Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Cicle 1r
Descriptors Crèd. Crèd. teoria Crèd. pràctics Tipus Curs Període
6 4.5 1.5 Optativa Segon
Llengua d'impartició
Departament Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
Adreça electrònica
Descripció general i informació rellevant The main objective of this course is to lead students to the level of understanding necessary to shape a critical response to a selection of Shakespeare plays. By using an approach based on literary techniques, students will learn how to discuss an extract from a Shakespeare play and how to write an essay, taking into account the cultural and historial aspects discussed in class. Moreover, we will consider the theoretical and practical issues surrounding the adaptation of a play into a film.
Com a conseqüència de l'extinció del pla d'estudis que estàs cursant, en aquesta assignatura es realitza a través de tutoria (excepte en els estudis de l'ETSE). Per a més informació cal consultar l'horari d'atenció personalitzada del professor.

Tema Subtema
1. How to approach a Shakespeare Play 1.1. Tales from Shakespeare
1.2. Screen adaptations
1.3. Stagings
1.4. "No Fear Shakespeare. The Plays made easy"

2. Discussing an extract from a Shakespeare Play 2.1. Expressing factual knowledge of the play
2.2. Showing the dramatic significance of the extract
2.3. Focus on characters, themes, language and staging
3. Writing an essay on a Shakespeare Play 3.1. Understanding the question
3.2. Identifying the issues in the play
3.3. Discussing the text in detail
3.4. Developing a larger argument
Set texts - Romeo and Juliet
- King Lear
- Macbeth

Atenció personalitzada
Use of tutorial time for constructive commentary on class work will be taken into consideration at the time of assessment, though it has no assigned 'mark' as such.

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Attendance and participation: 15 %
Course Assignments (online): 15 %
Presentation (pair work): 25 %
Exam 1 (commentary): 20 %
Exam 2 (essay): 25 %

Students taking the final exam:

${1}iPart 1:${1}i Exam
· 10 short questions about the topic of the course (Charles and Mary Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, The Elizabethan Theatre, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, Macbeth, courtly love and Petrarchism, literary criticism, screen versions)
· The discussion and analysis of a short extract. (There will be 3 extracts to be chosen from.)
· An essay on one of the three plays. (There will be 3 essay questions to be chosen from. Nevertheless, the play chosen for the essay has to be different from the one chosen for the discussion of the extract.)

${1}iPart 2:${1}i Written assignment
A monographic study on a Shakespeare play, different from the ones discussed in class, or on another topic related to the course, e.g. the role of women in Shakespeare's plays, Shakespeare's sources, etc.
Once you've decided on your topic, come and talk to me about the plan of work.

Fonts d'informació
Bàsica SparkNotes LLC, "No Fear Shakespeare",, 2009.
Three Great Plays of Shakespeare, retold by Karen Holmes, Pack (Book + CD-Rom), Penguin Books, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, 2007.
Chris HOPKINS, Thinking About Texts. An Introduction to English Studies, Houndsmill, Hampshire [etc.], Palgrave, 2001.
John PECK; Martin COYLE, How to Study a Shakespeare Play, Houndsmill, Hampshire [etc.], MacMillan, 1995 [Second edition].
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Penguin Shakespeare, Penguin Books Ltd., 2003
William Shakespeare, King Lear, Penguin Shakespeare, Penguin Books Ltd., 2005
William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Penguin Popular Classics, Penguin Books Ltd., 2005

In buying Three Great Plays of Shakespeare, students are strongly advised to buy the edition indicated, i.e. the pack including the book and the CD-Rom.

Complementària Deborah CARTMELL; Imelda WHELEHAN, Adaptations. From text to screen, screen to text, London, New York, Routledge, 2002.
Brian McFARLANE, Novel to Film. An Introduction to the Theory of Adaptation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996.
Romeo and Juliet, directed by George Cukor, MGM, 1947.
Romeo and Juliet, directed by Franco Zeffirelli, Paramount, 1968.
King Lear, directed by Michael Elliott, starring Laurence Olivier, Granada Television, 1984.
King Lear, directed by Andrew McCulough, starring Orson Welles, CBS, 1953.
Macbeth, directed by Orson Welles, Republic Pictures, 1948.
The Tragedy of Macbeth, directed by Roman Polanski, Caliban Films, 1971.




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