Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Cicle 2on
Descriptors Crèd. Crèd. teoria Crèd. pràctics Tipus Curs Període
6 4.5 1.5 Optativa Segon
Modalitat i llengua d'impartició
Departament Filologia Anglogermànica
Adreça electrònica
Descripció general i informació rellevant This course will be based on a study of post-structuralist identity theories of the self and the city. Both are involved in a dialectical relationship, where identities are constructed not only psychically, socially but also sexually. Both have stories to tell, both embody space, colonise it, and are colonised by it. The self and the city engage in a process of constructing and deconstructing each other. This course looks at theories which discuss this process.

A2 Conèixer la història de la llengua anglesa i la seves cultures
A3 Conèixer la tradició de la crítica literària i l'estat actual
A5 Conèixer la realitat lingüística i literària anglofona
A6 Conèixer els temes de debat filològic, d'interès històric i contemporani
A10 Conèixer les bases de la teoria de la literatura
A13 Conèixer la realitat lingüística i cultural de l'entorn europeu
A14 Saber analitzar textos orals i escrits des del punt de vista lingüístic, sociològic i literari
A16 Saber expressar una opinió amb claredat i concisió sobre un text oral o escrit
B1 Aprendre a aprendre
B3 Aplicar pensament crític, lògic i creatiu
B4 Treballar de forma autònoma amb iniciativa
B5 Treballar de forma col·laborativa
B6 Comprometre-se amb l’ètica i la responsabilitat social com a ciutadà i com a professional
C1 Dominar l’expressió i la comprensió d'un idioma estranger
C3 Desenvolupar la vida personal i professional tenint una perspectiva àmplia i global del món
C4 Moure’s amb facilitat per l’espai europeu i per la resta del món

Objectius d'aprenentatge
Objectius Competències
During the course, we shall: * learn how to apply post-structuralist theories to written texts and films. * become aware of the processes involved in the construction of bodies and cities from the perspective of outside/inside. * be introduced to the politics of the desiring body / the desired body * discuss theories of transgression. A2

Tema Subtema
The Post-Cartesian subject Language, identity, psychoanalysis.
Julia Kristeva and Jacques Lacan. Kristeva: Processes of Subjectivity. The Abject. Strangers and Outsiders.
Barbara Creed: The Monstrous and the Uncanny.
Real and unreal cities The city as a psychogeographical space. The city as a utopian/dystopian space. The city imaginary. Cities and Bodies. The city as a self-contained site and as one in process of being.
Human and non-human bodies; body modification. Michel Foucault, Donna Haraway, Barbara Creed et al.
Seduction and Desire. Jean Baudrillard and Catherine Belsey.

Metodologies  ::  Proves
  Competències (*) Hores a classe Hores fora de classe (**) Hores totals
Activitats Introductòries
2 4 6
Sessió Magistral
15 30 45
15 30 45
Presentacions / exposicions
3 36 39
1 12 13
Atenció personalitzada
1 1 2
(*) En el cas de docència no presencial, són les hores de treball amb suport vitual del professor.
(**) Les dades que apareixen a la taula de planificació són de caràcter orientatiu, considerant l’heterogeneïtat de l’alumnat

Activitats Introductòries The introductory sessions will focus on a brief history of identity theories from the period of the Enlightenment to Freud. This will be followed by discussions on the ways in which texts could be read up to Freud. Most of the content of these introductory sessions is revision work of the second year subject on Literary Theory taught by the Department of Catalan.
Sessió Magistral Many of the lecture-based classes will be a summary/description/commentary of diverse critical theories.
Seminaris The seminar-based sessions are perhaps the most important part of this course. We shall read/discuss/compare the critical theories by studying a selection of texts. It is absolutely essential that you come to class regularly and that you participate actively in the discussions. The texts we shall be studying are rather dense and difficult to understand. The more doubts you raise and the more actively you engage in discussions, the more we shall all learn. You will be given the reading texts well in advance of the class.
Presentacions / exposicions Each student will be asked to give a class presentation. You will work in groups of three. Group members will choose a subject (for example, "chaotic cities") and after previous consultation with me, you will present your subject in class. You might discuss a scene from a film or do a critical analysis of a painting or written text. This is the moment in which you put into practice what you have learned both inside and outside the classroom. You are encouraged to come to my office and consult with me via e-mail or telephone to discuss your presentation.
Treballs There will be a final written assignment at the end of the course. Again, this will be on a subject of your choice but you should specifically focus on using the theoretical approaches discussed during the course. You are also encouraged to use other theoretical texts in addition to the ones studies during the semester. The more independent work you do for this assignment, the better. Please do not plagiarise. Any plagiarising will render the assignment invalid.

Atenció personalitzada
Atenció personalitzada
Presentacions / exposicions
Students are encouraged to contact me regularly via e-mail and office hours for person-to-person tutorials. Don't leave this till the week before the end of the course! For the group presentations and for the final written assignment, you must come and see me for consultation before you begin your work. I shall advise you on how to structure your essay and help you with bibliography.

  Descripció Pes
Activitats Introductòries After the first few classes of the course you will be asked to do a short feedback test. 10
Sessió Magistral The lectures will introduce you to new theories. It is essential that you attend classes on a regular basis. There will be a feedback test based on the lectures. The date of the test will be decided upon in class. 10
Seminaris The seminars will be the most important "learning" part of the course. A selection of texts will be analysed and discussed. The seminar should be a space of debating, raising questions, challenging ideas, comparing and applying theories.
During the course you will be asked for written feedback which will be evaluated.
Presentacions / exposicions Each group will present their research work before their classmates. The subject they choose must be relevant to the course content. The following points will be evaluated: the ability to present ideas clearly and in an interesting manner, the theoretical and scholarly content of their work and the coherence of each member's presentation. 30
Treballs Towards the end of the course, when you have acquired the skills of theoretical analysis, you will be have the opportunity to put your knowledge into practice! When you decide on a subject you should consult with me and I shall try and help you structure your written assignment. Special attention will be given to form and academic content. 40

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Fonts d'informació

Bàsica Madan Sarup, Post-Structuralism & Post-Modernism, ,
, Voice of the Shuttle, ,
,, ,
,, ,
,, ,

There will be a dossier of photocopied texts available in the photocopying room at the beginning of the semester. The dossier will contain some poetry, theoretical texts and bibliography. In addition, I shall be sending you relevant articles and websites by e-mail and showing you illustrations and paintings on power-point. It is essential that you give me your e-mail address at the beginning of the course, and notify me if there is any change of address. The Library stocks a wide variety of books on critical theory. Many of the books are available in the sections on Feminism, Anthropology, Politics and English.



Assignatures que es recomana cursar simultàniament

Assignatures que es recomana haver cursat prèviament
Altres comentaris
You should not find it difficult to follow this course if you have already done an introductory course on literary theory. We shall mainly be looking at post-structuralist theories and applying them to texts and films. Hopefully you will find this course will help you to be critically conscious and aware.