Study programme
Ensenyam. i Adquis. de l'Anglès com a Llengua estrang./segona Llengua(2015)
Cycle 2n
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period Exam timetables and dates
3 Obligatòria Primer 1Q
Modality and teaching language
Department Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
General description and relevant information In this course we will develop an understanding of grammar and vocabulary acquisition and its integration in the English language classroom. Students will apply their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to design effective teaching activities within a communicative context. This is not an English grammar course; its focus is on effective classroom methods of teaching grammar in an EFL/ESL setting. Exact details and requirements for this subject will be provided on the first day of classes.

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A3 Posseir un coneixement avançat de la llengua anglesa oral i escrita a tots els nivells i del seu sistema lingüístic (lèxic, fonètic, gramatical, pragmàtic, discursiu) i donar-li un tractament didàctic adequat
 A5 Identificar, descriure, analitzar i avaluar recursos, estratègies, mètodes i procediments didàctics emprats en l'ensenyament de la llengua anglesa i aplicar-los adequadament en qualsevol entorns ILE / ISL i en funció de les necessitats de l'alumnat.
 A6 Planificar, estructurar i dissenyar unitats didàctiques, programar i pautar els continguts de la disciplina en entorns diversos amb sensibilitat als diferents ritmes d'aprenentatge de la llengua anglesa
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 B1 Aprendre a aprendre.
 B6 Comunicar informació, idees, conclusions, problemes i solucions - i les raons que els sustenten - de manera clara i efectiva en públic o àmbit tècnic concret
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Resultats d'aprenentage
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A3 Reflexiona críticament sobre l'ensenyament-aprenentatge dels diferents nivells lingüístics (gramàtica, lèxic, fonètica, pragmàtica) i analitza, elabora, compara i avalua propostes didàctiques al respecte
 A5 Analitza, compara, avalua i selecciona material adequat per presentar, practicar i corregir elements de la pronunciació, la gramàtica, el lèxic i la pragmàtica de la llengua anglesa
Argumenta i raona sobre com, quan, i de quina manera treballar la pronunciació, la gramàtica, el lèxic i la pragmàtica en la classe de llengua anglesa
 A6 Elabora propostes i activitats pràctiques per incorporar les diferents competències lingüístiques (pragmàtica, gramatical, lèxica, fonètica) en els programes docents
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B1 Fa preguntes intel·ligents que qüestionen el que ha après i mostra iniciativa en la cerca d’ informació
 B6 Fa presentacions interessants i convincents
Analitza, valora i respon de manera adequada a les preguntes que se li formulen en una presentació oral
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
- What is grammar - Why teach grammar
- What grammar to teach
- How to teach grammar - Resources
- Approaches and methodologies
- Designing grammar-based lessons and activities
- Organizing feedback - Corrective feedback
- Grammar assessment
- Teaching vocabulary - Word meaning
- Vocabulary: typology and resources
- Approaches and methodologies
- Designing vocabulary-based lessons and activities
- Assessing vocabulary knowledge

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Activitats Introductòries
2 0 2
Sessió Magistral
8 8 16
14 8 22
Presentacions / exposicions
4 6 10
1 23 24
Atenció personalitzada
1 0 1
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Activitats Introductòries Course presentation
Sessió Magistral Theory, methodologies and approaches
Seminaris Hands-on work on theory, methodologies and approaches to grammar and vocabulary teaching
Presentacions / exposicions Oral presentations
Treballs Critical readings, review of assigned material, and design of activities.
Designing a grammar and vocabulary teaching project.
Atenció personalitzada Face-to-face or online tutorial to solve doubts

Atenció personalitzada
Students will be in touch with the instructor (individual appointments, email or Moodle) for discussion and supervision of class activities and final projects.

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Final project (includes in-class oral presentations)
Other comments and second exam session

Exact details on assessment and requirements will be provided on the first day of classes.

Fonts d'informació



Allen, V. F. 1983. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary. Oxford University Press.

Azar, B. 1985. Fundamentals of English Grammar. Prentice-Hall.

Azar, B. S., & R. S. Koch. 2005. Understanding and Using English Grammar Interactive. Pearson Education.

Azar. B. 2007. Grammar-based teaching: A practitioner’s perspective. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language 11.2,

Barnard, R. & D. Scampton. 2008. Teaching grammar. A survey of EAP teachers in New Zealand. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics 14.2: 59-82.

Brown, T. & F. Perry. 1991. A comparison of three learning strategies for ESL vocabulary acquisition. TESOL Quarterly 25.4: 655-670

Burns, A. 2009. Grammar and communicative language teaching: Why, when and how to teach it? CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching. Selected Papers 5: 9-15.

Celce-Murcia, M. & D. Larsen-Freeman. 1999. The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher’s Course. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

Celce-Murcia, M. & S. Hilles. 1988. Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar. Oxford University Press.

Celce-Murcia, M. 1991. Grammar pedagogy in second and foreign language teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25.3: 459-480.

Celce-Murcia, Marianne. 2015. An overview of teaching grammar in ELT. In MaryAnn Christison, Donna Christian, Patricia A. Duff, & Nina Spada (eds.), Teaching and Learning English Grammar: Research Findings and Future Directions (Global Research on Teaching and Learning English). New York and London: Routledge. 3-18.

Christison, M., D. Christian, P. A. Duff, & N. Spada. (eds.). 2015. Teaching and Learning English Grammar: Research Findings and Future Directions. Routledge.

Cowan, 2008. The Teacher’s Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press.

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. & C.W. Schweers. 1997. What researchers say and practinioners do. Perspectives on conscious grammar instruction in the ESL classroom. Applied Language Learning 8.2: 237-260.

Ellis, R. 2002. Grammar teaching. Practice or consciousness-raising? J.C. Richards & W.A. Renandya (eds.) Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice, 167-174.

Ellis, R. 2002. The place of grammar instruction in the second/foreign language curriculum. New perspectives on grammar teaching in second language classrooms, 17-34.

Ellis, R. 2006. Current issues in the teaching of grammar: An SLA perspective. TESOL Quarterly 40.1: 83-107.

Ellis, R. 2015. Form-focused approaches to learning, teaching, and researching grammar. In MaryAnn Christison, Donna Christian, Patricia A. Duff, & Nina Spada (eds.), Teaching and Learning English Grammar: Research Findings and Future Directions (Global Research on Teaching and Learning English). New York and London: Routledge. 194-214.

Fotos, S. & R. Ellis. 1991. Communicating about grammar: A task-based approach. Tesol Quarterly 25.4: 605-628.

Fotos, S. 2002. Structure-based interactive tasks for the EFL grammar learner. New perspectives on grammar teaching in second language classrooms, 135-154.

Hinkel, E. & S. Fotos (eds.). 2002. New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classrooms. Lawrence Erlbaum.

Hunt, A. & D. Beglar. 2002. Current research and practice in teaching vocabulary J.C. Richards & W.A. Renandya (eds.) Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice, 258-266.

Larsen-Freeman, D. 1997. Grammar and its teaching: Challenging the myths (ERIC Digest). Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on languages and Linguistics, Center for Applied Linguistics.  

Larsen-Freeman, D. 2001a. Teaching grammar. In M. Celce-Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language, 251-266.

Larsen-Freeman, D. 2001b. Teaching language: From grammar to grammaring. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

Larsen-Freeman, D. 2015. Research into practice: Grammar learning and teaching. Language Teaching 48.2: 263-280.

Laufer, B., P. Meara, P. Nation. 2005. Ten best ideas for teaching vocabulary. The Language Teacher 29.07.

McCarten, J. 2007. Teaching Vocabulary. Lessons from the Corpus. Lessons for the Classroom. CUP.

Nam, J. 2010. Linking research and practice: Effective strategies for teaching vocabulary in the ESL classroom. TESL Canada Journal/Revue TESL du Canada 28.1: 127-135.

Nassaji, H. & S. Fotos 2011. Teaching Grammar in Second Language Classrooms. Integrating Form-Focused Instruction in Communicative Context. Routledge, ch.1, 1-16.

Nassaji, H. & S. Fotos. 2004. Current developments in research on the teaching of grammar. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 24: 126-145.

Nassaji, H. & S. Fotos. 2011. Teaching Grammar in Second Language Classrooms. Integrating Form-Focused Instruction in Communicative Context. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.

Nation, P. & T. Chung. 2009. Teaching and testing vocabulary. M. Long & C. Doughty (eds.) The Handbook of Language Teaching, 543-559.

Nation, P. 1995. Best practice in vocabulary teaching and learning. EA Journal 13.2: 7-15.

Nation, P. 2001. Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. CUP, ch.1, 6-22.

Payne, T. E. 2010. Understanding English grammar: a linguistic introduction. Cambridge University Press.

Pennington, M. C. 1995. New Ways in Teaching Grammar. New Ways in TESOL Series: Innovative Classroom Techniques.

Penston, T. A Concise Grammar for English Language Teachers. TP Publications.

Petraki, E. & D. Hill. 2010. Theories of grammar and their influence on teaching practice: Examining language teachers’ beliefs. University of Sidney Papers in TESOL 5: 65-99.  Phipps, S. & S. Borg. 2009. Exploring tension between teachers’ grammar teaching beliefs and practices. System 37: 380-390.

Richards, J.C. 2002. Addressing the grammar gap in the task work. J.C. Richards & W.A. Renandya (eds.) Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice, 153-166.

Savage, L. et al. 2010. Grammar Matters. Teaching Grammar in Adult ESL Programs. CUP, introduction, pp.1-41.

Schmitt, N. 2000. Vocabulary in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.

Schmitt, N. 2008. Teaching Vocabulary. Pearson Education.

Scrivener, J. 2005. Learning Teaching. A Guidebook for English Language Learners. MacMillan.

Scrivener, J. 2010. Teaching English Grammar. Macmillan Publishers Limited.

Scrivener, Jim. 2011 / 1994. Learning Teaching. The Essential Guide to English Language Teaching. Oxford: Macmillan.

Sheen, Y. & R. Ellis. 2011. Corrective feedback in language teaching. E. Hinkel (ed.) Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning, 2, 593-610.

Swan, M. 1985. A critical look at the communicative approach. ELT Journal 39.1: 2-12.

Swan, M. 2002. Seven bad reasons for teaching grammar - and two good ones. Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice, 148-154.

Swan, M. 2005. Legislation by hypothesis: The case of task-based instruction. Applied Linguistics 26.3: 376-401.

Swan, M. and B. Smith. 2001. Learner English: A Teacher’s Guide to Interference and Other Problems. CUP.

Swan, M., & H. G. Widdowson. 2005. Grammar. Oxford University Press.

Thornbury, S. 2002. How to Teach Vocabulary. Pearson Longman.

Thornbury, S. 2009. How to Teach Gramar. Pearson Longman.

Tuan, L.T. & N. Doan. 2010. Teaching English grammar through games. Studies in Literature and Language 1.7: 61-75.

Ur, P. 2009. Grammar Practice Activities. A Practical Guide for Teachers. Cambridge University Press.

Woodward, S. 1997. Fun with Grammar. Communicative Activities for the Azar Grammar Series. Prentice-Hall.

Yule, G. 1998. Explaining English Grammar. OUP.



(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.