 Saber analitzar textos orals i escrits des del punt de vista lingüístic, sociològic i literari
B1 Aprendre a aprendre
B4 Treballar de forma autònoma amb iniciativa
B5 Treballar de forma col·laborativa
B9 Planificació i organització
B11 Motivació per la qualitat
B12 Presa de desicions
B13 Capacitat innovadora, emprenedora i d'adaptació a les noves situacions
C1 Dominar l’expressió i la comprensió d'un idioma estranger
C2 Utilitzar com a usuari les eines bàsiques en TIC

Objectius d'aprenentatge
Objectius Competències
To continue the study of the sound system of the English language A4
To identify the sound units (phonemic and allophonic) of the English language A4
To distinguish, from the point of view of production and perception, the consonants of General American English A4
To become familiar with the rhythm of English A4
To become familiar with the intonation of English A4
To compare the difference between the allophonic variations of consonants in English and in Catalan/Spanish A14
To apply the theoretical knowledge to improve pronunciation C1
To identify and correct bad pronunciation habits B1
To use electronic tools to access pronunciation models B1
To imitate sounds B1
To evaluate own pronunciation B4
To use pronunciation dictionaries C2
To organize time and content according to strict schedule B9
To take responsibility for refularly assigned exercises B12
To attend classes regularly B11
To participate actively in classes B5
To value self-discipline and importance of consistency in own work B13

Tema Subtema
UNIT 1. General description of consonants 1.1 General Issues
1.2 Limitations of broad transcription
–comparison between English and Spanish/Catalan stops
–inadequacy of broad transcription: it misses important aspects
–need for more phonetic detail (narrow transcription)
1.3 Parameters for consonants (reminder)
–manner of articulation
–place of articulation
UNIT 2. American English stop consonants 2.1 Introduction
–VOT: coordination of laryngeal and supralaryngeal articulation
2.2 General allophonic variation for English stops
– interaction between VOT, syllable position and stress
– special status of alveolar stops
– flapping, glottalization and deletion
2.3 American English stops
–phonetic/phonological description
–allophonic variations
–dialectal variations
UNIT 3. American English fricative and affricate consonants 3.1 Fricatives
3.1.1 noise generation
–one source for voiceless fricatives
–open glottis and supralaryngeal narrow constriction
–two sources for voiced fricatives
–vibration at the larynx and supralaryngeal narrow constriction
3.1.2 sibilants
grooved tongue and turbulence caused by the teeth
3.1.3 /h/ a special case
no actual friction necessary: can be seen as voiceless vowel
3.2 Affricates
3.3 American English fricatives and affricates
–phonetic/phonological description
–allophonic variations
–dialectal variations
UNIT 4. American English approximant and nasal consonants 4.1 Approximants
4.1.1 production
–wide opening at supralaryngeal constriction
–relationship between approximants and vowels
–classification of approximant
–central vs. lateral
–gliding vs. sustained
–only consonants that can appear between consonant
4.2 Nasals
4.2.1 production
–stop consonants with open velopharyngeal port
4.3 American English approximants and nasals
–phonetic/phonological description
–allophonic variations
–dialectal variations
UNIT 5. Rhythm and timing 5.1 Stress and rhythm
–the role of stress in longer utterances: phrases and sentences
5.1 Timing in languages
–syllable-timed languages
–stress-timed languages
5.2 Principles of English rhythm
–alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables
–stressed syllables are louder, longer, with clearer vowels
–unstressed syllables are most often reduced
5.3 Content vs. function words
–content words are usually stressed
–function words are usually unstressed
5.4 weak and strong forms
UNIT 6. Pausing and linking 6.1 Phrasal and sentential rhythm
6.2 Pausing
–necessary to maintain rhythm in longer stretches of spoken language
–knowledge of grammatical units essential
–where to pause
–intervals in pausing will vary depending on speed
6.3 Linking
–necessary to produce fluent speech across word boundaries
–what to link
–final consonants plus initial vowels
–voicing assimilation
–final vowels plus initial vowels: glides
–final consonants plus initial consonants
–unreleasing and glottalization
–palatalization and affrication with /j/
–final vowels plus initial consonants
–aspiration and devoicing of consonants
UNIT 7. Movable stress. Stressing and destressing 7.1 Moveable stress
–stress clash
7.2 Stressing and destressing
–Breaking the rules
–stressing function words
–unstressing content words
–numerals and acronyms
UNIT 8. Introduction to intonation. Notation 8.1 Main issues in intonation
–separation between form and function in intonation
–what is intonation?
-fundamental frequency and pitch
8.2 Tonal and intonational languages
–tonal languages: pitch differences are phonological, Chinese
–intonational languages: pitch differences are not phonological independently of the segmental material, English
8.3 Notation
–usually indicated within a range
–range is represented as in a musical staff
–within the staff lines represent stressed syllables and dots unstressed syllables
8.4 The intonation group (tone unit)
–relationship between intonation group and grammatical structures
–sentence stress (tonic syllable)
–sentence stress and word order
UNIT 9. Intonation. Form 9.1 Form in English intonation. Basic patterns
9.1.1 fall (high to low)
–jump on sentence stress then fall down to low on following unstressed syllables.
–if only one syllable, then glide instead of jump down
9.1.2 rise (low to high)
–low or mid on sentence stress; then rise gradually to high and keep rising on following unstressed syllables
–if only one syllable, then glide on same syllable
9.1.3 low-Rise (low to mid)
–begin low and rise slightly to about mid at the end of the intonation group
–similar to the rise, but shouldn't end as high
9.1.4 fall-Rise (High to low to mid)
–combination of fall and low rise
UNIT 10. Intonation. Function 10.1 Function in English intonation: what each of the main patterns is used for
10.1. fall (high to low): indicates finality, completion, certainty, confidence & politeness
–main uses:
–factual statements
–when reading aloud before period, colon or semi-colon
–common mistakes
10.1.2 rise (low to high): indicates expectation for a response, doubt, interest
–main uses:
–yes/no questions
–common mistakes
10.1.3 Low-Rise (low to mid): indicates unfinished utterance, more coming
main uses:
–list elements except for last
–mid sentence pause
–dependent clause
–long subject
–before commas and 'and', 'or'
–direct address, polite
10.1.4 Fall-Rise (High to low to mid): similar in meaning to low rise
–main uses:
–after introductory adverbs / adverbial expressions
–as a touch of politeness in direct address or wh questions over the phone
–common mistakes
UNIT 11. Intonation. Special Patterns: contrast and emphasis 11.1 Breaking the rules in intonation
11.2 Contrastive stress
–moving sentence stress to a syllable other than last content word
–can fall on any word in a sentence for emphasis
–can be even moved to words that are normally unstressed
–follow same pitch contour pattern after new sentence stress
–make up for lack of word order flexibility
–used to establish contrast with previous utterance or with context
11.2 Emphatic stress
–shift the focus of the sentence
–move sentence stress to an unexpected position
–used when
–for effect
11.4 Mismatch form/function
–changing the pitch pattern
–rise on statements
–rise on wh-questions.
–low fall
–rise fall
UNIT 12. Intonation. Special Patterns: echo and tag questions 12.1 Echo questions
–sentence stress moves to the wh-word
–steady rise from wh-word until end of intonation unit
–adds the meaning: 'please repeat what you just said'
12.2 Choice questions
-questions that ask about an option using the conjunction 'or'
12.2.1 type I
–you're expected to choose only one item
–rising intonation on the first item and falling on the second
–expected answer is one or the other
12.2.2. type II
–general meaning
–same intonation pattern as a yes/no question: expected answer is yes or no
12.3 Tag questions
12.3.1 type I
–falling intonation
–not a real question; expected agreement
12.3.2 type II
–rising intonation
–unsure about the answer
12.3.3 tags without reversed polarity
–falling intonation
–used in sarcastic or ironic situations
–not a real question, thus, no real answer expected

Metodologies  ::  Proves
  Competències (*) Hores a classe Hores fora de classe (**) Hores totals
Activitats Introductòries
1 0 1
Sessió Magistral
20 30 50
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària
30 30 60
10 15 25
Pràctiques a través de TIC
4.5 4.5 9
Atenció personalitzada
0.5 0 0.5
Proves objectives de preguntes curtes
0.5 0.5 1
Proves pràctiques
2 2 4
Proves orals
0.5 0.5 1
(*) En el cas de docència no presencial, són les hores de treball amb suport vitual del professor.
(**) Les dades que apareixen a la taula de planificació són de caràcter orientatiu, considerant l’heterogeneïtat de l’alumnat

Activitats Introductòries Explanation about the structure of the course
Explanation of course syllabus
Presentation of course schedule
Description of the type of class: theory and practice
List and explanation of couse objectives
Explanation of couse assessment
List of teaching materials: workbook and recorded exercises
Presentation of the virtual environment for pronunciation practice
Sessió Magistral Power-point supported sessions
Brief summary of session
Main objectives of session
Links to previous units
Explanation of main concepts
Audio and video illustrations
Question and answer session
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària Pronunciation exercises: group and individual
Transcription exercises
Perception and discrimiination exercises
Treballs Pronunciation exercises recorded on magnetic or digital media
Pràctiques a través de TIC Listening exercises
Pronunciation exercises

Atenció personalitzada
Sessió Magistral
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària
Pràctiques a través de TIC
Atenció personalitzada
Proves objectives de preguntes curtes
Proves pràctiques
Proves orals
Solve doubts concerning course contents, mechanics or evaluation Provide additional support with pronunciation issues Make suggestions for improvement concerning pronunciation Check on student progress

  Descripció Pes
Sessió Magistral Class attendance and participation 10%
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària Class attendance and participation 10%
Treballs Recorded pronunciation exercises 20%
Proves objectives de preguntes curtes Short questions aimed at checking knowledge of theoretical contents 20%
Proves pràctiques Transcription exercises
Distributional and combinatorial exercises
Proves orals Pronunciation 15%
Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Fonts d'informació

Bàsica John S. KENYON & Thomas A. KNOTT., A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English., , 1953
DAUER, R.M, Accurate English. A Complete Course in Pronunciation, , 1993
VAN RIPER, Charles G. & SMITH, Dorothy E., An Introduction to General American Phonetics, , 1992
, Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, ,
Joaquín Romero, Pronunciation Exercises, ,



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