Subject (*) ENGINYERIA DE REACTORS Code 20695104
Study programme
Enginyeria Química (2013)
Cycle 2n
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
6 Obligatòria Primer 2Q
Department Enginyeria Química
General description and relevant information The course deals with the fundamental aspects of chemical reactor engineering in multiphase systems involving multiple simultaneous reactions, either catalytic or non-catalytic. The course is based on examples of relevant industrial processes.

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A1.1 Aplicar efectivament el coneixement de les matèries bàsiques, científiques i tecnològiques pròpies de l'enginyeria.
 A1.2 Dissenyar, executar i analitzar experiments relacionats amb l'enginyeria
 A1.4 Saber establir models matemàtics i desenvolupar-los mitjançant la informàtica apropiada, com a base científica i tecnològica per al disseny de nous productes, processos, sistemes i serveis, i per a l'optimització d'uns altres ja desenvolupats. (G5)
 A2.2 Concebre, projectar, calcular, i dissenyar processos, equips, instal•lacions industrials i serveis, en l'àmbit de l'enginyeria química i sectors industrials relacionats, en termes de qualitat, seguretat, economia, ús racional i eficient dels recursos naturals i conservació del medi ambient. (G2)
 A3.1 Aplicar coneixements de matemàtiques, física, química, biologia i altres ciències naturals, obtinguts mitjançant estudi, experiència, i pràctica, amb raonament crític per establir solucions viables econòmicament a problemes tècnics (I1)
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 B1.1 Comunicar i discutir propostes i conclusions en fòrums multilingües, especialitzats i no especializats, de manera clara i sense ambigüetats.
 B5.3 Aplicar tecnologies noves i avançades i altres progressos rellevants, amb iniciativa i esperit emprenedor, gestionar i usar la informació de forma eficient.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Resultats d'aprenentage
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1.1 Coneix i classifica les reaccions i els reactors heterogenis catalítics i no catalítics.
Coneix les últimes tendències en reactors heterogenis.
 A1.2 Utilitza eines numèriques (polymath, matlab) en el disseny de reactors.
 A1.4 Dissenya reactors heterogenis amb especial dedicació a la catàlisi.
Dissenya reactors intensificats (reactors de membranes, destil • lació reactiva)
 A2.2 Dissenya reactors tenint en compte criteris de seguretat, economia i de medi ambient
 A3.1 Proposa reactors adequats a problemes tècnics.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B1.1 Intervé de forma efectiva i transmet informació rellevant.
Prepara i realitza presentacions estructurades complint amb els requisits exigits.
Planifica la comunicació: genera idees, busca informacions, selecciona i ordena la informació, fa esquemes, determina el tipus de públic i els objectius de la comunicació, ...
Redacta documents amb el format, contingut, estructura, correcció lingüística, registre adequats i il • lustra conceptes utilitzant correctament les convencions: formats, títols, peus, llegendes, ...
Utilitza estratègies per presentar i dur a terme les seves presentacions orals (ajuts audiovisuals, mirada, veu, gest, control de temps, ...).
Utilitza un llenguatge apropiat a la situació.
Produeix un text oral gramaticalment correcte
Produeix un text oral molt estructurat, clar i eficaç
Produeix un text oral adequat a la situació comunicativa
Produeix un text escrit gramaticalment correcte
Produeix un text escrit molt estructurat, clar i ric
Produeix un text escrit adequat a la situació comunicativa
 B5.3 Coneix diferent hardware d'ordinadors.
Coneix el sistema operatiu com a gestor del hardware i el software com a eina de treball.
Utilitza software per a comunicació off-line: editors de textos, fulls de càlcul i presentacions digitals.
Utilitza software per a comunicació on-line: eines interactives (web, moodle, blogs…), correu electrònico, fòrums, xat, videoconferencias, eines de treball col.laboratiu...
Localitza i accedeix a la informació de manera eficaç i eficient.
Avalúa críticament la informació i les seves fonts, i la incorpora a la seva pròpia base de coneixements i sistema de valors.
Utilitza la informació comprenent les implicacions econòmiques, legals, socials i ètiques de l'accés a la informació el seu ús.
Reflexiona, revisa i avalúa el procés de gestió de la informació.
Identifica les idees innovadores, les relaciona amb les necessitats de la societat, i determina la seva viabilitat.
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
Fundamentals: the equations of change of mass, energy and momentum Review of the fundamental microscopic balances of mass and energy, and their application to reactor design.
Numerical solution of the microscopic balances: introduction to COMSOL multiphisics
Homogeneous systems Homogeneous tubular reactors: Laminar flow and turbulent flow reactors.
Homogeneous mixed reactors: continuous stirred tank and batch reactors.
Two-phase catalytic reactors Mass and energy transfer in a single particle of catalyst.
Packed-bed catalytic reactors (2D and 1D heterogeneous models). Fluidized bed reactors. Catalyst monolith reactors. Membrane reactors.
Three-phase catalytic reactors Overview of three-phase reactors. Three-phase tubular reactors (Trickle-bed, and slurry bubble column). Three-phase mixed reactors (stirred tank slurry reactor). Catalyst monoliths as three-phase reactors. Reactive distillation.

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Activitats Introductòries
1 0 1
Sessió Magistral
24 24 48
Presentacions / exposicions
3 6 9
Pràctiques a través de TIC en aules informàtiques
24 60 84
Atenció personalitzada
2 0 2
Proves pràctiques
6 0 6
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Activitats Introductòries Presentation of the course: description of the course contents, objectives, methodologies, planning and evaluation criteria.
Sessió Magistral Lecture sessions to develop the content of the course, and discussion of practical examples. Support material will be provided to the students in advance through the Moodle space of the course.
Presentacions / exposicions The students will perform a public presentation and discussion of the results attained in one of the cases they study.
Pràctiques a través de TIC en aules informàtiques The students will work in groups on the analysis and design of heterogeneous reactors based on "real life" case studies. The solution of these problems will involve the use of numerical computational tools (COMSOL simulation laboratory). A total of 3 or 4 cases will be solved, depending on their complexity. The results o each case will be presented in a written report.
Atenció personalitzada Individual interviews/meetings will be scheduled for those students requiring specific assistance to deal with any aspect of the course

Atenció personalitzada

The instructor will be available during office hours to provide further help and guidance to the students individually. 

Students should take advantage of these meetings to solve questions and doubts they may have about specific parts of the course material. 
The hours in which those meetings may be scheduled will be posted in the Moodle workspace before the course starts. 
Due to the exceptionality of course 2020-21, the meetings will be conducted remotely through TEAMS.

Dr. Daniel Montané. 
Department of Chemical Engineering. Office 217. 
Phone: 977 559 652

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Pràctiques a través de TIC en aules informàtiques
A total of 3 or 4 case studies will be developed during the laboratory practicals. The total contribution of these activities will be 60% of the final grade. The individual contribution of each activity will depend on their complexity, and will be announced in the Moodle space at the beginning of the semester. 60
Proves pràctiques
2 practical tests, to be solved individually, will be developed during the course. To pass the course, and regardless of the other items to be evaluated, it is required that:
- The average grade of the 2 tests is at least of 5.0 points over 10 points.
- The grade in the test with the lower score should be at last of 4.0 over 10 points.
Other comments and second exam session

Second evaluation:

Students who need to take the second evaluation will be graded based on the following items and contributions:

  • Final exam (second evaluation): 70%
  • Average grade of the case studies developed in the laboratory practicals: 30%

Please, note that a minimum grade of 4.0 over 10.0 will be also required in the Final Exam to pass the course in the second evaluation.

NOTE: The use of electronic communication devices (phones, tablets, etc.) during the individual written exercises/exams is strictly forbidden. All devices must be disconnected and stored away while the students are inside the classroom during the entire length of the exercise. If numerical calculation tools were required for the exam, the students will be informed in advance about the conditions and restrictions to use personal laptop computers. In any case, the computers will be used for the sole purpose of the exam and with its network access deactivated (WiFi, GSM, etc.).

Students that fail to comply with these rules will be sanctioned with a grade of "0" (zero) in the exercise/exam, regardless of other disciplinary actions taken by the ETSEQ.

Fonts d'informació

Bàsica G. F. Froment, K. B. Bischoff, J. De Wilde, Chemical reactor analysis and design, 3rd, John Wiley & Sons, cop. 2011

Class notes and copies of the slides used during the lectures will be posted as PDF files on the Moodle space of the course. Examples solved with COMSOL will be provided as well to illustrate the practical application of the topics covered along the semester. Also, a few papers from scientific journals will be used as reference material. These papers will be provided by the instructor beforehand through the Moodle workspace of the course.

Complementària R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart, E. N . Lightfoot, Transport phenomena, 2nd, Wiley, 2007
H. Scott Fogler, Elements of chemical reaction engineering, 4th, Prentice Hall, 2006
D. Kunii, O. Levenspiel, Fluidization engineering, 2nd, Butterworth-Heinemann, cop. 1991
O. Levenspiel, Chemical reaction engineering, 3rd, Wiley, cop. 1999
B. E. Poling, J. M. Prausnitz, J. P. O'Connell, The properties of gases and liquids, 5th, McGraw-Hill, 2001


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Other comments
It is strongly recommended that the students have a solid background on chemical thermodynamics, kinetics, transport phenomena and reaction engineering at bachelor's level.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.