Study programme
Estudis Culturals en Llengua Anglesa, Textos i Contextos (2009)
Cycle 2n
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period Exam timetables and dates
6 Obligatòria Primer Únic anual
Modality and teaching language
Department Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
General description and relevant information

Type A Code Competences Specific
  AR3 Articular un discurs acadèmic coherent basat en l’anàlisi científic de les dades obtingudes
  AR7 Desenvolupar habilitades investigadores que permeten l’autonomia a l’aprenentatge
  AR9 Valorar les sinèrgies que genera la multiculturalitat a les societats de parla anglesa
Type B Code Competences Transversal
  BR3 Aplicar pensament crític, lògic i creatiu, a la vanguàrdia del camp d’estudi
  BR4 Treballar de forma autònoma amb responsabilitat i iniciativa
  BR6 Comunicar informació, idees, problemes i solucions de manera clara i efectiva en públic o àmbit tècnic concret
Type C Code Competences Nuclear
  CR2 Gestionar la informació i el coneixement

Objectius d'aprenentatge
Objectives Competences
The aim of this course is to study authors who can be considered writers of the world and who from an ethical and intellectual position use their creative capacity to call attention to the great problems and evils of the world of today. AR3

Topic Sub-topic
I. General Introduction 1.1.The situation of literature at the beginning of the Twenty-first Century.

1.2. Form and content of the Twenty-first century novel.

II. Present situation of the South-African novel written in English. 2.1. J.M. Coetzee and his criticism of the post-apartheid in South-Africa: analysis of the novel Disgrace.

2.2. J.M. Coetzee's vision of the twenty-first century world: analysis of the novel Diary of a Bad Year.
III. Present situation of the Indian novel written in English. 3.1. The theatre of the South of India: revision of the Hindu tradition in the works of Girish Karnad.

3.2. The cultural and historical heritage as a source of inspiration for the Indian authors: the critical position of Kiran Desai in The Inheritance of Loss.
IV. The present moment in Native Canadian and Australian literatures written in English. 4.1. The native Canadian thought in relation to ecological themes: analysis of Jeanette Armstrong's Wispering in Shadows.

4.2. The claim for a cultural identity of the Australian Aborigines: analysis of the novel Benang.
V. An ethical attitude to face the challenges of post-colonial Nigerian. 5.1. Tension between the traditional and the Western traditions in the post-colonial Nigeria: analysis of Chris Abani's novel Graceland.
5.2. Nigeria as an example of a fragmented society: analysis of Chris Abani's novel Song for Night.
Conclusions 1. The technical and esthetic efectiveness of the authors J.M. Coetzee, Girish Karnad, Kiran Desai, Jeanette Armstrong, Kim Scott, and Chris Abani.

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours Hours outside the classroom (**) Total hours
Activitats Introductòries
4 0 4
Presentacions / exposicions
3 12 15
0 30 30
Sessió Magistral
17 34 51
15 30 45
Atenció personalitzada
5 0 5
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Activitats Introductòries An overview of the subject will be given at the beginning of the course.
Presentacions / exposicions Students will be required tp give an oral presentation on one aspect of one of the novels studied in this course.
Treballs Students will be required to write short critical essays on the novels analysed in class.
Sessió Magistral Each lecture will be followed by a question and answer period.
Seminaris Within the frame of the course, students will prepare cultural and literary topics for discussion.

Atenció personalitzada
Atenció personalitzada
Students will receive personal orientation to prepare oral presentations.

  Description Weight
Presentacions / exposicions Assessment will be based on the content, structure, and delivery.
Content 50%
Structure 20%
Delivery 30%
This part will represent 40% of the final mark.
Treballs Assessment will be based on the interest, originality, clarity, and conclusions of the written work. Interest 40%
Originality 20%
Clarity 20%
Conclusions 20%
This part will represent 40% of the final mark.
Seminaris Students are expected to participate actively in the seminar-type sessions This part will represent 20% of the final mark.
Other comments and second exam session

Fonts d'informació

Bàsica Chris Abani, Graceland, , Straus and Giroux, 2004
Jeanette Armstrong, Whispering in Shadows, , Pentincton: Theytus Books, 2004.
J.M. Coetzee, Disgrace, , Vintage, 2000
Kiran Desai, The Inheritance of Loss, , Atlantic Monthly Press, 2005
Girish Karnad, Collected Plays, Vol I, , OUP
Kim Scott, Benang, , Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1999


Moses, Daniel David and Terry Goldie. An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in

English. OUP, 1998.

Hoy, Helen. How Should I Read These? Native Women Writers in Canada.  University

of Toronto Press, 2001.

Petrone, Penny. Native Literatures in Canada. From Oral Tradition to the Present.

Toronto: OUP, 1990.


Brewster, Anne. Reading Aboriginal Women’s Autobiography. Sydney UP, 1996.

Davis, Jack & Bob Hodge, eds. Aboriginal Writing Today. Canberra: Australian

Institute of Aboriginal Studies, 1985.

Hodge, Bob and Vijay Mishra. Dark Side of the Dream. Australian Literature and the

Postcolonial Mind. Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1990.


Canepari –Labib, Michela. Old Myths-Modern Empires. Power, Language and Identity in J.M. Coetzee’s Work. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2005.

Poyner, Jane, ed. J.M. Coetzee and the Idea of the Public Intellectual. Athens, Ohio University Press, 2006.



Other comments
Students are suppose to get from the library/buy the novels which appear in the section "Basic sources of information". At the beginning of the course students will have a dossier available at the photocopy place. The information in DOCnet is for guidance. Changes can be introduced depending on the number and the hetereogeneity of the students.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.