Subject (*) LITERATURA ANGLESA DEL S. XX Code 12142021
Study programme
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Cycle 2n
Descriptors Credits Theory credits Practical credits Type Year Period Exam timetables and dates
6 4.5 1.5 Troncal Cinquè Segon
Modality and teaching language
Department Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
General description and relevant information The course is designed to give a general outline of some of the main authors, currents and movements in Literature written in English in the British Isles during the twentieth century. Given the time restrictions it will attempt to produce a broad picture, while entering into more depth by studying certain key figures. The period spans from the Edwardians, heavily influenced by Victorian culture, through the iconoclasm of Modernism and cultural production influenced by 1930s Socialism, to the explosion of Popular culture in the 1960s and the reassessment of cultural meaning in the Postmodernism of the 1980 and 1990s. By the end of the course, students should be able to recognise a 20th century piece of literary or theoretical writing, and to place it within its context on the basis of its cardinal ideas and assumptions.

A1 Conèixer la llengua anglesa i la literatura en anglès en profunditat
A2 Conèixer la història de la llengua anglesa i la seves cultures
A3 Conèixer la tradició de la crítica literària i l'estat actual
A5 Conèixer la realitat lingüística i literària anglofona
A13 Conèixer la realitat lingüística i cultural de l'entorn europeu
A14 Saber analitzar textos orals i escrits des del punt de vista lingüístic, sociològic i literari
A15 Poder formar-se una opinió crítica sobre un text
A16 Saber expressar una opinió amb claredat i concisió sobre un text oral o escrit
A18 Saber cercar la informació de fonts filològiques, terminològiques, lexicogràfiques en paper o a la xarxa.
B1 Aprendre a aprendre
B3 Aplicar pensament crític, lògic i creatiu
B4 Treballar de forma autònoma amb iniciativa
B5 Treballar de forma col·laborativa
B6 Comprometre-se amb l’ètica i la responsabilitat social com a ciutadà i com a professional
B7 Comunicar-se de manera efectiva i amb asertivitat a l'entorn laboral i com a ciutadà
B9 Planificació i organització
B11 Motivació per la qualitat
B12 Presa de desicions
C1 Dominar l’expressió i la comprensió d'un idioma estranger
C2 Utilitzar com a usuari les eines bàsiques en TIC
C3 Desenvolupar la vida personal i professional tenint una perspectiva àmplia i global del món

Objectius d'aprenentatge
Objectives Competences
You will learn about the main literary movements of the twentieth century, and how they fit into their cultural and historical context, as well as becoming familiar with their main characteristics by studying representative works by key authors. A1
You will develop your literary critical faculties, through oral and written exchanges on the texts, working both individually and in groups, and learn to use the text and other critical sources to support your opinions in a well-argued and clear style. A16
You will come to see the study of literature as both an end in itself, for the broadening of your cultural awareness, and as an opportunity to use and refine skills such as evaluation of complex situations (texts in this case), assessing and evaluating the quality, relevance and usefulness of accessory information (in studying a range of other critical opinions about a text) and negotiation of common ground (as you discuss what a text may be said to mean), all of which are highly applicable to any work environment. B6

Topic Sub-topic
Overview of the course, its structure and content
Introduction to fiction of the period: James Joyce 'The Dead' from 'Dubliners'
Modernist Fiction Virginia Woolf: 'Mrs Dalloway' and extracts from other writings.
Introduction to poetry of the period: The Turn of the Century – the Edwardian period The Poetry of Thomas Hardy
Poetry of World War One The Poetry of W. Owen
Modernist Poetry Essays and Poetry of T.S.Eliot. 'Tradition and Individual Talent' and 'Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock', and its influence on the Thirties generation;: W.H Auden
The Fifties The Poetry of Philip Larkin
The Sixties The Plays of Joe Orton: 'Loot'
Poetry of the Postmodern period 'The New Poetry' - how 'new' is it?
Poetry by Tom Leonard, Tony Harrison, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Benjamin Zephaniah, David Constantine, Paul Farley etc
Postmodern Fiction I Jeanette Winterson: 'Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit'
Postmodern Fiction II Short stories by Angela Carter, Penelope Lively, Martin Amis, Julian Barnes, etc

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours Hours outside the classroom (**) Total hours
Activitats Introductòries
2 4 6
Sessió Magistral
20 40 60
10 20 30
7 14 21
0 30 30
Atenció personalitzada
1 2 3
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Activitats Introductòries Introductory activities to establish cultural and historical contexts of the period.
Sessió Magistral Exposition of main themes related to each period and author and summary of recent criticism on the subject
Seminaris Discussion of texts, read out of class, often with accompanying questions, sometimes pre-set, sometimes arising from discussion
Debats Open discussion of texts read previously, designed to stimulate expressions of personal and collective response and evaluation
Treballs Students will be asked to do a series of text commentaries on set texts, written by students out of class.

Atenció personalitzada
Atenció personalitzada
Student consults questions arising from their preparation of commentaries at their will with the tutor

  Description Weight
Activitats Introductòries A student's course work will benefit from attending the classes which deal with introductory information, so no specific mark is reserved for this section. 0%
Sessió Magistral A student's course work in general and textual commentaries in particular will benefit from attending these sessions so no specific mark is given for this section. 0%
Seminaris Active participation and indication of familiarity with the text will be taken into consideration at the time of assessment, though they have no assigned mark as such. Active participation will be reflected in the quality of the student's 'treballs' and final exam 0%
Debats Active participation and indication of familiarity with the text will be taken into consideration at the time of assessment, though they have no assigned mark as such. Active participation will be reflected in the quality of the student's 'treballs' and final exam 0%
Treballs Students will be asked to do up to 8 Continuous Assessment tasks. These will consist of written commentaries on texts, oral presentations on pre-established texts, short tests, and set essay questions. All these tasks must be completed and handed in for the student to be able to pass the course on the basis of Continuous Assessment alone. 60%
Atenció personalitzada Use of tutorial time for constructive commentary on class work will be taken into consideration at the time of assessment, though it has no assigned 'mark' as such. 0%

Final Exam: one long question as commentary on a set text, and 3 shorts questions on other authors. The weight of the final exam mark will depend on the amount of work the student has done as 'Treballs'

Other comments and second exam session

Students who fail to pass the Continuous Assessment of the course, must present themselves for the Final Exam. This exam will test their knowledge of the texts and authors studied during the course. The exam grade will be the course mark, irrespective of marks gained for elements of the CA.

Fonts d'informació

Bàsica James Joyce, Dubliners, Penguin Modern Classics, 2000
Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway, Penguin Modern Classics, 2000
Jeanette Winterson, Oranges are not the Only Fruit, Vintage, 1991


In buying Dubliners, Mrs Dalloway, the student is strongly advised to buy the edition indicated, and be careful not to confuse it with the Penguin Popular Classics Edition, which is cheaper but provides no notes, and no introduction.

In buying Oranges are not the Only Fruit, the student is also strongly advised to buy the edition indicated, and be careful not to confuse it with the hardcover Vintage Classics 25th Anniversary edition.

The tutor will also provide a comprehensive course anthology of the other texts required for this course, available through Moodle.

Complementària Boris Ford, Pelican Guide to English Literature, Penguin, 1982
David Trotter, The English Novel in History, 1895-1920, Routledge, 1993
R P Draper, Introduction to Twentieth-Century Poetry in English, Macmillan, 1999
Steven Connor, The English Novel in History, 1920-1970, Routledge, 1996
Andrew Sanders, The Short Oxford History of English Literature, Oxford U.P., 2004
Paul Childs, Twentieh century in Poety- a Critical Survey, Routledge, 1999


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Other comments
It is highly recommended that at the start of the course you have already bought and read Joyce's 'The Dead' from the short story collection 'Dubliners', V.Woolf's 'Mrs Dalloway' and Jeanette Winterson's 'Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit'.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.