Assignatura (*) PARAULES I MÚSICA Codi 12605110
Estudis Culturals en Llengua Anglesa, Textos i Contextos (2009)
Cicle 2n
Descriptors Crèd. Tipus Curs Període
3 Obligatòria Primer Únic anual
Llengua d'impartició
Departament Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
Adreça electrònica
Descripció general i informació rellevant Short course designed to show ways in which research has been carried out into words set to music, focussing on popular music, and suggesting future lines of research.

Tipus A Codi Competències Específiques
  AR2 Processar informacions d’origen divers relacionades amb els Estudis Culturals
  AR4 Analitzar diverses manifestacions artístiques dels països de parla anglesa diferenciant entre els conceptes d’anàlisi i opinió
  AR8 Aplicar diferents models teòrics a l’anàlisi textual i contextual
  AR11 Presentar de manera raonada i convincent les conclusions derivades de la investigació relacionada amb els Estudis Culturals
Tipus B Codi Competències Transversals
  BR1 Aprendre a aprendre
  BR4 Treballar de forma autònoma amb responsabilitat i iniciativa
  BR6 Comunicar informació, idees, problemes i solucions de manera clara i efectiva en públic o àmbit tècnic concret
Tipus C Codi Competències Nuclears
  CR1 Gestionar de manera avançada les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació

Objectius d'aprenentatge
Objectius Competències
1. To present a theoretical framework for the study of popular music 2. To learn how this theoretical framework has been applied to specific cases, by studying documented cases. 3. To carry out a case study of the student's choice, giving the opportunity to assimilate aims 1 & 2 4. To present and defend the student's own work AR2

Tema Subtema
Presentation of a theoretical framework for studying popular music 1. Popular culture
2. Popular music
3. Media literacy
The music industry & state policy 1. Popular music as a cultural industry
2. Market consumption
3. Cultural imperialism, globalization and rock
Texts and genres 1. The Singer-songwriter
2. Styles of music
3. Lyrics
The music press 1. Music magazines
2. Fanzines
3. Musical criticism
Specific case studies 1. Case study 01: The Blues
2. Case study 02: Rock n Roll
3. Case study 03: Rock
4. Case study 04: Protest Song
5. Case study 05: Pop song

Metodologies  ::  Proves
  Competències (*) Hores a classe Hores fora de classe (**) Hores totals
Activitats Introductòries
1 1 2
Sessió Magistral
5 10 15
10 20 30
Supòsits pràctics/ estudi de casos
8 4 12
Presentacions / exposicions
1.5 12 13.5
Atenció personalitzada
1 1.5 2.5
(*) En el cas de docència no presencial, són les hores de treball amb suport vitual del professor.
(**) Les dades que apareixen a la taula de planificació són de caràcter orientatiu, considerant l’heterogeneïtat de l’alumnat

Activitats Introductòries Presentation of course, its structure and requirements. First discussion of project
Sessió Magistral Exposition of critical framework, and fundamental concepts for studying popular music and its texts
Seminaris Group Discussion of specific theoretical texts and their application to the material
Supòsits pràctics/ estudi de casos Practical application of theory to specific cases: songs, bands, artists.
Presentacions / exposicions Oral presentation, using for example Powerpoint, to present an outline of the student's project work to the class.

Atenció personalitzada
Atenció personalitzada
Presentacions / exposicions
Students must discuss their project - specific case study - with the tutor in the initial stages. Personal consultation on progress will be followed by a one-to-one feedback session, in which the student's written project will be discussed.

  Descripció Pes
Sessió Magistral Students will be expected to produce two written summaries of the principle theoretical considerations, after the introductory sessions are over. 30%
Seminaris Students must participate actively in these discussions, leading at least one seminar each with an initial 10-15 presentation of their findings in relation to the text under discussion 20%
Presentacions / exposicions 1. Students give a 10-15 minute presentation to the group, supported by Powerpoint or similar, of the main findings of their research project. 30%
2. Students hand in a written version of this project [1000 words] for assessment by the tutor. 10%
3. Students attend a tutorial at which they answer questions put to them by the tutor on their project. 5%
Atenció personalitzada Attendance of an individual tutorial session, presenting a completed questionaire, is obligatory - the principle aim being to set up the research project. 5%

Regular attendance in class. Only 80% attendance or above will earn the full qualification. Justified (with documents) absence will be taken into consideration for up to 20% absence

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Fonts d'informació

Bàsica Shuker, Roy, Understanding Popular Music, Routledge, 1995
Frith S., et al, Rock and Popular Music, Routledge, 1993
Various, The Rolling Stone History of Rock n Roll, Random House, 1980
Napier Bell, Simon, Black Vinyl White Snow, , 2007
Gelder K and Thornton S, The Subcultures Reader, Routledge, 1997

The URV library is currently acquiring a substantial reading list of texts and DVDs related to popular music in general, and specific artists to be considered. I will update the resources lists on the course's Moodle site as and when such new material becomes available.

It is my intention to make the musical material we will study available in mp3 format. However, I am currently discussing with technical staff the best way to make this available. As soon as this problem is resolved I will inform you through the course's Moodle site how to obtain the music.



Altres comentaris
I recommend the students to start thinking about which artist or band they would like to consider as a subject of their research, and to begin collecting material (articles, journalism, books, photos, CDs) to help them in their research work. This will be discussed near the start of the course with the tutor.
(*)La Guia docent és el document on es visualitza la proposta acadèmica de la URV. Aquest document és públic i no es pot modificar, llevat de casos excepcionals revisats per l'òrgan competent/ o degudament revisats d'acord amb la normativa vigent