Assignatura (*) CULTURA DE LES ILLES BRITÀNIQUES I Codi 12141118
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Cicle 1r
Descriptors Crèd. Crèd. teoria Crèd. pràctics Tipus Curs Període
6 4.5 1.5 Obligatòria Segon Primer
Llengua d'impartició
Departament Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
Adreça electrònica
Descripció general i informació rellevant This course aims at providing students in the second year of their degree in English Philology with a general view of the main sociocultural factors that, throught time, have formed the history and cultures of the British Isles.
Com a conseqüència de l'extinció del pla d'estudis que estàs cursant, en aquesta assignatura es realitza a través de tutoria (excepte en els estudis de l'ETSE). Per a més informació cal consultar l'horari d'atenció personalitzada del professor.

Tema Subtema
This course will look at three main thematic concerns:

I) Geographical and cultural diversity of the British Isles and Ireland

1. Geography: Regional diversity.
2. Population: Ethnic and National identities. Multicultural societies
II) Main historical, social, economic and ideological developments in the British Isles.
3. Roman, Vikking, Germanic and Norman invasions.
4. The Medieval period.
5. The Reformation.
6. Science and discovery (17th century).
7. The age of enlightenment (18th century).
8. From unification to the British Empire (18th - 19th century).
9. Social and cultural "revolutions" (18th - 19th centuries).

Atenció personalitzada
Students will be helped to read, research and understand the main topics contained in the course syllabus. Personal attention will be provided in seminar or indic¡vidual meetings. Students will be always encouraged to raise questions and to become involved in discussion in group or tutorials. Individual guidance will be provided to all students in developing their individual work, research or study.

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Course –work will be set periodically by the teacher, depending on the number of students.
Assignments, seminar discussion, presentations will be set according to the course calendar. Individual work will be completed and sent in to the teacher according to a set calendar. NO COURSE-WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED BEYOND DEADLINES.
Students will be assessed on the basis of constinuous assessment (CA) or a final exam.

Students who do not have a pass in all the items of the CA, will have to take a final exam. Details will be given during the course.

Please note that plagiarism from books or the internet will make your work invalid

Fonts d'informació
Bàsica Bassnett, susan, Studying British Cultures: An Introduction, 1997, Routledge
OAKLAND, John, British Civilization. An Introduction, 5th. Ed., Routledge, 2002
KEARNEY, Hugh, The British Isles. A History of Four Nations, 1995, C.U.P
DAVIES, Norman, The Isles: A History, 1999, Macmillan
SIEPER, Roswitha, The Student's Companion to Britain., 1993, Idiomas

Complementària , , ,
CHRISTOPHER, David, British Culture. An Introduction., 1999, Routledge
GILES, Judy and Tim MIDDLETON,, Studying Culture: A Practical Introduction, 2006, Blackwell

(*)La Guia docent és el document on es visualitza la proposta acadèmica de la URV. Aquest document és públic i no es pot modificar, llevat de casos excepcionals revisats per l'òrgan competent/ o degudament revisats d'acord amb la normativa vigent