Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Audiovisual Communication (2009)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
6 Optional Fourth 1Q
Department Communication Studies
General description and relevant information <p> El periodisme cultural registra diferents formats, entre ells el molt específic de la crítica. L'assignatura tindrà com a objecte explicar aquestes formes de periodisme i donar metodologia per a saber-les implementar. Es donarà una visió genèrica de la informació i anàlisi cinematogràfic, literari, teatral, musical, televisiu, popular, social o gastronòmic. La proximitat i les noves tecnologies seran altres de les dues claus de la matèria.&nbsp;</p><div><br /></div><div><br /></div>

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A7 Dominar els fonaments teòrics i pràctics de l’exercici del periodisme audiovisual
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 CT2 Managing information and knowledge through the efficient use of IT.
 CT6 Identify their learning process and their academic and professional careers.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A7 Adquireix els conceptes bàsics de la pràctica periodística aplicada al tractament de l’actualitat cultural
Desenvolupa les habilitats de producció periodística aplicades al periodisme cultural
És capaç de produir peces periodístiques professionals sobre temàtica cultural per a qualsevol canal de comunicació
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT2 Master the tools for managing their own identity and activities in a digital environment.
Search for and find information autonomously with criteria of reliability and relevance.
Organize information with appropriate tools (online and face-to-face) so that they can carry out their academic activities.
Produce information with tools and formats appropriate to the communicative situation and with complete honesty.
Use IT to share and exchange information.
 CT6 Raise their academic and professional self-awareness.
Identify their own learning process.
Analyse the working or professional environment of their field of study.
Design academic and professional tracks.
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
1. The concept of culture and its application in cultural information. - Enlightenment vs. social anthropology

- Delimitation of culture and journalism as a social transformer

- Practical conceptualization of cultural journalism
2. Cultural journalism and its genres - The style and objectives of the cultural journalist

- Information: news, agenda, interview, report

- Interpretation: chronicle and criticism

- Sources of information
3. Cultural institutions and industries
- Organizations and agents that generate cultural information

- The journalist and the media as a filter and distributor

- Main trends in cultural journalism in Spain
4. Supplements, magazines and cultural programs
- Birth and development of the supplement

- Characteristics of the specialized magazine

- Cultural information on radio and main agents in Spain

- The cultural information on television and main agents in Spain
5. Cultural information on visual arts and literature - Style of literary criticism

- The power of publishers to condition the journalist

- How to inform about art
6. Cultural information on the performing, audiovisual and musical arts
- The theater and the main trends

- Cinema as the king of cultural information

- Music criticism

- The video game boom
7. Criticism and analysis of cinematographic and television fiction products - How to read a film, from a narrative, content, aesthetic and contextual point of view

- Main trends of seventies art internationally and in Spain

- How to read a TV series from a narrative, content, aesthetic and contextual point of view

- Main trends in fiction at international level and in Spain
8. Journalism in other forms of culture - The phenomenon of popular culture

- Gastronomic journalism

- The journalist as a social trends' catcher
9. Cultural information on the Internet - Cultural language on the web

- The emergence of bloggers and their impact on the industry

- The new concept of cultural audience

- Economic difficulties on the Internet
10. The cultural information of proximity in Camp de Tarragona - The limitation of resources with respect to culture

- Main generators of cultural information

- Main distributors of cultural information

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
2 0 2
26 0 26
14 75 89
7 15 22
10 0 10
Personal attention
1 0 1
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities The first session of the course will explain how it works, its contents and evaluation.
Lecture In these sessions the theoretical content of the course is developed.
Assignments The work consists of reports, interviews, reviews and chronicles of cultural events. They can have an international, national or local character and deal with plastic, scenic or theatrical arts, as well as popular culture.
Fieldwork/excursions Production of an in-depth cultural report on a topic chosen by the student.
Debates Analysis of cases of cultural journalism. Knowledge of the references in this field, in written, radio, television and digital journalism.
Personal attention Students will be attended in individual and/or group tutoring in order to solve possible doubts, queries and other issues related to the course. The tutoring may be face-to-face and/or virtual.

Personalized attention

Students will be attended in individual and/or group tutoring in order to solve possible doubts, queries and other issues related to the course. The tutoring may be face-to-face and/or virtual. At the beginning of the course, students will be informed about how this personal attention will be carried out (schedules, whether it will be in person, by e-mail, Moodle...).

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Realització dels treballs relacionats amb el periodisme cultural. Des de reportatges a entrevistes, passant per crítiques i cròniques. De caràcter i temàtica genèrica. 67,5%
Sortida a cobrir informació cultural de proximitat, al Camp de Tarragona. 20%
Others   <p> Assistència a classe. Participació a classe. </p> 12,5%
Other comments and second exam session

In order to pass the course in the first call, it is necessary to pass the average of the global grade of 5, regardless of the number of practicals that the student has passed or handed in. If the student does not pass this grade and is failed, in the second call he/she will have to complete those practicals that he/she has not handed in or repeat those that the professor considers. The correction criteria of the first and second summons will be the same.

Single evaluation

In case the student cannot follow the continuous assessment, he/she must contact the professor of the course before October 6, 2023 in order to agree on an alternative and single assessment. If you do not notify before this date, you will not have the right to take this type of evaluation.

The person who gives a single evaluation will have to submit the same practices as the students who give a continuous evaluation. However, if he/she cannot do group work, alternatives will be provided. Likewise, you will have to do extra work to compensate for not attending classes.

Sources of information

Basic Jordi Busquet i Duran, Miquel Rodrigo Alsina, Gonzalo Samaranch, Els Escenaris de la cultura : formes simbòliques i públics a l'era digital, Blanquerna Tecnologia i Serveis, 1995,
Jorge B. Rivera, El periodismo cultural, Paidos Ibérica, 1995,
Iván Tubau, Teoría y práctica del periodismo cultural, Mitre, 1982,
Francisco Rodríguez Pastoriza, Periodismo cultural, Síntesis, 2006,
, , ,
Martín-Barbero, Jesús, De los medios a las mediaciones : comunicación, cultura y hegemonía , Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco, 2010,
Enrique Bustamante i José María Álvarez Monzoncillo (coordinadores), Comunicación y cultura en la era digital : industrias, mercados y diversidad en España, Gedisa, 2002,
Néstor García Canclini, Culturas híbridas : estrategias para entrar y salir de la modernidad , Paidós, 2001,
Maria del Pilar Palomo (editora) y Maria José Alonso (coordinadora), Movimientos literarios y periodismo en España , Síntesis, 1997,
José Luis Castro de Paz, Pilar Couto Cantero y José María Paz Gago (eds.), Cien años de cine : historia, teoría y análisis del texto fílmico , Visor, 1999,
Mario Prades, Algunos aspectos del periodismo cultural ante el desafío de internet, ,
Javier Rodríguez C., Periodismo cultural y medios electrónicos: Sofisticados galimatías hacia una praxis renovadora, Punto Cero, 2008,
Jorge Luis Rodríguez, La cultura del periodismo cultural, Universidad La Habana,
Esteban Hernández, Tres crisis en una: el periodista cultural, ,


Arendt, Hannah. “El orgullo de pensar”. Gedisa, Barcelona, 2006

Barthes, Roland. “La aventura semiológica”. Paidós, Barcelona 2009

Bernal, Sebastià, i Chillón, Lluís Albert. “Periodismo informativo de creación”. Mitre, Barcelona, 1985.

Chomsky, Noam. “Estructuras sintácticas”. Siglo XXI, Madrid, 1975

Eco, Umberto. “Tratado de Semiótica General”. Lumen, Barcelona, 1985

Eco, Umberto. “Apocalípticos e integrados”. Lumen, Barcelona, 1985

Eco, Umberto. "Historia de la belleza". Random House Mondadori, Barcelona, 2010

Habermas, Jürgen. “Textos y contextos”. Ariel, Barcelona, 1996

Habermas, Jürgen. “Historia y crítica de la opinión pública”. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1994

Lukács, Georg. "Estética". Grijalbo, Barcelona, 1974

Hauser, Arnold. "Historia social de la literatura y el arte". Guadarrama. 1969

Mattelart, Armand. “La cultura como empresa multinacional”. Era, México DF, 1976

Rivera, Jorge. “El periodismo cultural”. Paidós, Barcelona, 1995

Serrano, Sebastià. “Signes, Llengua i cultura”. Edicions 62, Barcelona, 1980

Lévi-Strauss, Claude. “Mirar, escuchar, leer”. Siruela, Madrid, 1995

Vallejo, MªLuz. “La crítica literaria como género periodístico”. Eunsa, Pamplona, 1993

Weiss, Peter. "La estética de la eesistencia". Hiru, Hondarribia, 1999



Complementary Mark Cousins, La historia del cine, 2011,
Canal +, España en serie, 2014,
PBS, America in Primetime, 2011,
Sergio Vila-Sanjuán, Una crónica del periodismo cultural, UB, 2015,

Gaziel. “La península inacabada”. Selecta, Barcelona, 1989.

Pla, Josep. “Cròniques parlamentàries”. Destino, Barcelona, 1982

Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel. Obra periodística. Debate, 2010

Xammar, Eugeni. “L’ou de la serp”. Quaderns Crema. Barcelona, 1998



(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.