Asignatura (*) LLENGUA ANGLESA I Código 12274105
Grau en Anglès (2009)
Ciclo 1r
Descriptores Cr.totales Tipo Curso Periodo Horarios y datos del examen
6 Obligatòria Segon 1Q
Modalidad y lengua de impartición
Departamento Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
Correo-e lucas.dasilva@urv.cat
Descripción general e información relevante

Adquisició de la competència gramatical i el coneixement lingüístic corresponent al nivell B2 (CERF), amb un èmfasi especial en l'estudi del sintagma verbal i temes relacionats.

Tipo A Código Competencias Específicas
 A5 Dominar la llengua anglesa des d’un punt de vista teòric i pràctic i expressar-s’hi oralment i per escrit de manera fluida i precisa.
Tipo B Código Competencias Transversales
 CT4 Treballar de forma autònoma i en equip amb responsabilitat i iniciativa.
Tipo C Código Competencias Nucleares

Resultats d'aprenentage
Tipo A Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 A5 Domina la gramàtica i el vocabulari de la llengua anglesa a un nivell intermedi-alt.
Desenvolupa la capacitat de comprensió oral i/o escrita per a satisfer les necessitats d’ús de la llengua anglesa a un nivell intermedi-alt.
Tipo B Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 CT4 Identificar el propi rol dins del grup i conèixer els objectius i tasques del grup.
Comunicar i actuar dins del grup per facilitar la cohesió i el rendiment.
Comprometre’s amb les tasques i l’agenda del grup.
Col·laborar dins del grup en un bon clima de treball i en la resolució de problemes.
Tipo C Código Resultados de aprendizaje

tema Subtema
Tenses Present continuous vs present simple
Past simple vs present perfect
Past continuous vs past simple
Past perfect vs past simple
Present perfect continuous vs present perfect
Past perfect continuous, past perfect vs past continuous
Present vs past time: review
The future Will and be going to
Present simple and present continuous for the future
Future continuous and future perfect (continuous)
Be to + infinitive; be about to + infinitive
Other ways of talking about the future
The future seen from the past
Modals and semi-modals Can, could, be able to and be allowed to
Will, would and used to
May and might
Must and have (got) to
Need(n’t), don’t need to and don’t have to
Should, ought to and had better
Linking verbs Be, appear, seem; become, get, etc.
Passives Forming passive sentences
Forming passive sentences: verb + -ing or to-infinitive
Using passives
Reporting with passives; It is said that...
Verb complementation: what follows verbs Verbs, objects and complements
Verb + two objects
Verb + -ing forms and infinitives
Reporting Reporting people’s words and thoughts
Reporting statements: that-clauses
Verb + wh-clause
Tense choice in reporting
Subjunctive Should in that-clauses; the present subjunctive
If I were you ...; imagine he were to win

Metodologías  ::  Pruebas
  Competencias (*) Horas en clase
Horas fuera de clase
(**) Horas totales
Activitats Introductòries
1 0 1
Sessió Magistral
14 10 24
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària
37 0 37
Estudis previs
1 30 31
Resolució de problemes, exercicis
1 20 21
1 30 31
Atenció personalitzada
2 0 2
Proves mixtes
3 0 3
(*) En el caso de docencia no presencial, serán las horas de trabajo con soporte virtual del profesor.
(**) Los datos que aparecen en la tabla de planificación son de carácter orientativo, considerando la heterogeneidad de los alumnos

Activitats Introductòries Course presentation (aims, content, learning methods, assessment).
Sessió Magistral Presentation and explanation of course contents, to support and complement practice in the acquisition of the corresponding linguistic and meta-linguistic knowledge.
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària Exercises completed in the class sessions (corrections will be explained in English, preferably by the students), to:
(a) increase the student's degree of grammatical accuracy,
(b) initiate training in basic description and analysis of the English language, and
(c) detect and deal with any especially problematic aspects.
Estudis previs Reviewing and revising for written tests. Complementation (with brief readings) of class lectures.
Resolució de problemes, exercicis Class exercises designed to check student's actual knowledge and command of each new topic, and to detect any areas which may require special attention.
Treballs Students will have to write a short paper on a specific grammatical point.
Atenció personalitzada Individual consultation of any course-related doubts or problems (in visiting hours). Paper supervision. Exam reviews.

Atenció personalitzada

Consulta individual de dubtes o problemes relacionats amb el curs (en hores d'atenció a l'alumnat). Supervisió de treballs. Revisió d'exàmens. 

Metodologías Competencias descripción Peso        
Resolució de problemes, exercicis a l'aula ordinària
Regular active oral participation in class sessions; class engagement and understanding (10%).
Correct, punctual and complete processing of grammar exercises and language description tasks (25%).

Final report
Proves mixtes
3 tests 45%
Otros comentarios y segunda convocatoria

60% = Passing grade for Convocatòria 1 & Convocatòria 2

00.00 - 59.99 = Suspens

60.00 - 72.49 = Aprovat

72.50 - 84.99 = Notable

85.00 - 97.49 = Excel·lent

97.50 - 100.00 = Matrícula d'Honor

1st Call

1. The passing grade for this course is 60%.

2. All activities (projects, exercises, tests, etc.) are of obligatory submission to pass the course. Failing to submit any part of the continuous assessment should oblige the student to take the 2nd Call Exam, independent of their average score.

3. Attendance and participation: Notice that this is a fully practical course. Therefore, the final grade will be based on regular class attendance, active participation and successful completion of all the tasks. A minimum of 60% of attendance is required to pass the course. If you do not attend our sessions regularly or if you fail the course, you will have to take the 2nd Call Exam.

4. No late assignments will be accepted. No tests/exams will be taken outside scheduled dates and times.

2nd Call

If students fail to pass their first call based on continuous assessment, they will have to take a single exam (with practical exercises and a variety of tasks to reflect the contents of the course) for the second call. The result of this exam will determine the final grade of the course.

Fonts d'informació

Bàsica Hewings, Martin, Advanced Grammar in Use, Third Edition, Cambridge University Press

L'article esmentat a dalt és material indispensable per als cursos Llengua Anglesa 1 i 2. Els estudiants haurien d'assegurar-se que l'adquireixen amb les respostes i, opcionalment, amb CD-ROM.

Basic bibliography for the theory sessions:

  • Foley, M. & Hall, D. (2003). Advanced learners’ grammar. Pearson ELT.
  • Huddleston, R. & Pullum, G. (2005). A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar. New York: CUP. 
  • Quirk et al. (1985). A comprehensive grammar of the English language. London: Longman. 
  • Quirk et al. (1990). A student’s grammar of the English language. London: Longman. 

Other useful sources

  • Haynes, S. & Nettle, M. Advanced Grammar in Use (Supplementary Exercises): CUP.
  • Parrot, M. 2000. Grammar for English Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. 
  • Swan, M. Practical English Usage.Oxford: OUP.
This material will be supplemented, during the course, with other sources of information, exercises, presentations and tests created by the course instructors, as well as useful links to online materials.

(*)La Guía docente es el documento donde se visualiza la propuesta académica de la URV. Este documento es público y no es modificable, excepto en casos excepcionales revisados por el órgano competente o debidamente revisado de acuerdo la normativa vigente.