Study programme
Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2014)
Cycle 2nd
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
3 Compulsory First 1Q
Department Business Management
Web http://
General description and relevant information <p>This subject is focused so that the student knows and integrates the skills that the entrepreneur needs in an environment as changing and complex as today. We live in moments of maximum uncertainty. Moments where business models can no longer be predicted and moments in which, in a short time, a start-up can be successful, go public and close.</p><p>Therefore we will do in-depth work on the entrepreneurial mentality, emotional management and energy management, self empowerment and work teams. Communication and persuasion as the basis for success and the construction of impact messages. In addition, other skills such as decision making, time management, idea generation, design thinking, etc.</p><p>It is an experiential, experiential and team subject, in which a route plan and its follow-up will be developed to acquire throughout the sessions all the necessary skills to undertake successfully.</p>

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A1 Integrar coneixements avançats per analitzar i planificar les fases de creació d'una nova empresa.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 CT6 Develop skills to manage career development
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1 Prendre consciència de la importància de les habilitats directives com a capacitats i competències a aprendre i desenvolupar al llarg de la vida.
Desenvolupar competències directives, de gestió i competències socials per a noves emprenedories.
Conèixer el catàleg d'habilitats directives i competències que haurien de dominar els directius i emprenedors.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT6 Students become aware of their professional future.
Students develop a professional attitude.
Students analyse the professional prospects in their field.
Students make specific professional plans.
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
1. Entrepreneur skills 1.1 Entrepreneurship. An attitude.
1.2 Why a road map for the development of the entrepreneur
1.3 The skills of the entrepreneur
1.4 Intent, cause, purpose and values
2. Mindset of the entrepreneur 2.1 How the brain works.
2.2 Fast thinking, slow thinking.
2.3 Empowering and limiting convictions.
3. Emotional management 3.1 What is emotional mastery.
3.2 Some elements in emotional mastery.
3.3 Emotions in teams.
4. Communication and Persuasion 4.1 Communicator skills
4.2 Some psychological biases.
4.3 Neuromarketing.
4.4 Construction of an impact message.
5. Agile methodologies: Design Thinking and Lean Start Up 5.1 Introduction to the most current methodologies for creation and innovation in startups and companies.
5.2 Skills for Design Thinking and Lean Start Up
5.3 The Design Thinking process. Real cases.
5.4 The Lean Start Up process. Real cases
6. Negotiation, decision making and time management 6.1 Resources for negotiation
6.2 Resources for decision making
6.3 Resources for time management
6.4 Other tools for success

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
2 0 2
14 10 24
14 6 20
Portfolio / Learning Guide
1 14 15
Personal attention
2 0 2
Mixed tests
4 8 12
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Presentation of the course program, contents, methodology and evaluation criteria. Discussion about the knowledge and previous experiences of the students in the theme of the subject. The importance of active participation in class when evaluating will be highlighted.
Assignments They are those described in the master session. Experiential activities in which the active participation of each student is pursued in order to achieve learning and integrate knowledge.
Lecture At the beginning of each session the contents will be presented. This space will be between 40-50% of the session. The other remaining percentage will be dedicated to debate, reflections, and problem solving for the application.

The objective is for the students to question all the contents and make them participate in the co-creation of the session itself.
Portfolio / Learning Guide A personal diary will be kept throughout all the sessions so that it is the student's own experience who leverages its evolution and growth.

Likewise, the creation of a powerful personal and professional brand in the LinkedIn network will also be considered.
Personal attention Use of student service hours to resolve specific issues and doubts. It is recommended to write to the teachers beforehand to confirm your visit.

Personalized attention
Per atendre i resoldre dubtes als estudiants en relació a aquesta assignatura, contactar per email per convenir dia i hora.

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
These are the activities proposed in class and the deepening of reflections, the development of critical thinking and active participation in the work team will be evaluated. 30%
Active participation in the master sessions will be evaluated. 10%
Portfolio / Learning Guide
The student will carry out a personal diary where they reflect learning, the integration of knowledge, personal reflections and commitments to ensure their growth.

The staging in the real environment will also be evaluated through the creation of a personal and professional brand through the LinkedIn network.
Mixed tests
Final test in which the development of skills is evaluated and the integration of knowledge is required. This test will consist of an oral part and a written reflection part. It is necessary to obtain at least 40% in the mark of this exam so that it makes the average with the rest of the evaluation elements. 30%
Other comments and second exam session

The second call is determined from the final test and the exercises presented prior to it. The students who fail or do not present themselves to the first call will have to talk with the teacher to determine which parts of the assessment will be carried out again.

Sources of information

Basic Steve Blank; Bob Dorf, El manual del emprendedor, 2012, California, EEUU
Tom Kelley; Jonathan Littman, Las 10 caras de la innovación, 2010, California, EEUU
Daniel Goleman, Inteligencia Emocional, 2006, NYC, EEUU
Chade-Meng Tan, Busca en tu interior, 2012, California, EEUU
Stephen Covey, Los 7 hábitos de la gente altamente efectiva, 1989, NYC, EEUU
Tony Hsiesh, Delivering Happiness, 2013, California, EEUU
Tim Brown, Diseñar el cambio, 2020, California, EEUU
Eric Ries, El método Lean Startup, 2011, California, EEUU
Jake Knapp, Sprint. Resolver problemas y testar nuevas ideas., 2016, California, EEUU
Rubén Turienzo, Haz que suceda, 2019, Madrid, España

The SAGE handbook of leadership         Alan Bryman      Anglaterra: SAGE            2011     

Entrepreneurial Skills (2nd Ed.)                Cecile Nieuwenhuizen Double Storey Publishers            2009     

The E Factor: Entrepreneurial Competencies for Personal and Business Success             David Gibson     Pearson                 2006


•    Casado, José Manuel (2000) El directivo del siglo XXI. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.

•    Clegg, Brian (2000) Instant Motivation. London: Kogan Page.

•    Commarmond, Gisèle; Exiga, Alain (1999) Cómo fijar objetivos y evaluar resultados. Bilbao: Deusto.

•    Costa, Miguel; López, Ernesto (1997) Los secretos de la dirección: manual práctico para dirigir organizaciones y equipos. Madrid: Pirámide

•    Fernández López, Sergio (2007) Cómo gestionar la comunicación en organizaciones públicas y no lucrativas. Madrid: Narcea, 2007. 

•    Fisher, Roger; Ury, William; Patton, B. (2011) Obtenga el sí: el arte de negociar sin ceder. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.

•    Keenan, Kate (1997) Claves de la eficacia directiva. Barcelona: Bestselia.

•    Muchielli, Roger (1977) La dinámica de los grupos. Madrid: Iberico Europea de Ediciones.

•    Nelson, Bob (2005) 1001 formas de motivar. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.

•    Nelson, Bob; Spitzer; Dean (2005) 1001 formas de recompensar el trabajo bien hecho: cómo gratificar y fidelizar empleados. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.

•    Shani, A.B.; Lau, James B. (2000) Behavior in Organizations: an experiential approach (7th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

•    Steers, Richard M.; Porter, Lyman W. (1991) Motivation and work behavior. London: McGraw-Hill.

•    Stewart, Jacqueline; Couper, David (2004) Desarrollo de habilidades directivas. Madrid: Abetas.

•    Ury, William (2000) ¡Supere el no!: cómo negociar con personas que adoptan posiciones inflexibles. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.

•    Valls, Antonio (1998) Las 12 habilidades directivas clave. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.

•    Weiss, Tracey (2003). Coaching competencies and corporate leadership. FL, USA: St. Lucie Press, cop.

Simon Sinek, Empieza con el porqué, 2018, Empresa Activa

Daniel Pink, La sorprendente verdad sobre lo que nos motiva, 2010, Planeta

Tom Kelley, Las diez caras de la innovación, 2010, Planeta

Steve Blank, El manual del emprendedor, 2013, Planeta

Eric Ries, El método Lean Startup, 2012, Deusto

Christophe Morin, El código de la persuasión, 2018, Planeta

Daniel Khaneman, Piensa rápido, piensa despacio, 2013, Debolsillo

Laszlo Block, La nueva fórmula del trabajo, 2015, Conecta

Gary Hamel, Humanocracia, 2022, Harvard Business Review

Frederic Laloux, Reinventar las organizaciones, 2016, Arpa

John Doerr, Mide lo que importa, 2019, Conecta.

Adam Grant, Dar y Recibir, 2014 Planeta

Tom peters, ¡Excelencia ahora! Humanismo extremo, 2022 Empresa activa

James Clear, Hábitos Atómicos, 2020, Planeta.

Gary Keller, Lo Único, 2015, Aguilar.


(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.