Formació del Professorat d'ESO, Batx., FP i Ensenyament d'Idiomes (2009)
Cicle 2n
Descriptors Crèd. Tipus Curs Període Horaris i dates d'examen
3 Obligatòria Primer AN
Modalitat i llengua d'impartició
Departament Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
Adreça electrònica
Descripció general i informació rellevant This course provides the basic tools for the successful teaching of English pronunciation to students in the ESO, BAT, FP and EOI Spanish/Catalan contexts. This course aims (i) to make prospective teachers of English aware of the importance of pronunciation in the English language classroom as well as of their role as English language/pronunciation teachers, (ii) to familiarize them with the most common pronunciation problems their students will tend to have so that they can identify them and correct them, and (iii) to help them analyze their own pronunciation and improve it so that they become good pronunciation models. In this course, students will become aquainted with (i) aspects related to the sound systems of standard British and American English, Spanish and Catalan, (ii) methodological aspects for the teaching of English pronuncaition and (iii) materials, tools, tehniques, resources and activities for teh effective teachign and acquisition of English pronunciation.

Tipus A Codi Competències Específiques
  AP1 Conèixer els continguts curriculars de les matèries relatives a l'especialització docent corresponent, així com el cos de coneixements didàctics al voltant dels processos d'ensenyament i aprenentatge respectius. Per a la formació professional s'inclourà el coneixement de les respectives professions.
  AP3 Cercar, obtenir, processar i comunicar informació (oral, impresa, audiovisual, digital o multimèdia), transformar-la en coneixement i aplicar-la en els processos d'ensenyament i aprenentatge en les matèries pròpies de l'especialització cursada.
  AP7 Conèixer els processos d'interacció i comunicació a l'aula, dominar les destreses i habilitats socials necessàries per fomentar l'aprenentatge i la convivència a l'aula, i enfrontar-se a problemes de disciplina i resolució de conflictes.
Tipus B Codi Competències Transversals
Tipus C Codi Competències Nuclears

Objectius d'aprenentatge
Objectius Competències
Identificar el valor formatiu i cultural del coneixement de llengües estrangeres AP1
Reconèixer la importància del a transmissió de coneixements d'una llengua estrangera a ESO i Batxillerat AP1

Tema Subtema
1. Pronunciation awareness (10% of course contents) 1.1 The importance of teaching pronunciation
1.2 First vs. second vs. foreign languages
1.3 Factors influencing the effective teaching, learning and acquisition of pronunciation
1.4 The choice of a pronunciation model
1.5 Pronunciation and other aspects of language learning
1.5.1 Spelling
1.5.2 Grammar
1.5.3 Vocabulary
1.5.4 Discourse
1.6 Pronunciation and language skills
1.6.1 Speaking
1.6.2 Listening
1.6.3 Reading
1.6.4 Writing
1.7 Pronunciation in the English Language classroom
1.7.1 Pronunciation in the Spanish/Catalan ESO, BAT, FP and EOI classrooms
1.7.2 Pronunciation in other classrooms
1.8 The role of the instructor
1.9 Students' needs
1.10 Pronunciation in the curriculum
1.11 Testing and assessing pronunciation
1.11.1 Diagnostic tests and other testing tools
1.11.2 Rubrics and other assessment tools
2. The sound system of English: A review (10% of course contents) 2.1 Basic notions of phonetics and phonology
2.1.1 Contrast, minimal pairs and neutralization
2.1.2 Speech production and pronunciation Speech organs / Articulators The production of speech sounds
2.1.3 Speech perception and pronunciation The Motor Theory of Speech Perception The Native Language Magnet Model The Perceptual Assimilation Model The Speech Learning Model
2.2 Segmental phonology
2.2.1 Vowels
2.2.2 Consonants
2.3 Suprasegmental phonology
2.3.1 Stress
2.3.2 Rhythm
2.3.3 Intonation
2.3.4 Strong and weak forms
2.3.5 Sounds in contact: assimilation, elision, linking and intrusion
2.4 Allophonic variation
2.5 Dialetal variation
3. Pronunciation problems (15%) of course contents 3.1 Analysis of deficiencies
3.2 L1 vs. L2 (vs. L3) awareness
3.3 The sound systems of Spanish and Catalan
3.4 Pronunciation and spelling
3.4.1 Different letters representing the same sound
3.4.2 The same letter representing different sounds
3.4.3 Combinations of letters representing the same sound
3.4.4 A single letter representing more than one sound
3.4.5 Silent letters
3.4.6 Homographs
3.4.7 Homophones
3.5 Pronunciation transfer problems
3.5.1 Segmental issues
3.5.2 Suprasegmental issues
3.6 Native-like vs. accented pronunciation
3.6.1 Intelligibility vs. comprehensibility
3.6.2 Fluency vs. accuracy
3.6.3 Degree of accentedness
3.7 Expected pronunciation difficulties
3.7.1 Expected pronunciation difficulties for Spanish speakers
3.7.2 Expected pronunciation difficulties for Catalan speakers
3.8 Remedial work
3.8.1 Short-term remedial work
3.8.2 Long-term remedial work
4. Methodological aspects in the teaching of pronunciation (25% of course contents) 4.1 The learner (and the teacher)
4.1.1 Age
4.1.2 The role of the first language
4.1.3 Phonetic ability/aptitude
4.1.4 Amount and type of prior language instruction
4.1.5 Amount of exposure to the target language
4.1.6 Personality
4.1.7 Concern for good pronunciation
4.1.8 Attitude and motivation
4.1.9 Sense of identity
4.2 The setting
4.2.1 Naturalistic vs. classroom settings
4.2.2 Motherese
4.2.3 Teacher talk
4.2.4 The role of formal instruction
4.3 Key concepts of foreign language acquisition and learning in relation to pronunciation
4.3.1 The 'natural' route of development
4.3.2 Acquisition vs. learning
4.3.3 Competence vs. performance
4.3.4. Errors vs. mistakes
4.3.5 Error analysis and avoidance
4.3.6 Interlanguage
4.3.7 Interaction
4.3.8 Interference
4.3.9 Input vs. output
4.3.10 Monitoring
4.3.11 Fossilization
4.3.12 The Critical Period Hypothesis
4.3.13 The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis
4.3.14 Markedness Theory
4.3.15 Information Processing Theory: Schemata Theory
4.3.16 The Universal Hypothesis: Language Universals
4.3.17 Learning, production and communication strategies
4.4 Approaches and methods in foreign language teaching in relation to pronunciation
4.4.1 Intuitive-imitative vs. analytic-linguistic approaches
4.4.2 Behaviorist vs. cognitivist/mentalist vs. naturalistic/humanistic approaches
4.4.3 Reading-based approaches vs. oral approaches
4.4.4 Task-based learning
4.4.5 Self-directed learning
4.4.6 The Grammar-Translation Method
4.4.7 The Direct Method
4.4.8 The Audiolingual Method
4.4.9 Total Physical Response
4.4.10 The Silent Way
4.4.11 Community Language Learning
4.4.12 The Natural Approach
4.4.13 Sugestopaedia
4.4.14 The Communicative Method
4.4.15 Competency-based language teaching
5. Materials and tools for pronunciation teaching: An ongoing selection to be completed by the start of the course on 3 MAR 2020 (40% of course contents) 5.1 Preliminary considerations
5.1.1 The teacher's own pronunciation and their knowledge of pronunciation issues
5.1.2 Students' age: teaching children, teenagers or adults?
5.1.3 Students' level: elementary, intermediate or advanced?
5.1.4 Students' first language: closeness to foreign language?
5.1.5 Class size
5.1.6 Teachability vs. learnability
5.1.7 Integrated, practice or remedial lessons?
5.1.8 Combining productive and receptive skills
5.1.9 Available resources
5.1.10 Diagnosis of students' difficulties
5.1.11 Diagnosis of students' needs
5.2 The use of phonetic transcription and other notational devices
5.3 The importance of imitation
5.4 Awareness-raising activitites
5.5 Working segmental aspects of pronunciation
5.5.1 Sound classification
5.5.2 Minimal pairs/sets/sentences
5.5.3 Tongue twisters
5.5.4 Repetition and substitution drilling
5.5.5 Odd sound out
5.5.6 Sound crosswords, puzzles, ladders and scrabble
5.5.7 Memory, guessing and picture-sound matching games
5.5.8 Phonics
5.6 Working suprasegmental aspects of pronunciation
5.6.1 Stress placement
5.6.2 Tapping
5.6.3 Chaining
5.6.4 Limericks and poetry
5.6.5 Reading aloud
5.6.6 Acting out
5.7 Authentic materials vs. materials designed for classroom use
5.8 Printed materials
5.8.1 Dictionaries
5.8.2 Reference books for teachers
5.8.3 Books for pronunciation practice
5.8.4 Journal articles
5.9 Online resources
5.9.1 Dictionaries
5.9.2 Pronunciation web sites
5.9.3 Exercises and activities
5.10 Other resources
5.10.1 Music
5.10.2 Cinema, television, radio, video
5.10.3 Cell-phone and tablet applications
5.11 Self-recording
5.11.1 Sound recordings
5.11.2 Video recordings

Metodologies  ::  Proves
  Competències (*) Hores a classe Hores fora de classe (**) Hores totals
Activitats Introductòries
1 0 1
Sessió Magistral
4 4 8
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària
12 6 18
Supòsits pràctics/ estudi de casos a l'aula ordinària
12 6 18
Presentacions / exposicions
1 10 11
Resolució de problemes, exercicis
0 8 8
0 8 8
Atenció personalitzada
1 0 1
(*) En el cas de docència no presencial, són les hores de treball amb suport vitual del professor.
(**) Les dades que apareixen a la taula de planificació són de caràcter orientatiu, considerant l’heterogeneïtat de l’alumnat

Activitats Introductòries - Course presentation: objectives, contents, methodology, planning, assessment, bibliographical references and relation to the rest of the program
- Instructions to carry out exercises, tasks and assignments
- Feedback to whole group on work done
Sessió Magistral - Presentation of course contents by means of explanation, exemplification and visual aids
- Students' active participation: questions, contributions and discussion
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària - Practical tasks, activities and exercises of a miscellaneous type directly connected with theoretical course contents, aimed at the understanding and assimilation of course contents, to be corrected and discussed in class
Supòsits pràctics/ estudi de casos a l'aula ordinària - Presentation of real or simulated classroom situations for students to describe, analyze, answer questions, find solutions to problems and reflect on
Presentacions / exposicions - Individual and pair/group class presentations on set topics and topics of students' choice
Resolució de problemes, exercicis - Tasks, activities and exercises of a miscellaneous type directly connected with theoretical and practical course contents, designed to provide extra practice for students to understand and assimilate course contents
Treballs - Individual written assignments on aspects of English pronunciation that are particularly problematic for Spanish/Catalan learners of English aged 12-18, to be developed in accordance with set guidelines
Atenció personalitzada - Individual or group
- To solve doubts concerning course contents, mechanics or evaluation
- To provide feedback
- To provide additional support
- To make suggestions for improvement
- To provide advice on remedial work
- To check on student progress

Atenció personalitzada
Atenció personalitzada
- Individual or group - To solve doubts concerning course contents, mechanics or evaluation - To provide feedback - To provide additional support - To make suggestions for improvement - To provide advice on remedial work - To check on student progress

  Descripció Pes
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària - Participation
- Content
- Language
- Delivery
Supòsits pràctics/ estudi de casos a l'aula ordinària - Participation
- Content
- Language
- Delivery
Presentacions / exposicions - Content
- Language
- Delivery
Resolució de problemes, exercicis - Content
- Language
Treballs - Content
- Language
Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Fonts d'informació

Bàsica P. Avery & S. Ehrlich, Teaching American English Pronunciation, 1, 1992 Oxford University Press
M. Celce-Murcia, D. M. Brinton & J. M. Goodwin (with B. Griner), Teaching Pronunciation: A Course Book and Reference Guide, 1 / 2, 2006 / 2010 Cambridge University Press
M. Hewings, Pronunciation Practice Activities, 1, 2004 Cambridge University Press
A. Jarosz, English Pronunciation in L2 Instruction: The Case of Secondary School Learners, 1, 2019 Springer
J. Kenworthy, Teaching English Pronunciation, 1, 1987 Longman
V. Pavón Vázquez, La enseñanza de la pronunciación del inglés, 1, 2000 Biblioteca Filológica y Didáctica
M. Reed & J. M. Levis (Eds.), The Handbook of English Pronunciation, 1, 2015 Wiley Blackwell
JOURNAL, Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, , John Benjamins

A selection of readings from a variety of sources (e.g., books, journals, master's dissertations and doctoral dissertations) on syllabus-related specific issues



Assignatures que es recomana cursar simultàniament

(*)La Guia docent és el document on es visualitza la proposta acadèmica de la URV. Aquest document és públic i no es pot modificar, llevat de casos excepcionals revisats per l'òrgan competent/ o degudament revisats d'acord amb la normativa vigent