Study programme
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Cycle 2n
Descriptors Credits Theory credits Practical credits Type Year Period Exam timetables and dates
6 4.5 1.5 Optativa 1Q
Modality and teaching language
Department Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
General description and relevant information This course will be based on a study of post-structuralist identity theories of the self and theories on how to read and interpret texts and films. Self and text are both involved in a dialectical relationship, where identities and meanings are constructed not only psychically, socially but also sexually. Both have stories to tell, both embody space, colonise it, and are colonised by it. They both engage in a process of constructing and deconstructing each other. This course looks at the theories which discuss this process.
In this subject you only have the right to make the exam, because the degree you are studying is going to be extinguished. You have to take a look the timetable of the subject to know the exam's date. If you need an extraordinary exam session, you have to enrol for this, presenting an application to the secretariat of your campus or faculty.

Topic Sub-topic
The Post-Cartesian subject Language, identity, psychoanalysis.
Julia Kristeva and Jacques Lacan. Psychoanalysis and Language. Kristeva: Processes of Subjectivity. The Abject. Strangers and Outsiders.
Barbara Creed: The Monstrous and the Uncanny.
Real and unreal cities The city as a psychogeographical space. The city as a utopian/dystopian space. The city imaginary. Cities and Bodies. The city as a self-contained site and as one in process of being.
Human and non-human bodies; body modification. Michel Foucault, Donna Haraway, Barbara Creed et al.
Seduction and Desire. Jean Baudrillard and Catherine Belsey.

Atenció personalitzada
Students are encouraged to contact me regularly via e-mail and office hours for person-to-person tutorials. Don't leave this till the week before the end of the course! For the group presentations and for the final written assignment, you must come and see me for consultation at least two weeks before you begin your work. I shall advise you on how to structure your essay and help you with bibliography.

Other comments and second exam session

Students who attend classes regularly but fail the continuous assessment: If the sum of all your grades does not add up to 50%, you will have to take the resit exam which will consist of a 20 question test (20 marks) + 4 short essay questions (80 marks). The date of the exam will be registered on Moodle.
Regular attendance means not missing more than 5.

Students who do not attend classes regularly will be asked to do the following:
A 20-question test based on the texts discussed in class, that is all the texts in your dossier and those on Moodle. (20 marks)
You will have to take part in one of the regular class presentations on Wednesdays and write the first assignment. The class presentation will take place on the date agreed by your group. (40 marks)
You will be required to write a final essay in the exam. The subject of the essay will be based on the material studied throughout the course. (40 marks)
Please note: You might be asked to do an oral exam.

Fonts d'informació
Bàsica ,, ,
,, ,
,, ,
, Voice of the Shuttle, ,
Madan Sarup, An Introductory Guide to Post-Structuralism and Post-Modernism, ,
David Gauntlett, Media, Gender and Identity, 2nd, Routledge

There will be a dossier of photocopied texts available in the photocopying room at the beginning of the semester. The dossier will contain some poetry, theoretical texts and bibliography. In addition, I shall be sending you relevant articles and websites by e-mail and showing you illustrations and paintings on power-point. It is essential that you give me your e-mail address at the beginning of the course, and notify me if there is any change of address. The Library stocks a wide variety of books on critical theory. Many of the books are available in the sections on Feminism, Anthropology, Politics and English.


(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.