Subject (*) INTERNET JOURNALISM Code 12244115
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Journalism (2009)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
6 Compulsory Third 2Q
Department Communication Studies
General description and relevant information <p> Aquesta assignatura pretén oferir una introducció prou àmplia de les particularitats del periodisme digital, entés principalment pel que s’encarrega de la producció de notícies d’actualitat per a Internet. Els diferents mòduls, a través de les explicacions, exemples i activitats, us permetran produir informació en portals de notícies i weblogs, així com aprofitar al màxim les eines i serveis d'Internet (xarxes socials, producció multimèdia).&nbsp;</p><div><br /></div><div></div>

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A3 Aplicar adequadament les tecnologies i els sistemes utilitzats per recopilar, processar, elaborar i transmetre continguts periodístics a través dels mitjans de comunicació i d’Internet.
 A4 Construir missatges orals i escrits destinats a productes periodístics que siguin eficaços, correctes i atractius, en les llengües pròpies, adoptant els recursos lingüístics i les estratègies retòriques més adequades per a cada tipus d’audiència, objectiu comunicatiu i canal periodístic.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 CT2 Managing information and knowledge through the efficient use of IT.
 CT6 Identify their learning process and their academic and professional careers.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A3 Entén com s'organitza el treball quotidià dels periodistes digitals
Interpreta els reptes que suposa el paper més actiu de l'audiència a Internet
Avalua les diferents alternatives existents com a model de negoci per a publicacions digitals
Adquireix una visió àmplia sobre les particularitats del periodisme digital, entès, principalment, com aquell que s’encarrega de la producció d’informació d’actualitat per a Internet
Coneix els canvis que suposa Internet en el periodisme com a professió
Entén les característiques d’Internet rellevants per a la producció de continguts informatius
 A4 Explora les particularitats dels productes informatius a Internet en comparació amb els mitjans de comunicació tradicionals
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT2 Master the tools for managing their own identity and activities in a digital environment.
Search for and find information autonomously with criteria of reliability and relevance.
Organize information with appropriate tools (online and face-to-face) so that they can carry out their academic activities.
Produce information with tools and formats appropriate to the communicative situation and with complete honesty.
Use IT to share and exchange information.
 CT6 Raise their academic and professional self-awareness.
Identify their own learning process.
Analyse the working or professional environment of their field of study.
Design academic and professional tracks.
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
1) Journalism in the new communicative context A new environment: conversation, saturation, immediacy, multimedia. The new role of the journalist. The writing of cyber news. Definition of a cybermedia. Advances and disadvantages in the network. Definition of the Long Tail theory.
2) Digital journalism trends Analysis of the main capitals of Spain and Catalonia. Detection of the brossa journalism. The influence of social networks. The establishment of the cybermedia as a model of communicative services. The characteristics of sports journalism on the web. How to achieve credibility and performance on the Internet?
3) Citizen journalism The irruption of citizens as journalists. Dan Gillmor's theory. Can a citizen be a journalist? The influence of social and cultural contexts in citizen journalism. Advantages and disadvantages of this type of journalism.
4) User participation and social networks The use of social networks by cybermedia. Application of journalistic criteria that are not very rigorous. Models of comment management. Tendency towards participation control. Lack of innovative participation models.
5) Business models on the network From information to informationtainment. Parallel services associated with advertising. The sale and sponsorship of contents. Payment models at national and international level. The conception of the media as a company beyond journalism. The creation of reader-revenue companies.
6) Local and thematic digital journalism The creation of journalistic projects on the Internet from the proximity. Advantages, difficulties and uncertainties. Overview of digital journalism in the Camp de Tarragona. The creation of micro audiences and their performance. Thematic digital journalism.

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
2 0 2
30 0 30
IT-based practicals in computer rooms
14 30 44
13 60 73
Personal attention
1 0 1
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Course presentation: objectives and practices.
Lecture During two hours per week we will dedicate the theory class to explore the different sections of the syllabus through explanations, discussion of lectures and case studies.
IT-based practicals in computer rooms The first three weeks will involve writing news stories. Real situations will be simulated so that the student will act. Each week, the student will generate a journalistic document, but not all of them will be graded.
Assignments From the fourth week, divided into groups of 4 people, the students will have to generate real content in text, video and photographic format. They will do news, reports and interviews. They will be uploaded to a wordpress of the course.
Personal attention During the course students will be attended in individual and/or group tutoring in order to solve possible doubts, queries and other issues related to the course. The tutoring may be face-to-face and/or virtual.

Personalized attention

During the course students will be attended in individual and/or group tutoring in order to solve possible doubts, queries and other issues related to the course. The tutoring may be face-to-face and/or virtual. 

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
IT-based practicals in computer rooms
The first three weeks will involve writing news stories. Real situations will be simulated so that the student will act. Each week, the student will generate a journalistic document, but not all of them will be graded. 15%
From the fourth week, divided into groups of 4 people, the students will have to generate real content in text, video and photographic format. They will have to produce news, reports and interviews.

Two invalid practices, the first of which will be the review of a book on digital journalism, and the second, an analysis article proposed by the teacher.

Others   Class attendance. Class participation. 15%
Other comments and second exam session

In order to pass the course in the first call, it is necessary to pass the average of the global grade of 5, regardless of the number of practicals that the student has passed or handed in. If the student does not pass this grade and is failed, in the second call he/she will have to complete those practicals that he/she has not handed in or repeat those that the professor considers. The correction criteria will be the same in the first and second call.

On the other hand, the professor reserves the right to give individual marks in group practices. In fact, each member of the group must identify the work performed.

Single evaluation

In case the student cannot follow the continuous evaluation, he/she must contact the professor of the course before February 29, 2024, in order to agree on an alternative and single evaluation. If you do not notify before this date, you will not have the right to take this type of evaluation.

The person who gives a single evaluation will have to submit the same practices as the students who give a continuous evaluation. However, if he/she cannot do group work, alternatives will be provided. Likewise, you will have to do extra work to compensate for not attending classes.

Sources of information

Basic García Jiménez, Antonio, Aproximaciones al periodismo digital , Dykinson, 2007,
Domínguez, Eva, El Cuarto bit : una década de reflexiones sobre periodismo e Internet , Editorial UOC, 2010,
Núria Almiron, Josep Manuel Jarque, El Mito digital : discursos hegemónicos sobre Internet y periodismo, Anthropos, 2008,
Andrés Boix Palop, Guillermo López García, editores, La Autoría en la era digital : industria cultural y medios de comunicación, Tirant lo Blanch, 2006,
María Ángeles Cabrera (coordinadora), Evolución de los cibermedios : de la convergencia digital a la distribución multiplataforma , Fragua, 2013,
Cobo Juárez, Silvia, Internet para periodistas : kit de supervivencia para la era digital , UOC, 2012,
Marie Prat, SE0 : posicionamiento de su sitio web en Google y otros buscadores, ,
Daniel Aranda, Amalia Creus, Jordi Sánchez-Navarro (eds.), Educación, medios digitales y cultura de la participación, UOC, 2013,
Jesús Miguel Flores Vivar, Francisco Esteve Ramírez, Periodismo Web 2.0 , Fragua, 2009,
Jesús Flores Vivar (coordinador), Contenidos y servicios periodísticos en las redes sociales , Fragua, 2014,
Mariano Cebrián Herreros y Jesús Miguel Flores Vivar (editores), Blogs y periodismo en la red, Fragua, 2007,
López García, Xosé, Ciberperiodismo en la proximidad , Comunicación Social, 2008,
Domínguez, Eva, Microperiodismos : aventuras digitales en tiempos de crisis, UOC, 2012,
Salaverría, Ramón, Redacción periodística en Internet , EUNSA, 2005,
Enrique Canovaca de la Fuente, El periodisme digital amb valor: Claus per a la sostenibilittat de la premsa, Aldea Global, 2019

Manuals de periodisme digital
Salaverría, Ramón (2005) Redaccion periodistica en Internet. Pamplona: Eunsa.
    Manual de redacció de notícies per Internet.
Josep Lluís Micó (2006) Periodisme a la Xarxa. Vic: Eumo.
    Reflexions sobre les possibilitats informatives d'Internet.

Història del periodisme digital
Abbate, J. (1999) Inventing the Internet. Cambridge (EUA): MIT Press.
    Història dels orígens d'Internet.
Boczkowski, Pablo J. (2006) Digitalizar las noticias. Buenos Aires: Manantial.
    Descripció dels primers projectes de periodisme digital a EUA i anàlisi dels factors que han influït en la seva evolució.
Estévez, J. (2002) Periodismo en la red. Madrid : Anaya Multimedia.
    Història i organització interna dels principals mitjans digitals espanyols.

Rutines de treball del periodisme digital

Domingo, David & Paterson, Chris (eds.) (2011) Making Online News. Volume 2: Newsroom Ethnography in the Second Decade of Internet Journalism. New York: Peter Lang.
    Tendències actuals en periodisme digital en diversos països.
Masip, Pere (2008) Internet a les redaccions. Barcelona: Trípodos.
    L'ús d'Internet com a font informativa en mitjans tradicionals.

Paterson, C. i Domingo, D. (2008) Making Online News: The Ethnography of New Media Production. New York: Peter Lang.
    Rutines de treball i evolució del periodisme digital en diversos països.
Friend, Cecilia i Singer, Jane (2007) Online Journalism Ethics. ME Sharpe.

Mitjans digitals a Catalunya i Espanya
Domingo, D. (2004) Periodisme Digital a Catalunya: radiografia de 445 webs informatius. Barcelona: Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya.
    Història i característiques bàsiques dels mitjans digitals catalans.
Salaverría, Ramón (ed.) (2005) Cibermedios. Sevilla: Comunicación Social.
    Característiques dels mitans digitals a Espanya.

Periodisme participatiu

Allan, Steve & Thorsen, Einar (eds.) (2009) Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives. Peter Lang.
     Anàlisi del paper dels ciutadans com a productors d'informació a partir de casos de tot el món.
Gillmor, Dan (2005) We the media. Llibre digital:
    Debat sobre les possibilitats que obre Internet com a mitjà participatiu.
 Singer, Jane B; Hermida, Alfred; Domingo, David; Heinonen, Ari; Paulussen, Steve; Quandt, Thorsten; Reich, Zvi; Vujnovic, Marina (2011) Participatory Journalism: Guarding Open Gates in Online Newspapers. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Anàlisi de la gestió de la participació de l'audiència en deu països.

Complementary Gallego Pérez, J. Ignacio, Podcasting : nuevos modelos de distribución y negocio para los contenidos sonoros , UOC, 2010,
Marta Pacheco Rueda (coordinadora), La Publicidad en el contexto digital : viejos retos y nuevas oportunidades , Comunicacion Social, 2008,
Mario Tascón, dirección ; Marga Cabrera, coordinación, Escribir en internet : guía para los nuevos medios y las redes sociales, Círculo de Lectores, 2012,
Pastor, Lluís, La Gestión periodística del público , UOC, 2010,

Webs recomanades: actualitat del periodisme digital

Àmbit català:
Comunicació 21:
Núria Masdeu:

Àmbit espanyol:
Lola como Mola:

Àmbit nordamericà:
Nieman Journalism Lab:
Teaching Online Journalism:


(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.