Asignatura (*) ANÁLISIS DE TEXTOS INGLESES II Código 12274120
Grado en Inglés (2009)
Descriptores Cr.totales Tipo Curso Periodo
6 Obligatoria Segundo
Lengua de impartición
Departamento Estudios Ingleses y Alemanes
Correo-e liz.russell@urv.cat
Descripción general e información relevante Esta asignatura está diseñada para desarrollar las habilidades de lectura crítica necesarias para completar con éxito las asignaturas de literatura y cultura al tercero y cuarto cursos del grado de inglés. Sugiere como abordar textos literarios y otros géneros culturales de una manera sistemática. Concentra en aspectos formales de poesia y narrativa, además de teatre y cine como textos culturales comparables.

Tipo A Código Competencias Específicas
 A5 Dominar la lengua inglesa desde un punto de vista teórico y práctico y expresarse oralmente y por escrito de manera fluida y precisa
 A6 Analizar las obras más relevantes de la literatura en lengua inglesa en sus diversos entornos culturales
Tipo B Código Competencias Transversales
 CT4 Trabajar de forma autónoma y en equipo con responsabilidad e iniciativa.
Tipo C Código Competencias Nucleares

Resultados de aprendizaje
Tipo A Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 A5 Elabora un discurso oral y/o escrito conciso y coherente a fin de comunicar los resultados del trabajo realizado a un nivel intermedio-alto.
 A6 Conoce las principales técnicas literarias de diversas expresiones de la literatura en lengua inglesa.
Analiza y comenta textos literarios de forma oral y/o escrita.
Tipo B Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 CT4 Identificar el propio rol dentro del equipo y conocer los objetivos y tareas del grupo.
Comunicarse con los miembros del equipo para facilitar la cohesión y el rendimiento del grupo.
Comprometerse con las tareas y con la agenda del grupo.
Colaborar con los miembros del grupo en la resolución de problemas procurando un buen clima de trabajo.
Tipo C Código Resultados de aprendizaje

tema Subtema
Forma poética Rima, patrones de sonido
Versificació, ritmo
Narrativa Narrativa: ej. "Daisy Miller" Henry James
Punto de vista narrativa
Discurso y narrativa
Realism narrativo
La Naturaleza del Teatro

La Guión

Análisis de un texto
La obra de teatro
Visualización de un obra de teatro
Lectura de un obra de teatro


Texto: "Educating Rita"

Cinema Cinema y Narración
Cinema y Teatro
Imagen visual, signo verbal, Sonidos y Música

Texto: Orson Welles "Citizen Kane"

Metodologías  ::  Pruebas
  Competencias (*) Horas en clase
Horas fuera de clase
(**) Horas totales
Actividades introductorias
2 2 4
Sesión magistral
26 20 46
30 40 70
1 24 25
Atención personalizada
1 4 5
(*) En el caso de docencia no presencial, serán las horas de trabajo con soporte virtual del profesor.
(**) Los datos que aparecen en la tabla de planificación son de carácter orientativo, considerando la heterogeneidad de los alumnos

Actividades introductorias Preliminary lectures and readings will be given to present the basic literary constituents that conform a play and a film script. The lectures and readings will be followed by full class discussions.
Sesión magistral Lectures will be based on the reading material of texts and the assigned texts for analysis and discussion. They will highlight the main ideas and concepts that contribute to the analysis of a play and a film script.
Seminarios Seminars (practical classes) will encourage group discussion of the specified text, and will allow students to practice the analysis of example texts, along the theoretical lines proposed in the theory classes. In order to participate fully, students must come to the seminars already familiar with the text under consideration. Texts to be discussed will be announced in the Course Timetable (available on Moodle)
Trabajos Students will be asked to present written assignments, which may be required to be written in class, on a specific day, or at home. Each assignment will be about a specific texts, or part thereof, and will allow the student to show their ability to apply the theory presented in the lecture to the practical analysis of texts.
Atención personalizada Students who need help are welcome to stop at my office

Atención personalizada
You are welcome to contact the tutors via email at any moment during the course, about any issue arising from the course. Tutors will also be available during their office hours for consultation without appointment. As part of the course, students will be ascribed individual times for interviews, at which they will receive feedback on their work and progress in general.

Metodologías Competencias descripción Peso        
An Written Assignment, WA, will consist of a 600-word analysis of one of the four main course texts, on titles specified by the tutors. There will be 4. Language errors will be taken into consideration, with points being deducted for three or more errors from the categories in the "Basic Language Errors to Avoid" document available on Moodle. These deductions will increase proportionately. Such work must be presented with the proper formatting, quotation and reference procedures and bibliography.
Students will also write 3 Practical Assignments, PRs, in class, based on a short text or extract from a set text. These PRs will be programmed in advance.
Each exercise is worth 10% of the course score, for Continuous Assessment.

Students will take two tests on the Theory component of the course. These will consist of short questions on the range of theory on poetry, narrative, drama and film expounded in class. Each test will be a maximum of one hour, and each test will be 15% of the overall course score for Continuous Assessment

Otros comentarios y segunda convocatoria

1. In the WAs, students must present work appropriately formatted, with correct quotation and reference, and a properly presented Bibliography. When a Style Sheet document is provided on Moodle stipulating the correct forms these elements must take, failure to comply with these stipulations will result in a WA not being evaluated.

2. Basic language errors are to be avoided at all times in students' writing. The categories of what are considered Basic Language Errors are set out in a document on Moodle. In a WA, if a student makes three or more errors from these categories, marks will be deducted, 1 point for every three basic errors. For work written in class, the PRs, marks will not be deducted for language errors. However, in both in the WAs and PRs students must provide correction and appropriate linguistic explanations for all their errors in each piece of work. These must be submitted to the teacher within a week after the work has been returned. If a student is not in class to collect their work, it is their responsibility to collect their work from the teacher's office, during office hours or by agreement. If the language errors are not corrected by the student, to a level which implies the student fully understands the error that has been made, by the end of the teaching period, then the piece of work, WA or PR, will NOT be evaluated.

3. Any instance of plagiarism, copying a text or ANY PART OF A TEXT from another source without proper reference or citation, so that effectively the work of another person is presented as the student's own, or as any part of it, will result in the piece of work in which the instance occurs being evaluated as a '0'. This will lead to failure of the Continuous Assessment component of the course. The use of translation software or other language apps, or language assistance from another person, to produce a text which is above the student's 'natural' level (as demonstrated when they write in class with no possible assistance) is considered cheating, and will also result in a paper which has received this extra, artificial help during its preparation being evaluated as a '0'.

4. Students must submit ALL the WAs and PRs and do the two Tests in order to be eligible for a mark in the Continuous Assessment (CA) system of the course. If a student does not submit any WA or PR or misses any test, even if their overall CA score calculated with the missing mark(s) is above a 5, they will not be pass the Continuous Assessment part of the course, and must pass the Final Exam.

5. A student must score a minimum of 30% of the pass mark for EACH element in the CA, in each one of the 4 WAs, the 3 PRs and the 2 Tests, to be able pass the course on the basis of the Continuous Assessment.

6. Unless, the teacher enters into a specific agreement with the class, or group, to the contrary, any work to be submitted must be uploaded to the appropriate place on Moodle before the deadlines, as stipulated in the Pla de Treball, and in the Calendar on Moodle, or the Rough Timetable document offered by the teacher on Moodle. If a student has difficulty in submitting work through Moodle, and they choose to send it via an email to the teacher or submit it through the consergeria, it is their responsibility to make sure that the piece of work is evaluated and returned to them at the same time equivalent work is returned to their classmates. Where Moodle is the agreed channel for submission, the teacher will not accept responsibility for any work that is not submitted through Moodle, and is under no obligation to evaluate it, unless the teachers expressly agrees to accept the student's work, in writing.

7. Segona Convocatòria Exam contents. There will be 20-25 questions of the sort used in the two theory tests, Multiple choice questions, True or False, and Short answers of a word or two, or a short paragraph. The questions will be based on the powerpoints used in the theory part of the course, although some examples will come from the course text book, Ways of Reading. This should take about 45 minutes to complete.

Then there will be a poem to analyse, in which your answer should explain both the form of the poem (rhyme, rhythm, stanza shape) and its contents, and how these two elements interract to create the 'meanings' of the poem. Finally there will be essays questions on the narrative text, the drama text, and the film text, similar to the ones you were asked in the Practicals and in the WAs.

Fuentes de información

Básica Martin Montgomery et alia, Ways of Reading 4th edition, 2013, London: Routledge

Students are highly recommended to buy the course text "Ways of Reading" (see list above for details) in the specified edition, as it will form the backbone of the two 'Anàlisi de Texts' courses in the second year. Be careful to buy the 4th edition, if you are buying it new. If you buy it second-hand, any addition will do, but the later edition the better. There are copies in the library, but every theory class will make reference to the book, and you will be expected to have read the relevant chapters/sections before each theory class.

Students are required to buy the set texts which will be specified on the first day of class, in the recommended editions Students who use other editions, or use copies off the internet may be setting themselves at a disadvantage to the members of the class who follow these instructions. The film text will be one that is available through the CRAI, and in all likelihood, freely available on the internet. There will be an anthology of additional poetry texts made available through the Campus Catalunya photocopy service, which is a compulsory purchase for students following the course. It will be available from the first day of the course.



Otros comentarios
While regular attendance in class and participation are not given marks directly in the Continuous Assessment part of the course, it is understood that it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that students attend all classes and participate fully in them. It is further understood that to do so will automatically increase the students' likelihood of getting good results in their course work. Students who are unable to attend class on a regular basis because of work or a clash of timetables with other subjects should contact the teacher from the start of the course so that the impact of these obligations upon the student's potential performance can be assessed with the teacher, and recommendations made. When a student misses a deadline for work to be submitted or a test, they must present written justification from their doctor, or another appropriately authorized source, in order to justify an extension to a deadline or the possibility of being tested at a later date.
(*)La Guía docente es el documento donde se visualiza la propuesta académica de la URV. Este documento es público y no es modificable, excepto en casos excepcionales revisados por el órgano competente o debidamente revisado de acuerdo la normativa vigente.