Subject (*) GRAMÀTICA ANGLESA I Code 12142016
Study programme
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Cycle 2n
Descriptors Credits Theory credits Practical credits Type Year Period Exam timetables and dates
6 4.5 1.5 Troncal Quart Primer
Modality and teaching language
Department Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
General description and relevant information This course is intended to offer a deep insight into some structural and functional complexities of English, at the level of the phrase, the clause and the sentence. The course will focus on the complexities of the English noun phrase and other complex structures - subordination and topicalization processes - from a theoretical and practical perspective.
In this subject you only have the right to make the exam, because the degree you are studying is going to be extinguished. You have to take a look the timetable of the subject to know the exam's date. If you need an extraordinary exam session, you have to enrol for this, presenting an application to the secretariat of your campus or faculty.

Topic Sub-topic
Revision and development of basic concepts *Grammar
*Form and function
*Phrase structure
The English NP: Main patterns *Determiners and quantifiers
Embedded clauses *Nominal clauses
*Adverbial clauses
*Comparative structures
Complex structures *Focus and theme

Atenció personalitzada
I will be in my office for personal consultation at established office hours. I will also be available for consultation via e-mail.

Other comments and second exam session

Students registered for this subject should contact instructor at the beginning of the course.

Fonts d'informació
Bàsica Wardhaugh, R., Understanding English Grammar, , Blackwell
Huddleston, R. and G. Pullum, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, , Longman
Greenbaum, S. and R. Quirk, A Student's Grammar of the English Language, , Longman
Baker, C.L., English Syntax, , The MIT Press


(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.