Study programme
Educational Technology: e-Learning and Knowledge Management (2012)
Cycle 2nd
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
3 Optional First AN
Department Pedagogy
General description and relevant information <p>This subject is lectured by Dra. Antònia Darder ( </p>

Type A Code Competences Specific
  AC1 Analizar las TIC como herramienta e instrumento para el e-learning y la gestión del conocimiento.
  AC2 Dominar las herramientas y procedimentos para la planificación, organización y gestión de los procesos de e-learning.
  AC5 Adoptar medios, recursos y herramientas en procesos de seguimiento y evaluación de e-learning.
  AC6 Incorporar estrategias y recursos de gestión del conocimiento en los desarrollos de innovación e investigación en e-learning.
  AC9 Aplicar modelos pedagógicos y conocimientos técnicos para la resolución de problemas de formación en e-learning.
  AC10 Analizar y aplicar herramientas e instrumentos para el diseño y desarrollo de materiales didácticos para el e-learning.
  AC11 Diseñar escenarios de aprendizaje en entornos tecnológicos.
  AC14 Transferir a otros contextos la actividad práctica desarrollada.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
  BC2 Resolver problemas complejos en contextos multidisciplinares relacionados con el campo de estudio.
  BC3 Aplicar pensamiento crítico, lógico y creativo demostrando capacidad de innovación.
  BC5 Trabajar en equipo de forma colaborativa y responsabilidad compartida, en clave de liderazgo.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear
  CC3 Be able to manage information and knowledge
  CC4 Expresarse correctamente de manera oral y escrita en una de las dos lenguas oficiales de la URV.

Learning aims
Objectives Competences
Find the pedagogical foundations to build a flexible training model. AC1
Identify the critical elements that must be considered in a teaching-learning system based on technological environments. AC1
Reflect on the possibilities presented by the different training experiences through teaching-learning systems based on technological environments. AC9

Topic Sub-topic
1. Flexible teaching 1.1.- Distance learning
1.2.- Open learning
1.3.- Flexible teaching
2. Models of use of ICT in distance education 2.1.- Analysis elements of online teaching
2.2.- Types of institutions
2.3.- Online teaching models
3. Logical components for a flexible teaching model 3.1.- Technological components
3.2.- Organizational components
3.3.- Pedagogical components

4. Integration of environments. 4.1.- Social environments
4.2.- Personal learning environments (PLE)
4.3.- The integration of institutional, social and personal environments.
5. Training systems: face-to-face, blended and distance 5.1. Face-to-face, blended learning and distance training
5.2.Virtual environments and tools for education..

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours Hours outside the classroom (**) Total hours
Introductory activities
2 4 6
6 4 10
Forums of debate
10 10 20
IT-based practicals
3 30 33
Personal attention
5 1 6
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Actividades encaminadas a tomar contacto y recoger información sobre los alumnos y presentación de la asignatura.
Lecture Sesiones de videoconferencia.
Forums of debate Actividad, a través de las TIC, donde se debaten temas de actualidad relacionados con el ámbito profesional.
IT-based practicals Aplicar, a nivel práctico, la teoría a un ámbito de conocimiento en un contexto determinado. Simulaciones a través de las TIC.
Personal attention Atención al alumno para la resolución de dudas y para la orientación académica y profesional.

Personalized attention
Personal attention
Introductory activities

It is the time that each teacher has reserved to answer and resolve doubts to the students and pursues the following objectives: -Assist, monitor and guide the student at a professional level. - Exchange information, opinion and knowledge. -Encourage feedback between teacher and student on the work of the subject. -Carry out a follow-up of the understanding of concepts and contents and clarify doubts. -Advise in the search for information. - Etc.

  Description Weight
Forums of debate AU1. initial activity
Participation. Reflection. Discussion. Contribution of related materials (bibliography, concept maps, videos, images,...)
IT-based practicals AU2. Project
Evolution from an open model of dissemination to one of development. Provide quality criteria that determine the success of the project
Other comments and second exam session

As part of the formative assessment process, in those cases in which the students carry out a second delivery of an evaluable activity that has been suspended or not presented, it will be carried out, within 45 days after the end of the subject, on the date determined by the professor. , only in those cases in which the student expressly contacts them to request it within the ordinary school period of the subject. Once this period is over, it will be understood that the student withdraws and will not have the right to this second opportunity. 

It is recalled that students have to respect the criterion of absolute linguistic correctness in all their evaluation tests (and also teaching-learning tests) and that not doing so can be a direct reason for failing. On the other hand, any circumstance of plagiarism on the part of the students can mean direct failure to the subject, without the possibility of resorting to the second call.Finally, students are suggested to consult the specific planning housed in the Moodle space of the subject.

Sources of information



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(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.