Assignatura (*) CULTURALS ICONS OF THE 20TH CENTURY Codi 12605102
Estudis Culturals en Llengua Anglesa, Textos i Contextos (2009)
Cicle 2on
Descriptors Crèd. Tipus Curs Període Horaris i dates d'examen
3 Obligatòria Primer Únic anual
Modalitat i llengua d'impartició
Departament Filologia Anglogermànica
Adreça electrònica
Descripció general i informació rellevant Human beings can acquire the status of cultural icons through their famous or infamous actions, achievements, roles, beliefs or convictions. A cultural icon may be either an object or person with distinctive characteristics that represent a specific culture. This module will study iconic personalities, objects or movements of the 20th century in the English-speaking world that have had an impact on the social, political, or environmental views of their countries or on a global scale.

Tipus A Codi Competències Específiques
  AR3 Articular un discurs acadèmic coherent basat en l’anàlisi científic de les dades obtingudes
  AR4 Analitzar diverses manifestacions artístiques dels països de parla anglesa diferenciant entre els conceptes d’anàlisi i opinió
  AR5 Conèixer en profunditat els principals corrents teòrics que integren els Estudis Culturals i que han tingut influència sobre la producció cultural dels països de parla anglesa
  AR8 Aplicar diferents models teòrics a l’anàlisi textual i contextual
Tipus B Codi Competències Transversals
  BR3 Aplicar pensament crític, lògic i creatiu, a la vanguàrdia del camp d’estudi
  BR4 Treballar de forma autònoma amb responsabilitat i iniciativa
Tipus C Codi Competències Nuclears

Objectius d'aprenentatge
Objectius Competències

Tema Subtema
What is a 'cultural icon'? Cultural icons and 'iconography.
What is popular culture? Definitions and debates.
The map of cultural iconography: geographical, social, historical identifications.l
The role played by the media in the construction of cultural icons.
Politica and historical icons. Political, historical leaders and the iconography of ideologies.
Gender iconography. Paradigms of femininity and masculinity in cultural icons.
Subjective, social and cultural implications in the construction of gender models.
Gender politics and 'cultural icons'.
Gendered roles: 'Barbie culture'.
Visual arts and iconography. The visual arts and iconography:
cinema, television, painting, cartoons.
Andy Warhol; Pop art; Mickey Mouse.
Music, musicians Madonna, David Bowie, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, U2, Michael Jackson, Bob Dylan, Tina Turner, Elton John.
The iconography of sports idols. Individual and collective icons.
Celebrities, players and sports.
The iconography of sports fans.

Metodologies  ::  Proves
  Competències (*) Hores a classe Hores fora de classe (**) Hores totals
Activitats Introductòries
5 10 15
Sessió Magistral
5 10 15
5 10 15
Presentacions / exposicions
5 10 15
Atenció personalitzada
2 4 6
Proves objectives de tipus test
3 6 9
(*) En el cas de docència no presencial, són les hores de treball amb suport vitual del professor.
(**) Les dades que apareixen a la taula de planificació són de caràcter orientatiu, considerant l’heterogeneïtat de l’alumnat

Activitats Introductòries Introduction to course syllabus, methodology and assessment. Discussion on the term 'icon' and what a 'cultural icon' is.
Presentation of course syllabus, methodology and assessment.
Sessió Magistral Each of the topics in the course syllabus will be introduced in lecture form. These will be followed up by discussion in the seminars.
Seminaris Seminar sessions will be based on discussion of the main topics of the course. Students will be encouraged to actively participate in debate having read the material contained in their course anthology.
Presentacions / exposicions Each student will present their individual research work on a topic chosen under the teacher's supervision. Presentations will be followed up by feedback and discussion in which the whole group will be encouraged to take part.

Atenció personalitzada
Presentacions / exposicions
Each student will have to undertake individual research on an original topic and present the result of her/his work in class. Students will be asked to attend a minimum of two tutorials with the teacher, one prior to choosing their topic. The aim of the tutorial is to solve any problems related to your individual research. The teacher will make sure that all students become engaged in class debate. Students presenting difficulties in following debates will be given personalized guidence in tutorial form.

  Descripció Pes
Presentacions / exposicions Eacxh student will be asked to undertake individual research under tutorial guidance.
Each students will choose to research and study one example of 'cultural icon'.
Students will present their researched icon in class in the forma of a seminar session. Students will be encouraged to provide critical feedback and to engage in discussion at each presentation.
Proves objectives de tipus test There will be three short tests during the course. These will be based on specific topics discussed in class. 30%

Seminar sessions and discussion.

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Guidelines will be given for your written work and presentations. It is essential that you do not plagiarise someone else's work, whether it is from the internet or the library. If you do, you will be asked to repeat the assignment or take a final exam at the end of the course. The final exam will be based on the complete course material.

Attendance and participation in class is essential and will be evaluated accordingly.

Fonts d'informació

Bàsica John Storey, Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, ,
Judy Giles & Tim Middleton, Studying Culture. A Practical Introduction, 1999, Blackwell Publishers

Complementària Dominic strinati, An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture, 1995, Routledge
A. edgar & P. Sedgwick (eds.), Key Concepts in Cultural Theory, 1999, Routledge
Mary F. Rogers, Barbie Culture, 1999, Sage Publications


Altres comentaris
Attendance and participation in class is essential and will be evaluated accordingly.
(*)La Guia docent és el document on es visualitza la proposta acadèmica de la URV. Aquest document és públic i no es pot modificar, llevat de casos excepcionals revisats per l'òrgan competent/ o degudament revisats d'acord amb la normativa vigent