Subject (*) DAMAGES LAW Code 15214252
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Law (2009)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
4 Optional 2Q
Department Private, Procedural and Financial Law
Web http://
General description and relevant information <p>The subject gives an overview of the torts regime in Spain. In addition, some specific cases of torts are also dealt with, such as, for example, torts arising from traffic accidents, medical civil liability, liability arising from the field of construction, civil liability for risky activities, for example. defective products and services, civil liability and animals or robots, etc.</p>

Type A Code Competences Specific
 CE1 The use of legal principles and fundamental values as working instruments for interpreting the legal code
 CE2 Identification, interpretation and use of internal, European, international and comparative legal sources
 CE3 Legal advice, mediation, negotiation and dispute resolution
 CE4 Identification of legal issues from a complex set of non-legally structured facts
 CE5 Selection of important non-legal information to be used in a legal context
 CE6 Drafting of complex legal documents
 CE7 Awareness of the function of law as a system for regulating social and economic relations
 CE8 Awareness of the unitary nature of the legal code and the interdisciplinary of legal problems
 CE9 In-depth knowledge of the foremost public and private legal institutions, their origin and historical evolution
 CE10 Accurate use of applicable law and involvement in current problems
 CE11 Differentiation between legal reasoning and ethical, political, economic and social arguments
Type B Code Competences Transversal
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 CE1 General
 CE2 General
 CE3 General
 CE4 Can isolate the important legal issues of real situations
 CE5 General
 CE6 General
 CE7 General
 CE8 General
 CE9 General
 CE10 General
 CE11 Understand the basic features of legal language, interpretation and argumentation
Type B Code Learning outcomes
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
PART I. GENERAL ASPECTS OF TORT LAW Lesson 1. General Introduction

1. Function of the Law of Torts
2. Relationship between Torts and Criminal Law
3. Relationship between Contractual and Unlawful or Tort Responsibility
4. Protected Interests

Lesson 2. General Principles

1. The Requirements for Tort Liability: Damaging Behaviour, the Causal Link and The Damage. Unlawfulness and Fault
1.1. Causation
1.2. Causal Link
1.3. Damage and other Remedies
1.3.1. Concept and general aspects
1.3.2. Kinds of damages
a) Individual and collective damages
b) Direct and indirect
c) Pecuniary and non-pecuniary losses
d) Pure economic loss
e) Actual and future damages
f) Other costs
g) Mitigation of damages
1.3.3. Assessment and compensation of damages
1.3.4. Personal injury and death
1.3.5. Other remedies Restitution for unjust enrichment Injunctive relief Punitive damages
1.4. Unlawfulness
1.5. Fault and Duty of Care

2. Capacity
1. Infants and Minors
2. Mentally Handicapped

3. Defences and exception clauses
1. Limitation of action and other time issues
2. Grounds of justification
2.1. Consent
2.2. Necessity
2.3. Self-help and self-defence
2.4. Others
3. Victim’s exclusive fault and contributory fault
4. Exemption clauses

Lesson 3. Insurances and Social Security
1. Insurances
2. Social Security
Lesson 4. Specific Cases of Liability for one’s own acts

1. Liability of Professionals
1.1. In General
1.2. Medical Practitioners
1.2.1. Type of Obligation: Is a Certain Result Required?
1.2.2. The Proper Behaviour of Medical Practitioners
1.2.3. Who Can Be Liable for Medical Malpractice
1.2.4. ‘Wrongful Actions’
1.2.5. Questions on Jurisdiction

1.3. Legal Practitioners
1.3.1. Practising Lawyers
1.3.2. Procurators

1.4. Builders and Architects
1.5. Liability of Notaries and Land Registrars
1.6. Liability of Advisers
1.6.1. In General
1.6.2. Auditors
1.6.3. Liability of Rating Agencies
1.6.4. Liability in Banking Services
1.6.5. Other Liberal Professionals

2. Abuse of rights

3. Injury to reputation and privacy
3.1. Natural persons
3.2. Juristic persons

4. Interference by a third person with contractual relations

5. Organization and practice of risky or high-risk activities
5.1. Sports
5.2. Bull fights
5.3. Fairs and leisure parks
5.4. Swimming pools and water leisure parks
5.5. Liability at discotheques
5.6. Falls
5.7. Firework exhibitions

6. Tort liability derived from package trips

7. Damages to intellectual and industrial property rights

8. Damages related to information society services

Lesson 5. Specific Cases of Liability for acts of others

1. Employer/employee. Independent contractors

2. Liability of parents and tutors

3. Liability of educational centres

4. Liability for objects and animals
4.1. Objects
4.2. Animals

Lesson 6. Forms of strict liability

1. Road and traffic accidents
1.1. Two types of liability
1.2. Subjective scope
1.3. Causes of exemption
1.4. System of Damage Assessment
1.5. Insurance: SOA and CCS

2. Product liability

3. Liability for service

4. Environmental liability

5. Liability of Public Authorities
5.1. The General Public Administration
5.2. Special consideration of the Liability of the Judiciary

5. Others
5.1. Hunting
5.2. Air transport
5.3. Nuclear energy

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
1.5 0 1.5
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
5 8 13
1 20 21
31 1 32
5 5 10
4.5 0 4.5
Personal attention
1 1 2
Oral tests
1 7 8
Practical tests
1 7 8
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Descripció general de l’assignatura, objectius generals, imbricació de l’assignatura dins de la disciplina del Dret Civil, dins de la carrera de Dret i mostrar importància pràctica per als juristes
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom Resolució dels casos pràctics o debats.
Assignments Podrà existir opcionalment cada any a l’assignatura. Podrà ser breu però molt concentrat i interessant.
Lecture Exposició dels diversos continguts essencials de l’assignatura.
Debates Debat de casos pràctics, en algun punt contradictoris, que han de ser debatuts a classe.
Seminars Es treballarà en profunditat algunes qüestions claus de l’assignatura, procurant compensar els blocs (ex. productes defectuosos, part general, accidents de circulació, etc.)
Personal attention L'alumnat tindrà la possibilitat de concertar tutories per resoldre dubtes sobre l'assignatura.

Personalized attention

Resolució de dubtes: Resolució de dubtes que poden provenir de les classes, de les hores d’estudi personal o de les pràctiques. Orientació en els treballs: L’alumnat té la possibilitat de ser orientat pel professorat en el desenvolupament del mateix, doncs s’hi juga part de la nota final.

En qualsevol cas, es podràn utilitzar mitjans telemàtics per dur a terme les tutories i la resolució de dubtes. L'horari d'aquestes s'haurà de pactar prèviament amb el professorat. 

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Oral tests
S'avaluarà el contingut teòric de l'assignatura mitjançant una prova oral, que es podrà realitzar de forma presencial o amb mitjans virtuals. Si el número de matriculats és major de 25 alumnes, la prova no serà oral sinó que serà tipus test, que es podrà dur a terme amb mitjans informàtics si la situació sanitària ho requereix.
En cas de ser oral, es trien dos temes a desenvolupar, al temps que el professorat va realitzant preguntes relacionades amb ells, al temps que pot plantejar casos pràctics sobre les qüestions en concret. Les preguntes no han de coincidir necessàriament amb els epígrafs del temari i poder fer relacionar qualsevol aspecte del mateix. A l’examen entra tot el temari, sempre que el professorat no exclogui algun punt expressament.
Practical tests
Es realitzaran preguntes pràctiques sobre els aspectes teòrics tractats a l'assignatura i avaluats mitjançant la prova oral. Si el número de matriculats és major de 25 alumnes, la prova pràctica serà escrita. 30%
Others   0%
Other comments and second exam session

Es requereix un mínim de 3 punts en cada prova avaluativa per a poder aprovar l'assignatura amb un 5.

En segona convocatòria les regles són les mateixes. En qualsevol cas s'ha de recuperar el treball avaluatiu que tindrà el mateix pes en la nota que en primera convocatòria (30%).

Sources of information


NASARRE-AZNAR, Sergio, Law of torts-Spain, “International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Tort Law”, La Haia, 2022, Kluwer Law International.

YZQUIERDO TOLSADA, Mariano, Responsabilidad civil extracontractual, 2020.

REGLERO CAMPOS, Fernando, Lecciones de responsabilidad civil, Ed. Aranzadi. 2013.

ROCA TRÍAS, Encarna, Derecho de daños. Textos y materiales, València, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch.


  • ALBALADEJO, Manuel, Derecho Civil II. Derecho de obligaciones, 11ª Edición, Barcelona, 2002, Librería Bosch S.L. El tema dedicat a la responsabilitat extracontractual.
  • AA.VV., Legislación sobre responsabilidad por daños, Ed. Tecnos, última edición.
  • INDRET. Revista on-line especialitzada en dret de danys ( Diversos articles relacionats amb el dret de danys.
  • REGLERO CAMPOS, Fernando L. (coord.), Tratado de responsabilidad civil, 2002, Ed. Aranzadi.
  • SCHÄFER, Hans-Berndt i OTT, Claus, Manual de análisis económico del derecho civil, Madrid, 1986, Ed. Tecnos. Els epígrafs dedicats a la responsabilitat per danys.
  • The University of Chicago Law School. John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics. ( Diversos articles relacionats amb el dret de danys.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Other comments
- Les classes es desenvoluparan regularment en castellà o català. - Llegir articles i consultar el material complementari.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.