Subject (*) TECHNICAL DRAWING Code 17214011
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering (2010)
Cycle 1st & 2nd
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
6 Basic Course Second 1Q
Department Mechanical Engineering
Predepartment Architecture Unit
Web http://
General description and relevant information <p>GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECT: Provide the student with the necessary knowledge to correctly develop the problems of design and representation of the graphic part of the project process in Engineering.</p>

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A2 Have knowledge of taking measurements, calculations, evaluations, valuations, surveys, studies, reports, work plans and other similar studies.
 FB5 Have abilities in spatial vision and knowledge of the techniques of graphic representation, by both traditional methods of metric geometry and descriptive geometry, and through computer assisted design applications.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 B2 Have knowledge in basic and technological subjects, which gives them the ability to learn new methods and theories, and the versatility to adapt to new situations.
 B4 Be able to handle specifications, regulations and standards that must be fulfilled.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A2 Predict the representation of a part, component or installation and produce images and optimal representations of parts, components or installations.
Produce images and representations of parts, components or installations using computers.
Assume the responsibility that technical drawing is a language with the series of rules that this entails.
 FB5 Know and apply the fundamentals of representation systems and know and apply their representation mechanisms.
Predict the representation of a part, component or installation and produce images and optimal representations of parts, components or installations.
Understand the mechanisms and tools for graphic representation using computers.
Produce images and representations of parts, components or installations using computers.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B2 Know and apply the fundamentals of representation systems and know and apply their representation mechanisms.
Understand the mechanisms and tools for graphic representation using computers.
 B4 Predict the representation of a part, component or installation and produce images and optimal representations of parts, components or installations.
Produce images and representations of parts, components or installations using computers.
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
Graphic representation techniques. Graphic elements in engineering projects. Metric and descriptive geometry.

General principles of standardization.

standardization. Common language. Projection cube. Views. Sections. Boundary rules. Symbolism of basic elements.

Industrial and installation drawing.

Industrial representation systems. Fundamentals and applications.

-aided design. Graphic elements in engineering projects. Graphic representation techniques.

Computer-aided drawing and applications.

with computer, basic software:
1 - Representation of pieces.
2 - Representation of facilities.

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
4 0 4
11 12 23
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
12 18 30
Laboratory practicals
25 60 85
Personal attention
0.5 0 0.5
Practical tests
7.5 0 7.5
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities S’explicarà a l’aula el programa del curs: matèria, temporització, avaluació, mitjans materials, programari, etc.
Lecture Mitjançant classes magistrals s’explicarà la teoria que figura al programa de l’assignatura.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom Les pràctiques sobre el que s’ha explicat a les classes magistrals es realitzaran a les hores destinades a problemes. El alumnes han de portar a classe el material de dibuix adequat per portar-les a terme. El lliurament de les pràctiques és voluntari, però les pràctiques són avaluables.
Laboratory practicals Les pràctiques del laboratori de CAD constaran sobre la matèria explicada a les classes magistrals i d’acord amb el programari explicat i utilitzat a l’aula de CAD. El lliurament de les pràctiques serà avaluable.
Personal attention L’alumne sempre pot requerir del professor les explicacions i consultes oportunes a les hores de classe i d’atenció a l’alumnat.

Personalized attention

student can always request from the teacher the appropriate explanations and consultations during class hours and attention to students.

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
Pràctiques parcial núm. 1
Pràctiques parcial núm. 2
15% 7.5%
Laboratory practicals

Pràctiques Segon Parcial
Exercici CAD 2D
Exercici CAD 3D

Practical tests
Proba Parcial núm. 1
Proba parcial núm. 2
Other comments and second exam session

Evaluation– Activities per grade

1.First partial:

Normalization and Drawing with Autocad (50% and selective)

1.1. Practice grades (30%), weight in the subject (15%)

1.2. Partial Test No. 1 (40%), weight in the subject (20%)

1.3. 2D CAD exercise (30%), weight in the subject (15%)

2.Second partial: Isometry and Drawing of Facilities and Drawing with Inventor (50%)

2.1. Isometric and design of facilities (60% and selective)

2.1.1.Practice grades (30%), weight in the subject (15%)

2.1.2. Partial test no. 2 (30%), weight of the subject (15%)

2.2. Drawing with Inventor (40% and selective)

 2.2.1Practice-3D exam (40%) Weight in the subject (20%)

"Selective" means that this part must be approved to pass the subject. Students who have not passed the first call will be obliged to submit to the second call (only of the suspended parts). This will consist of an exam divided into three parts (each corresponding to Normamalization, Isometric Drawing and Inventor Practice-Examination).

Sources of information

Basic Corbella Barrios, David, Dibujo técnico 3 -ELEMENTOS DE NORMALIZACIÓN-, , 1983
Auria Apilluelo, José M.; Ibáñez Carabantes, Pedro; Ubieto Artur, Pedro, Dibujo industrial: conjuntos y despieces , 2ª, 2005
Rodríguez de Abajo. F. Javier; Álvarez Bengoa, Víctor, Geometría descriptiva. Tomo III. Sistema de Perspectiva Axonométrica., 6ª, 1991
Rodríguez de Abajo, F. Javier; Revilla Blanco, Alberto, Geometría descriptiva.Tomo IV. Sistema de Perspectiva Caballera., 5ª, 1997


Complementary Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación -AENOR- , Dibujo Técnico , 4ª, 2009
Rodríguez de Abajo, Francisco Javier; Galarraga Astibia, Roberto, Normalización del dibujo industrial , , 1993
Álvarez Bengoa, Víctor, Perspectiva (Axonométrica y Caballera) - Prácticas de dibujo técnico 4, , 1990


Other comments
És molt recomanable treballar els continguts teòrics exposats a classe durant les hores assignades de problemes i de laboratori de CAD, ja que els dubtes que apareixen poden ser immediatament solucionats i també es pot treure un major rendiment del temps de dedicació a l’assignatura. Així mateix es considera que l'assistència a classe és obligatòria. S’activaran el nombre de grups de problemes i de laboratori en funció del nombre d’alumnes matriculats en aquell curs, i amb criteris d'optimització i eficàcia docent segons el nombre d'alumnes. Es prohibeix la utilització de càmeres, mòbils, ordinadors portàtils o aparells de gravació durant les classes de teoria i a les proves avaluatives. Si es detecta una pràctica de laboratori copiada, la sanció afectarà tant a l’alumne que l’ha copiat com l’alumne del qual s’ha copiat i comportarà els suspens en aquesta pràctica i la impossibilitat de presentar-la en la vigent convocatòria. No es permet arribar tard a les proves avaluatives. L'alumne que arribi un cop començada la prova es considerarà no presentat.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.