Assignatura (*) HISTÒRIA DE LA LLENGUA ANGLESA Codi 12142018
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Cicle 2n
Descriptors Crèd. Crèd. teoria Crèd. pràctics Tipus Curs Període Horaris i dates d'examen
6 4.5 1.5 Troncal Cinquè Primer
Modalitat i llengua d'impartició
Departament Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
Adreça electrònica
Descripció general i informació rellevant This course provides a general overview of the linguistic evolution of the English language, from its origins to the present day. An introduction to historical linguistics will familiarize students with key issues in the study of sound change and diachronic grammar.
Com a conseqüència de l'extinció del pla d'estudis que estàs cursant, aquesta assignatura es realitza a través de tutoria. Per a més informació cal consultar l'horari d'atenció personalitzada del professor.

Tema Subtema
1. Historical Linguistcs 1.1 Language change, evolution and decay
1.2 Historical Linguistics: aims andmethodology
1.3 Internal and external factors in language change
1.4 Sound change
1.5 Language classification
1.6 Indo-European and Germanic
2. Old English 2.1 Historical background
2.2 Old English dialectal differentiation
2.3 Old English phonology
2.3.1 From Germanic to Old English
2.3.2 Sound-spelling correspondences
2.3.3 Consonants
2.3.4 Vowels
2.4 Old English grammar
2.4.1 Nominal inflection
2.4.2 Verbal inflection
2.4.3 Morphological and syntactic processes
2.5 Scandinavian influence
3. Middle English 3.1 Historical background
3.1.1 The Norman conquest
3.1.2 Sociocultural conditionings
3.2 Middle English phonology
3.2.1 Spelling
3.2.2. Main changes in the pronunciation
3.3 Middle English grammar
3.4 Middle English lexicon
3.4.1 Loss of Anglo-Saxon vocabulary and word-formation processes
3.4.2 Borrowings from Norman-French
3.4.2 Borrowings from French and Latin
4. Early Modern English 4.1 Historical introduction
4.2 Eary Modern English phonology
4.2.1 The Great Vowel Shift
4.2.2 Other changes in the vocalic system
4.2.3 Changes in the consonantal system
4.3 Early Modern English grammar
4.3.1 Syntactic and morphological aspects
4.4 The lexicon of Early Modern English
4.4.1 The influence of Latin and Greek
4.4.2 The language of Shakespeare
5. Modern English 5.1 Historical context
5.1.1 The Reformation
5.1.2 The age of discoveries
5.2 Neoclassicist attitudes towards language
5.2.1 The scientific study of language
5.2.2 Language academies
5.2.3 Prescrptive grammars and dictionaries
5.2. The spread of English around the world
5.2.1 American English
5.2.2 English in Australia and the Pacific
5.2.3 English in Africa, India and the Caribbean
5.3 English as the world's lingua franca
5.3.1 English in communication, entertainment and science
5.4 Recent phonological and grammatical changes in English
5.4.1 British English from the 18th to the 20th centuries
5.4.2 The American pronunciation standard

Atenció personalitzada
Tutorial sessions as requested by students in order to check following of the course content, and individualized attention and feedback.

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Fonts d'informació
Bàsica BARBER, C., BEAL, J. & SHAW, P., The English Language. A Historical Introduction (2nd edition), 2009, Cambridge University Press
BAUGH, A.C. & CABLE, T., A History of the English Language, 1993, Longman
Lass, R., Old English, 1995, Cambridge University Press
Hock, H.H., Principles of Historical Linguistics, 1991, Mouton de Gruyter
Crystal, D., The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language (PART I), 1995, Cambridge University Press

This is the course book. Students need to purchase this book and bring it to class on the first day. Readings from this book will be discussed in the seminars and evaluated as part of the overall course assessment.


(*)La Guia docent és el document on es visualitza la proposta acadèmica de la URV. Aquest document és públic i no es pot modificar, llevat de casos excepcionals revisats per l'òrgan competent/ o degudament revisats d'acord amb la normativa vigent