Asignatura (*) ANÀLISI DE TEXTOS ANGLESOS II Código 12274120
Grau en Anglès (2009)
Ciclo 1r
Descriptores Cr.totales Tipo Curso Periodo Horarios y datos del examen
6 Obligatòria Segon 2Q
Modalidad y lengua de impartición
Departamento Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
Correo-e john.style@urv.cat
Descripción general e información relevante
This course is designed to develop the critical reading skills for successful completion of literature courses in the English degree. It will suggest a way of approaching literary and other texts in a methodical manner. It will concentrate on drama as a literary genre. It will also make reference to film as "texts" for comparative purposes.

Tipo A Código Competencias Específicas
 A5 Dominar la llengua anglesa des d’un punt de vista teòric i pràctic i expressar-s’hi oralment i per escrit de manera fluida i precisa.
 A6 Analitzar les obres més rellevants de la literatura en llengua anglesa en els seus diversos entorns culturals.
Tipo B Código Competencias Transversales
 CT4 Treballar de forma autònoma i en equip amb responsabilitat i iniciativa.
 CT7 Aplicar els principis ètics i de responsabilitat social com a ciutadà o ciutadana i com a professional
Tipo C Código Competencias Nucleares

Resultats d'aprenentage
Tipo A Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 A5 Elabora un discurs oral i/o escrit concís i coherent a fi de comunicar els resultats del treball realitzat a un nivell intermedi-alt.
 A6 Coneix les principals tècniques literàries de diverses expressions de la literatura en llengua anglesa.
Analitza i comenta textos literaris de forma oral i/o escrita.
Tipo B Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 CT4 Identificar el propi rol dins del grup i conèixer els objectius i tasques del grup.
Comunicar i actuar dins del grup per facilitar la cohesió i el rendiment.
Comprometre’s amb les tasques i l’agenda del grup.
Col·laborar dins del grup en un bon clima de treball i en la resolució de problemes.
 CT7 Conèixer les principals desigualtats i discriminacions que es produeixen entre homes i dones i comprendre'n les causes.
Reconèixer i reflexionar sobre les necessitats i problemàtiques socials, i implicar-se en la millora de la comunitat.
Tipo C Código Resultados de aprendizaje

tema Subtema
Poetic Form Rhyme and sound patterning
Verse, metre and rhythm

Text: selection of poems (available from the Photocopy service at the beginning of this course)
Narrative Narrative
Narrative point of view
Speech and Narration
Narrative Realism

Text: A novel (to be specified on the first day of the course)
The Nature of Theatre

The Script
The play
Seeing a play
Reading a play

Text: A play (to be specified on the first day of the course)
Film Film and Narration
Film amd Drama
Visual Image, Verbal Signs, Sounds and Music

Text: A feature-length film (to be specified on the first day of the course)

Metodologías  ::  Pruebas
  Competencias (*) Horas en clase
Horas fuera de clase
(**) Horas totales
Activitats Introductòries
1 0 1
Sessió Magistral
15 5 20
15 58 73
Presentacions / exposicions
10 25 35
Atenció personalitzada
1 0 1
Proves objectives de tipus test
10 2 12
Proves de desenvolupament
6 2 8
(*) En el caso de docencia no presencial, serán las horas de trabajo con soporte virtual del profesor.
(**) Los datos que aparecen en la tabla de planificación son de carácter orientativo, considerando la heterogeneidad de los alumnos

Activitats Introductòries Preliminary lectures and readings will be given to present the basic literary constituents that conform a play and a film script. The lectures and readings will be followed by full class discussions.
Sessió Magistral Lectures will be based on the reading material of texts and the assigned texts for analysis and discussion. They will highlight the main ideas and concepts that contribute to the analysis of a play and a film script.
Seminaris Seminars (practical classes) will encourage group discussion of a specified text, and will allow students to practice the analysis of example texts, along the theoretical lines proposed in the theory classes. Active participation of the student is expected.
Presentacions / exposicions Part of the evaluation process is based on individual oral presentations. The class will be divided into different groups and each group, and each student, will have to introduce different issues about a play. A general discussion will follow.
Atenció personalitzada Students are welcome to contact me in office hours or by email for personal consultation. I especially ask those students who have serious problems in attending classes regularly to contact me at the beginning of the course.

Atenció personalitzada

Durant el curs 2022-23 s’atendrà a l’alumnat en tutoria individualitzada i/o grupal per tal de resoldre possibles dubtes, consultes i altres qüestions relacionades amb l’assignatura. A principis de curs s’informarà l’estudiantat sobre com es portarà a terme aquesta atenció personalitzada.           

Metodologías Competencias descripción Peso        
Presentacions / exposicions
ORAL PRESENTATION: This consist of a group presentation. Assessment will be based on Content, Structure, Delivery and Fluency. Please look at Moodle for full instructions on how to do your Oral Presentation. 20%
Proves de desenvolupament
TWO CLASS ESSAYS: During the course you will be asked to write two essays in class. 50%
Proves objectives de tipus test
TESTS: There will be three theoretical tests throughout the semester. The tests will assess how much you have understood and learned from the topics discussed and analysed in class. 30%
Otros comentarios y segunda convocatoria

Final exam/Segona convocatòria: exam. Pass mark: 50%

It will consist of a series of short theoretical questions, exercises in which you will analyse short texts and essay questions on the narrative text, the drama text, and the film text.

Fonts d'informació

Bàsica Martin Montgomery et alia, Ways of Reading 4th edition, 2013, London: Routledge
  • Martin Montgomery et al, Ways of Reading 4th edition. 2013, London: Routledge
  • Moodle

Students are highly recommended to buy the course text "Ways of Reading" in the specified edition, as it will form the backbone of the two 'Anàlisi de Texts' courses in the second year. Be careful to buy the 4th edition, if you are buying it new. If you buy it second-hand, any edition will do, but the later edition the better.  

Many of the classes will be given as seminars, some as lectures. Power Point presentations on various topics will be uploaded on Moodle, also website addresses where you can access interesting and relevant information.



Asignaturas que se recomienda haber cursado previamente
Otros comentarios
While regular attendance in class and participation are not given marks directly in the Continuous Assessment part of the course, it is understood that it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that students attend all classes and participate fully in them. It is further understood that to do so will automatically increase the students' likelihood of getting good results in their course work. Students who are unable to attend class on a regular basis because of work or a clash of timetables with other subjects should contact the teacher from the start of the course so that the impact of these obligations upon the student's potential performance can be assessed with the teacher, and recommendations made.
(*)La Guía docente es el documento donde se visualiza la propuesta académica de la URV. Este documento es público y no es modificable, excepto en casos excepcionales revisados por el órgano competente o debidamente revisado de acuerdo la normativa vigente.