Study programme
Grau d'Enginyeria Química (2010)
Cycle 1r
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period Exam timetables and dates
6 Optativa 1Q
Modality and teaching language
Department Enginyeria Química
General description and relevant information The course focuses on the description of the main aspects of the polymeric materials, to understant their properties and the processes for their production

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A1.1 Aplicar efectivament el coneixement de les matèries bàsiques, científiques i tecnològiques pròpies de l'enginyeria
 A4.3 Coneixements dels fonaments de ciència, tecnologia i química de materials. Comprendre la relació entre la microestructura, la síntesi o processament i les propietats dels materials (RI3)
Type B Code Competences Transversal
Type C Code Competences Nuclear
 C1.1 Dominar en un nivell intermedi una llengua estrangera, preferentment l’anglès.

Resultats d'aprenentage
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1.1 Aplica correctament els fonaments de ciència, tecnologia i química de materials. Compren la relació entre la microestructura, la síntesi o processament i les propietats dels materials.
 A4.3 Relaciona l'estructura microscòpica de materials polimèrics comuns amb les seves propietats físiques, especialment la resposta mecànica.
Sap aplicar la termodinàmica de dissolucions polimèriques per al càlcul de les seves propietats; coneix els models que descriuen el flux no-newtonià.
És capaç de descriure els principis generals de la polimerització en cadena i escalonada.
Coneix les tècniques de caracterització de la distribució de pesos moleculars i els models comunament utilitzats.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C1.1 Expressa opinions sobre temes abstractes o culturals de forma limitada
Explica i justifica breument les seves opinions i projectes
Comprèn instruccions sobre classes o tasques assignades pels professors
Comprèn les idees bàsiques de programes de ràdio o televisió
Comprèn informació i articles de caràcter rutinari
Extreu el sentit general dels textos que contenen informació no rutinària dins d'un àmbit conegut
Recull en apunts part de la informació que s'imparteix en una classe
Escriu cartes o prendre notes sobre assumptes previsibles i coneguts

Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction What are the polymers. The polymers in the world. A brief history.
2. Morphology Bonds and forces, Individual molecules, Molecular networks, Cohesive energy, Physical states, Transition temperatures, Crystallisation, Structure-properties relations
3. Thermodynamics of polymer solutions Non-ideality of polymer solutions. The Flory-Huggins theory, Swell of a chain by solvent, Rubber elasticity, Solubility, Phase equilibria
4. Polymerisation Reactions of polymerisation, Functionality, Kinetic schemes, Chain polymerisation, Step polymerisation, Polymerisation processes, Copolimerización
5. Molecular weight distributions Mean values of the molecular weight, Theoretical molecular weight distributions, Empirical molecular weight distributions, Experimental methods of analysis of the molecular weight distributions.
6. Viscoelasticity Mechanical behaviour of the polymeric materials, viscous solids and elastic liquids, Models for the viscoelastic response, Molecular motions and transition temperatures
7. Rheology Characteristics of non-Newtonian flow, Dependence of the viscosity with the shear rate, Dependence of the viscosity with the molecular weight, Dependence of the viscosity with the temperature, Normal stresses.

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Activitats Introductòries
1 1.5 2.5
Sessió Magistral
35 53 88
Resolució de problemes, exercicis
15 21 36
Atenció personalitzada
1 1.5 2.5
Proves objectives de preguntes curtes
4 2 6
Proves mixtes
3 4.5 7.5
Proves mixtes
3 4.5 7.5
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Activitats Introductòries The professor will explain the dynamics of the course:
- Subjects
- Hands out activities with impact to the evaluation. The conditions of the continuous evaluation
- Dates of the evaluation activities
- Recommendations for the course

The introduction to the polymers as subject
Sessió Magistral The professor explains the contents of the notes of the course, available to the students through Moodle.
Resolució de problemes, exercicis Proposed exercises are solved and discussed in class.
Atenció personalitzada Questions regarding the contents of the course are discussed face to face with the professor during attention hours

Atenció personalitzada
The professors of the course will be available to discuss the contents of the subject as well as the proposed exercises. The professor cannot guarantee be available in a fixed schedule. Instead, the student may ask for a meeting through the email. The meeting will then be scheduled and the student will receive the response through email.

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Proves objectives de preguntes curtes
Hands out:

The students are asked to solve a given set of short questions/exercises during 1 hour and deliver them. About 4-5 hands out exercises will take place during the course, at specified days that will appear in the Moodle.

It is mandatory to attend at least the 80% of the hands out to be evaluated in the first (continuous evaluation) call.
Proves mixtes
During the course there will be a partial exam about mid semester. The exam will consists of a test about theoretical issues of the course. The value of the test will be the 40% of the total mark. The incorrect answers will count negatively.

Together with the test, several exercises (typically a couple) will be proposed for solution. This part will be the 60% of the total markof the exam.

The partial exam will be properly scheduled
Proves mixtes
At the end of the period there will be a final exam embracing the content of the whole course.

The exam will consists of a test about theoretical issues of the course. The value of the test will be the 40% of the total mark. The incorrect answers will be count negatively.

Together with the test, several exercises (typically a couple) will be proposed for solution. This part will be the 60% of the total mark of the exam .
Other comments and second exam session

The first call corresponds to the continuous evaluation. This implies that the students have to follow the evaluation items. This includes the 80% of the hands outs plus the partial exam plus the final exam. The absences to these exams and exercises will not be recovered and the student will have a zero of the particular item.

The second call (convocatòria) will consists of the same kind of exercise as the final exam with more questions and exercises to be solved, to cover a larger scope. The topics will be those of the whole course. The persons that pass this exam will pass the subject.

During the evaluation sessions mobile phones, tablets or other electronic aparatus that are not explicitly authorised for the evaluation session should be kept off and out of sight.

Fonts d'informació

Bàsica Ferdinand Rodriguez, Claude Cohen, Christopher K. Ober, Lynden A. Archer, Principles of polymer systems, Paperback, Taylor & Francis; 4 edition (April 1996)

Several copies of this book, some of them of rather old editions, can be found at the Sescelades library.

Complementària J.R Fried, Polymer Science and Technology, Hardcover, Prentice and Hall, 1995
H.J. Elias, Macromoleules, Hardcover, Weinheim : John Wiley-VCH Verlag, cop. 2005-2009

Many of the contents of the course can be found at internet. 


Subjects that continue the syllabus

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Other comments
Although the course does not rely on previous subjects, its nature requires a certain maturity of the student with regard to physico-chemical aspects. Having passed the recommended subjects would be a sign of such maturity, although strictly speaking they are not necessary. The subject Polymer Engineering is the natural continuation of the course. This course and the last mentioned one have to be regarded as a single unit for the students willing to have a solid background in such important materials ubiquitous in our life.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.