Study programme
Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign/Second Language (2015)
Cycle 2nd
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
3 Optional 1Q
Department English and German Studies
General description and relevant information Due to the current situation with COVID-19 and as an exceptional measure, in the 20-21 academic year these subjects will be taught exclusively online. The usual contents, competencies and learning outcomes will apply and are available in the relevant section of the teaching guide. The teaching methods, course plan and assessment criteria will be as close as possible to those described for the face-to-face mode. Please, for further information, see the “Assessment” section as well as “Other comments" and "Second call”. This changing world requires us to adapt to new demands, especially as English has become an international language increasingly used in a variety of situations and for different purposes. In such a context, English language teachers are faced with the challenge to help learners become effective language users for different tasks and in different situations, whether academic or professional, that can be related to business, medicine, law, engineering, tourism, etc. In fact, it is very likely that English language teachers nowadays find a job within the domain of “English for Specific Purposes” (ESP). The objective of this course is to introduce students to this important field of English language teaching (ELT). ESP consists in designing courses based on learner needs and the characteristics of the disciplines and purposes for which language is used. In this course, we will present some key issues in ESP by drawing on aspects of linguistics and language teaching that are already familiar to students, such as needs analysis, course design and materials development, teacher and learner roles, the teaching of language skills, discourse and genre analysis, as well as information technology in the analysis and teaching of English for specific purposes. Objectives: This course will introduce students to key concepts and trends in ESP so that they can draw on their own knowledge of applied linguistics and language teaching in order to teach and study how language is used in different contexts and for a variety of purposes. Specifically, it aims at helping students achieve the following objectives: - To be aware of the role of English as an international language in a variety of changing situations in international settings. - To be able to teach English in different situations and for a variety of purposes. - To make the most of the teaching-learning process to achieve greater effectiveness. - To become familiar with the tools to analyse the use of English in academic and professional situations. - To be able to design courses and materials adapted to language learners’ specific needs. - To be able to apply tools and methods in linguistics and language teaching that are relevant to ESP teaching: the development of language skills, discourse and genre analysis, course design, applications of information technology, etc.

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A6 Plans, structures, and designs didactic units; programs and organizes the contents of the discipline in diverse contexts bearing in mind the different rhythms in learning English
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 B1 Learning to learn
 B4 Autonomy, responsibility and initiative
 B5 Work collaboratively as part of a team, with shared responsibility and leadership.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A6 Plans effective educational tasks bearing in mind the specificity of English teaching
Designs materials and activities directed at students with specific needs and for different purposes in a wide range of academic and professional contexts
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B1 Autonomously adopt learning strategies in each situation.
 B4 Take correct decisions confidently, consistently and systematically.
 B5 Finish the tasks assigned to them in the time allowed and with the resources available.
Help to draw up and apply the team’s work processes.
Take an interest in the importance of the group’s activity.
Take active part in planning the work of the team, and in distributing the tasks and the deadlines.
Encourage all members to take part in the management and smooth running of the team.
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to ESP 1.1 What is ESP?
1.2 Definitions of ESP
1.3 Approaches to ESP
1.4 Characterizing ESP courses
1.5 Classifications of ESP
2. Evolution of ESP: Approaches and Trends 2.1 Origins and evolution of ESP
2.2 Different approaches to ESP
3. ESP Now: The ESP Teacher and the Learner 3.1 An Overview of ESP teaching today
3.2 The multidisciplinary nature of ESP
3.3 Current trends in ESP
3.4 The ESP teacher and learner
4. ESP Course Design: Needs Analysis 4.1 Course design: basic concerns
4.2 Needs Analysis in ESP
4.3 Needs Analysis and Evaluation
4.4 Approaches and Methods
4.5 Examples of Needs Analysis
5. ESP Course Design: Genre Analysis
5.1 Basic concepts in Genre Analysis
5.2 Types of genres
5.3 Approaches to genre in ESP teaching

6. ESP Course Design: Syllabus Design 6.1 Bases for syllabus design
6.2 Approaches to syllabus design in ESP courses
7. ESP Teaching Practice: Teaching Skills
7.1 Teaching skills in ESP
7.2 Using texts in ESP: Authenticity
8. ESP Teaching practice: Materials 8.1 Approach to language in ESP
8.2 Materials Selection and Development
8.3 Task Design
8.4 Samples of ESP materials
9. Information Technology in ESP 9.1 Has IT changed ESP practice?
9.2 Information Technology in ESP
9.3 Making the most of IT in ESP
9.4 The Digital Age and ESP

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
2 0 2
Presentations / oral communications
4 10 14
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
9 6 15
1 13 14
13 16 29
Personal attention
1 0 1
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Cada tema inclourà al menys una activitat introductòria ("Warm-up activity") que tindrà com a finalitat despertar l'interés dels estudiants i ajudar-los a situar un aspecte concret dins el disseny d'un curs d'ESP.
Presentations / oral communications A final de curs, els estudiants presentaran en grup i de forma oral el resultat del seu treball. Al llarg de la seva presentació oral hauran de passar per tots els estadis del disseny d'un curs d'ESP i hauran de justificar les decisions que han pres, aplicant així els coneixements adquirits al llarg del curs.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom Durant el curs, es presentaran diferents situacions pròpies dels cursos d'ESP que serviran com a exercicis de pràctica relacionats amb les diferents unitats de l'assignatura i que els estudiants hauran de resoldre satisfactòriament. A final de curs hi haurà una prova en la què els estudiants hauran de ser capaços de trobar, per exemple, 3 errades metodològiques en el disseny d'un curs d'ESP o comentar els aspectes forts i els més febles en el disseny d'un curs d'ESP.
Assignments En grup, els estudiants plantearan una situació real o simulada sobre el disseny d'un curs d'ESP i hauran de desenvolupar totes les fases del disseny del curs, reflexionant sobre cadascuna de les fases i prenent decisions. Els estudiants hauran de descriure la situació particular del curs, dur a terme una anàlisi de necessitats, crear un programa de l'assignatura, desenvolupar una unitat docent completa creant o adaptant materials docents, i establir un mètode d'avaluació coherent que tingui en compte el principal objectiu del curs d'ESP que han dissenyat.
Debates Es fomentarà el debat a l'aula mitjançant lectures i activitats en les què els estudiants hagin de mostrar un cert esperit crític i demostrin que són capaços de fer front a situacions d'ESP complexes, de proporcionar solucions imaginatives o de millorar un aspecte en concret sobre un curs d'ESP dissenyat per algú altre. Això permetrà els estudiants aplicar els seus coneixements en casos concrets.
Personal attention Els dubtes dels estudiants es podran resoldre a l'aula virtual, fora de l'aula o mitjançant el correu electrònic.

Personalized attention
Due to the current situation with COVID-19, in the 2020-21 academic year, students will be able to ask questions or talk to their teachers about subject-related issues either individually or in group tutorials. Students will receive a schedule for these tutorials at the start of the course, and they will be informed about what form tutorials will take (i.e. whether they will be held online (via Videoconference), via email or on Moodle, etc.).

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Presentations / oral communications
As part of their group work on the design of an ESP course, students will have to deliver an oral presentation in class (online). 20%
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
At the end of the course and individually, students will have to take a written test in which they can show they can deal with an ESP teaching situation. 35%
In groups of 4-5 members, students will have to design an ESP course of their choice taking into account all the elements of ESP course design. They will have to carry out a Needs Analysis, set the objectives of the course, present s syllabus, develop or adapt materials for the course, design course assessment, and finally submit a powerpoint explaining the whole process of course design. 20%
Active participation in class activities and in debates on course readings will be worth 25 % of the final grade. 25%
Other comments and second exam session

Els estudiants matriculats a la URV segueixen el sistema ECTS i tenen dret a les convocatòries d'avaluació indicades a la normativa acadèmica de grau i màster vigent.

Prova escrita final: L'estudiant haurà de demostrar que és capaç de detectar les errades més importants i/o els punts forts en el disseny d'un hipotètic curs d'ESP, o bé haurà de ser capaç de desenvolupar o adaptar una tasca de material d'ESP publicat per a les necessitats concretes d'un grup d'estudiants d'ESP.

Presentació oral i treball: El treball sobre un "case study" d'ESP en concret que l'estudiant realitzi per escrit (en format powerpoint) i que després presenti oralment es podrà fer en grup si hi ha un nombre significatiu d'estudiants matriculats al curs. Aquest treball haurà de ser original i servirà per demostrar que efectivament l'estudiant ha assimilat els coneixements del curs.

PLAGI: Si una part d'aquest treball no és original i s'ha plagiat, l'estudiant suspendrà el curs. El plagi constitueix una seriosa ofensa acadèmica que no es tolerarà en aquest curs. S'espera que l'estudiant universitari tingui un comportament acadèmic íntegre i responsable.

Sources of information

Basic Tony Dudley-Evans, Maggie Jo St John, Developments in English for Specific Purposes: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: UK, 1998
Michael H. Long (ed.), Second Language Needs Analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: UK, 2005
T. Hutchinson, A. Waters, English for Specific Purposes: A Learning-Centred Approach, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: UK, 1987
Rosa Muñoz-Luna & lidia Taillafer (eds.), Integrating Information and Communication Technologies in English for Specific Purposes, Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2018
Pauline Robinson, ESP Today: A Practitioner's Guide, Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead: UK, 1991
John Swales, Genre Analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: UK, 1990
R.R. Jordan, English for Academic Purposes, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: UK, 1997
E. Arnó Macià, A. Soler Cervera, C. Rueda Ramos (eds.), Information Technology in Languages for Specific Purposes: Issues and Prospects, Springer, New York: USA, 2006

Aquest bibliografia recull alguns llibres bàsics per a entendre els conceptes i temes clau en ESP.

Complementary , English for Specific Purposes,, ,
, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, ,
, Ibérica: Journal of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes, ,

Conjunt de revistes sobre l'àrea d'ESP. Poden donar a l'estudiant una bona perspectiva del treball que s'està fent en aquest àmbit.


Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Other comments
Students wil have to read all course readings recommended in the Course Plan for the different sessions in order to follow the course development and understand important course concepts.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.