Assignatura (*) ENGINYERIA DE REACTORS Codi 20615220
Enginyeria Ambiental (MENTA) (2010)
Cicle 2n
Descriptors Crèd. Tipus Curs Període Horaris i dates d'examen
3 Optativa Únic anual
Modalitat i llengua d'impartició
Departament Enginyeria Mecànica
Enginyeria Química
Adreça electrònica
Descripció general i informació rellevant The main objective of this course is to present and discuss topics related to the knowledge and design of both ideal and non ideal reactors that include phenomena of heat and mass transfer and the field of heterogeneous catalysis.

Tipus A Codi Competències Específiques
Tipus B Codi Competències Transversals
Tipus C Codi Competències Nuclears

Objectius d'aprenentatge
Objectius Competències
To present and discuss topics related to the knowledge and design of both ideal and non ideal reactors that include phenomena of heat and mass transfer and the field of heterogeneous catalysis.
To improve the soft skills of the students such as cognitive capacity, team work performance, writing and oral presentation of scientific project reports.

Tema Subtema
Chapter 1:
Introduction of Chemical Reactor Theory
Age Distributions and Macromixing.
Applications of Ideal Reactor Models.
Temperature Effects in Ideal Reactors.
Some Reactor/Heat-Exchanger systems.
Chapter 2:
Reactions in Heterogenous Systems
Gas/Solid Systems
Gas/Liquid Systems
General Two-Phase Reactor Models.
Chapter 3:
Multiphase Reactors
Fixed-bed reactors. The axial dispersion model.
Fluidized-Bed Reactors
Slurry Reactors
Gas/Liquid Reactors
Trickled-Bed Reactors
Chapter 4:
Modeling of Real Reactors
Deviation from Ideal Flows
Modeling of Nonideal Reactors

Metodologies  ::  Proves
  Competències (*) Hores a classe Hores fora de classe (**) Hores totals
Activitats Introductòries
1 0 1
Sessió Magistral
12 14 26
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària
10 15 25
Resolució de problemes, exercicis
3 15 18
Atenció personalitzada
1 0 1
Proves pràctiques
4 0 4
(*) En el cas de docència no presencial, són les hores de treball amb suport vitual del professor.
(**) Les dades que apareixen a la taula de planificació són de caràcter orientatiu, considerant l’heterogeneïtat de l’alumnat

Activitats Introductòries Presentation of the objectives, the scope, the grading procedure, and the plannification of the course.
Sessió Magistral Development of the main contents of the course with expositive sessions conducted by the course instructor, combined with hands-on examples and exercices that are solved in the classroom.
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària Handout sessions in which the students work on short problems, either individually or in group.
Resolució de problemes, exercicis Open-ended problems that are presented in one short session in the class, and that the students must solve individually, and submit in a written report

Atenció personalitzada
Atenció personalitzada
The students may contact the course instructor during his student-attention office hours to solve specific doubts or seek general orientation on the course and related topics. The course instructor may also interview the students for specific questions related to their performance during the course.

  Descripció Pes
Resolució de problemes, exercicis The students will solve three open-ended problems along the course. The results of those problems will be presented as written reports. These will account for 50% of the course grade. 50%
Proves pràctiques There will be 1 test at the end of the course that will account for 50% of the course grade. 50%
Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Students that do not pass the course following the continuous evaluation items described above, will take a final exam on the date specified in the academic calendar of the ETSEQ for this master. In this case, the final grade will be the mark obtained in this exam (100% final exam)

Fonts d'informació

  • J.B. Butt,  Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Design, 2nd edition, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (2000) ISBN 0-8247-7722-0
  • H.S. Fogler. Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering. Segona edició. Prentice-Hall International Editions (1992). ISBN 0-13-253220-4
  • G.F. Froment i K.B. Bischoff. Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design.. Wiley Series in Chemical Engineering.  (1990). ISBN: 0-471-51044-0
  • O. Levenspiel. The Chemical Reactor Omnibook. OSU Book Stores, Inc. (1979).
  • K.P. Westerterp, W.P.M. Van Swaaij, A.A.C.M. Beenackers, Chemical reactor design and operation, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester (UK), 1984
  • Ramachandran, P.A., Chaudhari, R.V., Three phase catalytic Reactors, Gordon and Breach, 1983

(*)La Guia docent és el document on es visualitza la proposta acadèmica de la URV. Aquest document és públic i no es pot modificar, llevat de casos excepcionals revisats per l'òrgan competent/ o degudament revisats d'acord amb la normativa vigent