Asignatura (*) LLENGUA I SOCIETAT Código 12274011
Grau en Anglès (2009)
Ciclo 1r
Descriptores Cr.totales Tipo Curso Periodo Horarios y datos del examen
6 Formació bàsica Primer 2Q
Modalidad y lengua de impartición
Departamento Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
Correo-e nune.ayvazyan@urv.cat
Descripción general e información relevante

This course offers an introduction to the study of the relationship between language, society and the indivuidual. In this course, language is perceived as a social practice, focusing on different aspects of its role in social life. The topics reviewed include language in history, language and power, language and the media and multilingualism and English as a global language. 

This subject will be taught face-to-face as far as is possible within the instructions of the health authorities. At the start of the academic year, the calendar containing all teaching activities (with timetables and classrooms) will be available in the subject's Moodle area.

Tipo A Código Competencias Específicas
 A1 Demostrar que coneix els corrents teòrics i metodològics de la lingüística i les seves aplicacions.
 A4 Aprofundir en el coneixement de l’ésser humà i dels seus diversos entorns culturals.
Tipo B Código Competencias Transversales
 CT5 Comunicar informació de forma clara i precisa a audiències diverses.
 CT7 Aplicar els principis ètics i de responsabilitat social com a ciutadà o ciutadana i com a professional
Tipo C Código Competencias Nucleares

Resultats d'aprenentage
Tipo A Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 A1 Identifica les característiques del llenguatge humà.
Valora la riquesa lingüística del món.
 A4 Realitza lectures i recensions sobre etnografies i monografies antropològiques.
Realitza treballs de reflexió i síntesi a partir de la cerca en les fonts bibliogràfiques fonamentals relacionades amb la diversitat cultural i el multiculturalisme.
Tipo B Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 CT5 Produir un text de qualitat, sense errors gramaticals i ortogràfics, amb una presentació formal acurada i un ús adequat i coherent de les convencions formals i bibliogràfiques.
Construir un text estructurat, clar, cohesionat, ric i d’extensió adequada.
Elaborar un text adequat a la situació comunicativa, consistent i persuasiu.
Usar els mecanismes de comunicació no verbal i els recursos expressius de la veu necessaris per fer una bona intervenció oral.
Construir un discurs estructurat, clar, cohesionat, ric i d’extensió adequada.
Produir un discurs adequat a la situació comunicativa, consistent i persuasiu, i interactuar de manera efectiva amb l’auditori.
 CT7 Conèixer les principals desigualtats i discriminacions que es produeixen entre homes i dones i comprendre'n les causes.
Identificar els principals problemes ambientals.
Reconèixer i reflexionar sobre les necessitats i problemàtiques socials, i implicar-se en la millora de la comunitat.
Reconèixer els conceptes ètics i deontològics de l’àrea de coneixement, mostrar capacitat crítica i de diàleg, i fer un ús responsable de les normes que l’afecten com a membre de la comunitat universitària.
Tipo C Código Resultados de aprendizaje

tema Subtema
Unit 1. Language in history.
Unit 2. Language and Power.
Unit 3. Language and the Media.
Unit 4. Multilingualism and Languages in Contact.

Metodologías  ::  Pruebas
  Competencias (*) Horas en clase
Horas fuera de clase
(**) Horas totales
Activitats Introductòries
1 0 1
Sessió Magistral
14 5 19
21 30 51
Presentacions / exposicions
10 15 25
Portafolis/ Carpeta d’aprenentatge
3 6 9
3 14 17
Atenció personalitzada
1 0 1
Proves objectives de tipus test
4 8 12
(*) En el caso de docencia no presencial, serán las horas de trabajo con soporte virtual del profesor.
(**) Los datos que aparecen en la tabla de planificación son de carácter orientativo, considerando la heterogeneidad de los alumnos

Activitats Introductòries - Course presentation: objectives, contents, methodology, course planning, assessment, bibliographical references and relation to the rest of the degree program.
- Instructions to carry out exercises, tasks and assignments
– Feedback to whole group on work done and tests taken
Sessió Magistral - Presentation of course contents by means of explanation, exemplification and visual aids

– Students' active participation: questions and contributions
Seminaris Practical exercises within the classroom.
Presentacions / exposicions Oral presentation of one of the assignments that the students need to complete during the course (either a reading or writing assignment).
Portafolis/ Carpeta d’aprenentatge Compilation of the work of the students during the course. They need to include a summary of each compulsory reading assignment and the homework.
Treballs The students will need to submit three written assignments connected with the contents of the course.
Atenció personalitzada – Solve doubts concerning course contents, mechanics or evaluation
– Provide feedback
– Provide additional support
– Make suggestions for improvement
– Provide advice on remedial work
– Check on student progress

Atenció personalitzada

Durant el curs 2021-22 s’atendrà a l’alumnat en tutoria individualitzada i/o grupal per tal de resoldre possibles dubtes, consultes i altres qüestions relacionades amb l’assignatura. La tutoria podrà ser presencial i/o virtual. A principis de curs s’informarà l’estudiantat sobre com es portarà a terme aquesta atenció personalitzada (horaris, si serà presencial, per correu electrònic, Moodle...).

Metodologías Competencias descripción Peso        
Presentacions / exposicions
Students will present the content of one of their written or reading assignments in front of the class. They can choose which assignment they would like to present. 20%
Portafolis/ Carpeta d’aprenentatge
Students will keep a portfolio during the course where they will include a summary of each reading assignment (4 in total, one for each unit) and all their homework. As a requirement to submit the portfolio, the students need to attend 75% of the classes. 5%
Students will submit three short written assignments: (1) a commentary on a film that will be watched in class, (2) a linguistic autobiography and (3) a linguistic diary with a reflection on the student's own linguistic practices. Each assignment will have a weight of 5% in the final mark. 65%
Proves objectives de tipus test
There will be four on-line multiple-choice tests, one for each unit. Each test will have a weight of 15% in the final mark. 15%

Class attendance is compulsory. The students need to attend a minimum of 75% of the classes to be able to submit their portfolios.

Otros comentarios y segunda convocatoria

First call: Continuous evaluation

Class attendance is compulsory. The students need to attend a minimum of 75% of the classes to be able to submit their portfolios.

Pass mark: 50%
Second call: exam
Students will have to complete a multiple choice test based on the four units of the course and also, they need to complete a written exercise around a topic included in the course.

If the public health situation requires a reduction in physical attendance, examination will be adapted to comply with the directives issued by the relevant organisations. Any changes will be notified via the news forum on Moodle.

Fonts d'informació


Bathia, Aditi (2020) Exploring the Englishes of world politics. World Englishes (published ahead of print). https://doi.org/10.1111/weng.12495

Crystal, David (2012) English as a Global Language. 2nd Ed. Cambridge University Press.

Gorter, Durk  (Ed.) (2006) Linguistic Landscape: A New Approach to Multilingualism. Clevelon: Multilingual Matters.

Danesi, Marcel (2016). Language, Society, and New Media: Sociolinguistics Today. New York and London: Routledge.

Fairclough, N. (2015). Language and Power. 3rd Edition. New York, London: Routledge.

Hiramoto, Mie (2015) Inked nostalgia: displaying identity through tattoos as Hawaii local practice, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 36:2, 107-123, DOI:10.1080/01434632.2013.804829

Jaffe, A. (2009). Stance: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Oxford University Press. 

Jenkins, J. (2007)  English as a Lingua Franca: Attitude and Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Johnson, Sally and Ensslin, Astrid (Eds.) (2018)  Language in the Media Representations, Identities, Ideologies. Bloomsbury.

Llurda, E. (2009) Attitudes towards English as an international language: The pervasiveness of native models among L2 users and teachers. In Farzad Sharifian (ed.) English as an International Language: Perspectives and Pedagogical Issues (pp. 119-134). Multilingual Matters.

Martin, C. W. (2020) The Social Semiotics of Tattoos: Skin and Self. Bloomsbury.

Mesthrie, R., Swann, J., Deumert, A., Leap, W.L. (2009) Introducing Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Meyerhoff, M. (2006). Introducing Sociolinguistics. London and New York: Routledge.

Ochs, Elinor (1992) Indexing gender. In Alessandro Duranti, Charles Goodwin (Eds.) Rethinking Context: Language as an Interactive Phenomenon. Cambridge University Press.

Ramjattan, V. A. (2019). Racializing the problem of and solution to foreign accent in business, Applied Linguistics Review (published online ahead of print). doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/applirev-2019-0058

Romaine, Suzanne (2000) Language in society : an introduction to sociolinguistics. 2. ed.: Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rosa, Jonathan & Flores, Nelson (2017) Unsettling race and language: Toward a raciolinguistic perspective.

Spolsky, B. (2014). Language Policy. Cambridge University Press. 

Trudgill, Peter (2000). Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to language and society (4th edition). UK: Pearson. 

Wardhaugh, R., & Fuller, J. M. (2015). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (7th edition). UK: Blackwell.

Van Herk, G. (2012) What Is Sociolinguistics? Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell



Otros comentarios
The teacher will provide the students with the course readings via Moodle.
(*)La Guía docente es el documento donde se visualiza la propuesta académica de la URV. Este documento es público y no es modificable, excepto en casos excepcionales revisados por el órgano competente o debidamente revisado de acuerdo la normativa vigente.